Talk:Bewear (Pokémon)

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Revision as of 17:25, 13 July 2016 by Crystal Talian (talk | contribs) (Crystal Talian moved page User talk:S2daam/Kiteruguma (Pokemon) to Talk:Kiteruguma (Pokémon) without leaving a redirect)

Latest comment: 13 July 2016 by BlisseyandtheAquaJets in topic Origin


I've seen a lot of people comparing it to a red panda rather than a bear. This explains the tail's length, and the color scheme. The more bear-like attributes may be a reference to the panda bear, which shares its name with red panda but they are otherwise unrelated, though often mistaken for each other (or relatives). Nutter Butter (talk) 16:41, 13 July 2016 (UTC)Reply

It's the literal embodiment of a "Bear Hug". The tail is a coincidence. --BlisseyandtheAquaJets (talk) 16:50, 13 July 2016 (UTC)Reply