Item maniac

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An item maniac (Japanese: どうぐマニア item maniac) is a person who will purchase certain items from the player at a higher price than what they would be sold for to a Poké Mart. Some items which cannot be sold to Poké Marts can be sold to item maniacs. They appeared in Generation V.


Gourmet maniac

A Maid in a trailer on Route 5 will sniff out any gourmet cooking ingredients in the player's bag and offer money for them.

For Berries, she offers different amounts depending on their relative rarity.

She gives the following amounts:

Gourmet maniac

The prices she offers for drinks are the same as what the player pays at Vending Machines. All offers are higher than the prices offered at a Poké Mart.

Ore maniac

A Gentleman inside the Icirrus City Pokémon Center will offer to buy a variety of stones, gems, and other items from the player.

Ore maniac

Billionaire maniac

A man from the Riches's house, who is dressed as a Black Belt, appears in Undella Town. He will purchase Relic and flute items from the player.

Billionaire maniac

Rare Bone maniac

A shady man in a house on Route 18 will buy Rare Bones from the player.

Rare Bone maniac

Mulch maniac (Black 2 and White 2)

A Pokémon Breeder at the end of Mistralton City's runway will buy Mulch from the player.

Mulch maniac


This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.