From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
I'm known as FangJoker on Bulbagarden Forums :)
I encountered and caught a shiny Vulpix and Wingull, but released them 'cos I was around 10 at the time and didn't know what shinies were.
Muk and Gastrodon were from a friend.
Gen IV
Gen V
All legit.
Pokemon Games
Shadow Tag Chandelure ftw
If you want to be technical, I lost FireRed, Sapphire, and my first copy of Platinum.
About me
This user identifies as male.
This user's birthday is May 23.
My gen III teams are from my recent playthroughs of Emerald and LeafGreen.
I'd also like to mention that I've recently transferred my LeafGreen and Emerald teams to my Diamond, which is why they're separated into physical, special, and status moves. :)
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And yes, I like to have my HM slave be the same level as my team.
Linoone is actually quite good, despite being my slave.
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It's amazing what grinding for wild held items can do :D
It only took me 15 minutes all together to find a Fearow holding a Sharp Beak and a Sandslash holding a Soft Sand, it was only a matter of using thief then running away. ;)
Under Construction
Under Construction
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