Battle Now (Colosseum)

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In Pokémon Colosseum's Battle Now mode, the player may participate in quick battles that draw from a small set of predefined teams and opponents. The battles are set in Phenac Colosseum and the player can choose from four different battle difficulties, Easy, Normal, Hard, or Ultimate, and two battle types, Single or Double. For each difficulty level and each battle type there are eight possible opponents. When the player chooses to play, they are offered a team that corresponds to the team of one of these opponents, and if they accept that team, their opponent will be chosen from one of the remaining opponents.

Single Battles


Trainer Pokémon
Rider Eargle
Rider Eargle
ネビー Nebi
Reward: $None
Pichu Pichu Lv.50
No item
Makuhita Makuhita Lv.50
No item
Poochyena Poochyena Lv.50
No item
Duskull Duskull Lv.50
No item
Seedot Seedot Lv.50
No item
Zigzagoon Zigzagoon Lv.50
No item
Lady Zoila
Lady Zoila
オリエ Orie
Reward: $None
Marill Marill Lv.50
No item
Zubat Zubat Lv.50
No item
Barboach Barboach Lv.50
No item
Slugma Slugma Lv.50
No item
Ledyba Ledyba Lv.50
No item
Skitty Skitty Lv.50
No item
Fun Old Man Grund
Fun Old Man Grund
カドン Kadon
Reward: $None
Wynaut Wynaut Lv.50
No item
Swinub Swinub Lv.50
No item
Sentret Sentret Lv.50
No item
Hoothoot Hoothoot Lv.50
No item
Kirlia Kirlia Lv.50
No item
Wingull Wingull Lv.50
No item
Roller Boy Gars
Roller Boy Gars
ツリー Tsuri
Reward: $None
Jigglypuff Jigglypuff Lv.50
No item
Meditite Meditite Lv.50
No item
Spheal Spheal Lv.50
No item
Mareep Mareep Lv.50
No item
Geodude Geodude Lv.50
No item
Spinarak Spinarak Lv.50
No item
Rider Ladin
Rider Ladin
ツナミ Tsunami
Reward: $None
Electrike Electrike Lv.50
No item
Vulpix Vulpix Lv.50
No item
Slakoth Slakoth Lv.50
No item
Pineco Pineco Lv.50
No item
Shuppet Shuppet Lv.50
No item
Horsea Horsea Lv.50
No item
Bodybuilder Rapoz
Bodybuilder Rapoz
シュミト Shumito
Reward: $None
Shroomish Shroomish Lv.50
No item
Whismur Whismur Lv.50
No item
Snorunt Snorunt Lv.50
No item
Surskit Surskit Lv.50
No item
Pikachu Pikachu Lv.50
No item
Sandshrew Sandshrew Lv.50
No item
Rich Boy Denc
Rich Boy Denc
Reward: $None
Cyndaquil Cyndaquil Lv.50
No item
Abra Abra Lv.50
No item
Doduo Doduo Lv.50
No item
Machop Machop Lv.50
No item
Totodile Totodile Lv.50
No item
Swablu Swablu Lv.50
No item
Guy Ardo
Guy Ardo
Reward: $None
Spoink Spoink Lv.50
No item
Grimer Grimer Lv.50
No item
Nincada Nincada Lv.50
No item
Aron Aron Lv.50
No item
Luvdisc Luvdisc Lv.50
No item
Houndour Houndour Lv.50
No item


Trainer Pokémon
Rider Lohon
Rider Lohon
Reward: $None
Corsola Corsola Lv.50
Mago Berry
Skiploom Skiploom Lv.50
Iapapa Berry
Machoke Machoke Lv.50
Shell Bell
Plusle Plusle Lv.50
Lum Berry
Beautifly Beautifly Lv.50
Aguav Berry
Linoone Linoone Lv.50
Chesto Berry


Trainer Pokémon
Hunter Gohn
Hunter Gohn
Reward: $None
Minun Minun Lv.50
Oran Berry
Ariados Ariados Lv.50
Leppa Berry
Rhyhorn Rhyhorn Lv.50
Mental Herb
Houndour Houndour Lv.50
Corphish Corphish Lv.50
Figy Berry
Wobbuffet Wobbuffet Lv.50
Cheri Berry
Glasses Man Acron
Glasses Man Acron
Reward: $None
Snorunt Snorunt Lv.50
Grimer Grimer Lv.50
Poison Barb
Psyduck Psyduck Lv.50
Mystic Water
Magnemite Magnemite Lv.50
Cyndaquil Cyndaquil Lv.50
Scope Lens
Larvitar Larvitar Lv.50
Persim Berry
Bodybuilder Rawles
Bodybuilder Rawles
Reward: $None
Chimecho Chimecho Lv.50
Doduo Doduo Lv.50
Oran Berry
Abra Abra Lv.50
Lum Berry
Treecko Treecko Lv.50
Rawst Berry
Voltorb Voltorb Lv.50
Iapapa Berry
Staryu Staryu Lv.50
Chaser Mandev
Chaser Mandev
Reward: $None
Delibird Delibird Lv.50
Aguav Berry
Flaaffy Flaaffy Lv.50
Lax Incense
Spoink Spoink Lv.50
Chesto Berry
Swablu Swablu Lv.50
Figy Berry
Tentacool Tentacool Lv.50
Oran Berry
Numel Numel Lv.50
Mago Berry


Trainer Pokémon
Athlete Gulor
Athlete Gulor
Reward: $None
Castform Castform Lv.50
Mystic Water
Natu Natu Lv.50
Mago Berry
Wailmer Wailmer Lv.50
Iapapa Berry
Metang Metang Lv.50
Metal Coat
Shelgon Shelgon Lv.50
Lum Berry
Mightyena Mightyena Lv.50
Liechi Berry


Trainer Pokémon
Rich Boy Benit
Rich Boy Benit
Reward: $None
Ninjask Ninjask Lv.50
Aguav Berry
Dodrio Dodrio Lv.50
White Herb
Tropius Tropius Lv.50
Mantine Mantine Lv.50
Iapapa Berry
Xatu Xatu Lv.50
Mago Berry
Salamence Salamence Lv.50
Shell Bell
Hunter Cewan
Hunter Cewan
Reward: $None
Grumpig Grumpig Lv.50
Lum Berry
Hariyama Hariyama Lv.50
Focus Band
Granbull Granbull Lv.50
Figy Berry
Banette Banette Lv.50
Sitrus Berry
Torkoal Torkoal Lv.50
Lax Incense
Raichu Raichu Lv.50
Shell Bell
Fun Old Lady Perstin
Fun Old Lady Perstin
Reward: $None
Shiftry Shiftry Lv.50
Scope Lens
Electrode Electrode Lv.50
Exploud Exploud Lv.50
Iapapa Berry
Tentacruel Tentacruel Lv.50
Mystic Water
Golem Golem Lv.50
Lum Berry
Glalie Glalie Lv.50
Cooltrainer Dazon
Cooltrainer Dazon
Reward: $None
Bellossom Bellossom Lv.50
Miracle Seed
Rhydon Rhydon Lv.50
Lum Berry
Gorebyss Gorebyss Lv.50
Aguav Berry
Weezing Weezing Lv.50
Magneton Magneton Lv.50
Alakazam Alakazam Lv.50
Athlete Ziale
Athlete Ziale
Reward: $None
Cradily Cradily Lv.50
Lax Incense
Pinsir Pinsir Lv.50
Shell Bell
Armaldo Armaldo Lv.50
Aguav Berry
Miltank Miltank Lv.50
Lum Berry
Claydol Claydol Lv.50
Wailord Wailord Lv.50
Liechi Berry
Hunter Corvin
Hunter Corvin
Reward: $None
Donphan Donphan Lv.50
Mental Herb
Golduck Golduck Lv.50
Lum Berry
Zangoose Zangoose Lv.50
Liechi Berry
Ampharos Ampharos Lv.50
Sitrus Berry
Heracross Heracross Lv.50
Scope Lens
Houndoom Houndoom Lv.50
Iapapa Berry
Glasses Man Dunor
Glasses Man Dunor
Reward: $None
Muk Muk Lv.50
Poison Barb
Sharpedo Sharpedo Lv.50
Persim Berry
Ninetales Ninetales Lv.50
Quick Claw
Porygon2 Porygon2 Lv.50
Sitrus Berry
Machamp Machamp Lv.50
Iapapa Berry
Gardevoir Gardevoir Lv.50
White Herb


Trainer Pokémon
Rider Rebin
Rider Rebin
Reward: $None
Blaziken Blaziken Lv.50
Black Belt
Vileplume Vileplume Lv.50
Persim Berry
Lanturn Lanturn Lv.50
Glalie Glalie Lv.50
Granbull Granbull Lv.50
Aspear Berry
Banette Banette Lv.50
Spell Tag
Cooltrainer Cruik
Cooltrainer Cruik
Reward: $N/A
Entei Entei Lv.50
Persim Berry
Golem Golem Lv.50
Figy Berry
Muk Muk Lv.50
Poison Barb
Torkoal Torkoal Lv.50
Focus Band
Manectric Manectric Lv.50
Tentacruel Tentacruel Lv.50
Mystic Water
Hunter Parel
Hunter Parel
Reward: $N/A
Swampert Swampert Lv.50
Scope Lens
Alakazam Alakazam Lv.50
Ludicolo Ludicolo Lv.50
King's Rock
Walrein Walrein Lv.50
Iapapa Berry
Golduck Golduck Lv.50
Lax Incense
Exploud Exploud Lv.50
Silk Scarf
Athlete Nomol
Athlete Nomol
Reward: $N/A
Raikou Raikou Lv.50
Ninetales Ninetales Lv.50
White Herb
Weezing Weezing Lv.50
Poison Barb
Shuckle Shuckle Lv.50
Lax Incense
Armaldo Armaldo Lv.50
Scope Lens
Xatu Xatu Lv.50
Fun Old Lady Desor
Fun Old Lady Desor
Reward: $N/A
Meganium Meganium Lv.50
Sitrus Berry
Typhlosion Typhlosion Lv.50
Focus Band
Feraligatr Feraligatr Lv.50
Scope Lens
Espeon Espeon Lv.50
Umbreon Umbreon Lv.50
Pinsir Pinsir Lv.50
Lum Berry
Bodybuilder Eldora
Bodybuilder Eldora
Reward: $N/A
Suicune Suicune Lv.50
Ampharos Ampharos Lv.50
Claydol Claydol Lv.50
Liechi Berry
Stantler Stantler Lv.50
Lax Incense
Porygon2 Porygon2 Lv.50
Scope Lens
Donphan Donphan Lv.50
Focus Band
Hunter Lisan
Hunter Lisan
Reward: $N/A
Metagross Metagross Lv.50
Metal Coat
Cradily Cradily Lv.50
Hard Stone
Machamp Machamp Lv.50
Black Belt
Skarmory Skarmory Lv.50
Sharp Beak
Rhydon Rhydon Lv.50
Soft Sand
Hariyama Hariyama Lv.50
Chesto Berry
Cooltrainer Tynan
Cooltrainer Tynan
Reward: $N/A
Heracross Heracross Lv.50
Salac Berry
Wobbuffet Wobbuffet Lv.50
Wiki Berry
Milotic Milotic Lv.50
Dodrio Dodrio Lv.50
Scope Lens
Cacturne Cacturne Lv.50
Sableye Sableye Lv.50
Lum Berry

Double Battles


Rich Boy Brot

Teacher Keeda

Athlete Pasha

Glasses Man Bayel

Rider Mayme

Cooltrainer Shadd

St.Performer Scherla

Bandana Guy Delav


Athlete Varian

Rider Wendo

Fun Old Lady Karden

Researcher Raburn

Cooltrainer Veron

Hunter Procio

Athlete Dilasi

Chaser Klame


Bodybuilder Bergin

Chaser Bano

Guy Votil

Glasses Man Lopar

Hunter Alene

Worker Ronix

Athlete Mazzel

Fun Old Lady Gohon


St.Performer Volivia

Hunter Spez

Guy Botken

Hunter Bolza

Supertrainer Neblek

Fun Old Lady Flegal

Fun Old Man Freyer

Cooltrainer Desid


  • The Battle Now opponents can also be found in the Battle Modes of Mt. Battle. Higher difficulty levels correspond to higher Mt. Battle Areas.
  • The Original Trainer of the Pokémon the player uses is always the Trainer whose team they originally were, never the player's.

This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.