Talk:Reversal (move)

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Revision as of 18:36, 9 February 2017 by FIQ (talk | contribs) (Percentages are wrong: not as wrong as I thought)

Latest comment: 9 February 2017 by FIQ in topic Percentages are wrong


to clear up the percentage thing, i'm quite good at math so here goes:

The general percentage formula is (HPcurrent/HPmax) x 100 = Percentage

Now, let us assume that the pokemon with reversal has max 300hp, and uses reversal with only 1hp remaining. The formula would be:

(1/300) x 100 = 1/3 or 0.3 recurring

the game should round this to the nearest integer value, namely 0%

Q.E.D. 折り紙ガイ 16:05, 24 April 2008 (UTC)Reply

Generation V

Do we have to update this to list the Generation V Pokemon too? Speriend 23:28, 1 May 2011 (UTC)Reply

New comments to the bottom please. And yes, this should be updated with the Gen V Pokémon. Werdnae (talk) 23:49, 1 May 2011 (UTC)Reply

Sorry, new here. Are we allowed to use other respected Pokemon sources for info?

Speriend 00:43, 3 May 2011 (UTC)Reply

Generation II breeding info doesn't add up

I may be missing something, but it doesn't look like a lot of the Pokémon listed under the breeding list for Generation II should be able to learn Reversal. Rhyhorn is listed as being able to learn it if bred with a Kangaskhan, but because Kangaskhan is always female, you can't breed one with a Rhyhorn or Rhydon and get a baby Rhyhorn, and Kangaskhan can't pass down the move. Most of the ones listed as being chain-bred in that generation (Pichu, Rattata, Mankey, Cyndaquil, Sentret and Houndour) are then impossible, because the only remaining options would be each other (and this also cancels the possibility of Miltank learning it, since her father would have to be one of those six or Rhyhorn). Rhyhorn's page mentions learning it from the male Nidoran line, which is more plausible, but their pages don't list the move at all. Is there a missing link that would have helped all of this make sense together?

Bombada 05:12, 24 September 2011 (UTC)Reply

Smeargle is in the Ground egg group. Also, There may be some that are actually impossible to get - these lists are often determined from in-game data, and IIRC there have been cases where it can't actually happen without hacking, but it's still programmed in. Werdnae (talk) 05:48, 24 September 2011 (UTC)Reply

Reversal with Explosion?

What happens if the opponent uses Explosin or Self-Destruct and you use Reversal? Does it hit the opponent (in double or triple battles)? What about if the Explosion user holds a Focus Sash or has Sturdy and uses it at full health? Jdrawer 15:56, 1 June 2012 (UTC)Reply

I don't really know what you mean; Reversal works just like all the other damaging moves like Tackle and Water Gun. And the Pokémon still faints if it has Focus Sash Sturdy.--Den Zen 16:14, 1 June 2012 (UTC)Reply

Percentages are wrong

I was reading through pokecrystal's source code (pret) and was rather confused when trying to match the code with the info here. Eventually I realized that the information in here isn't correct with Generation II (particurly not for 200 and 20-80 power). I looked up if this changed later -- and it did not. has technical details on how exactly damage calculation is done. This page's description of Flail/Reversal is consistent with what I am seeing in the generation II code. If percentages are still desired, they should rather be: 200 power at HP<2%, 150 power at HP<10%, 100 power at HP<20%, 80 power at HP<35%, 40 power at HP<68%, otherwise 20 power. --FIQ (talk) 15:24, 9 February 2017 (UTC)Reply

I found out that Flail does have the proper formula. I'll change this accordingly. --FIQ (talk) 15:29, 9 February 2017 (UTC)Reply
No, I believe both ways of displaying it are totally consistent (bar some approximations), only that this one is far more usable. I get the exact same values than were here before when I recalculate it (not the ones at Flail). Maybe you forgot that they operate on integers (always round down), or something? I think we should copy this way of displaying it to Flail, not the other way around. No need to introduce P noone cares for. Nescientist (talk) 15:45, 9 February 2017 (UTC)Reply
I am fully aware that the game runs on integers. The formula is the exact formula used in the game internally, which results in the percentage approximations I gave. These are generally more accurate than what used to be here, particurly in the 200BP and 20BP case. 2/48 is more than 2 whole percentages away from 5% which this page used to give as "approximation" for the 200-150BP threshould. If CurHP/MaxHP is less than 2/48 (so less than ~2%), then it uses 200BP. The previous version was completely misleading in this case, implying less than 5% which isn't even close. There were similar issues in general for other percentages, but not as badly approximated as this one -- the second worst one being the 20BP threshould which was listed as 71-100% -- it is 69ish-100% (33/48 and above). To clarify any potential misunderstanding, I decided to simply just copy the Flail table which also list P numbers that the game uses internally, and clearly stating that the percentages are approximations (in addition to improving them). --FIQ (talk) 18:20, 9 February 2017 (UTC)Reply
I have now recalculated the values rather than simply copying a table. I'm sorry, it appears that I was in the wrong, partially. The original table *was* wrong, but not to the extent that I was making it out to be, particurly in the 200BP case (2/48 is 4%ish, not 2%ish, no matter what I am thinking). I fixed the percentages. I'll leave Flail untouched for now, in case you feel that the original table was better (In that case, consider using these percentage values at least). --FIQ (talk) 18:36, 9 February 2017 (UTC)Reply