"So, here you are... Why don't we see who the winds favor today, you...or me?"
First battle
Before battle
"My name is Kahili. A few years ago, I was a champion of the island challenge, too. Just like you. I've been traveling the world to improve my skill as both a Trainer and as a golfer. When I heard that they'd made a Pokémon League in my own home region, I came flying back to serve Alola. Have a look at my fantastic Flying-type team!"
Upon being defeated
"It's frustrating to me as a member of the Elite Four, but it seems your strength is the real deal."
After being defeated
"You know...I think you'll bring a breath of fresh air to the Alola battle scene. I was honestly annoyed when Kukui kept pestering me to come here, but I'm glad I did."
Upon entering the Hall of Fame for the first time
"Now we're all going to be aiming for your seat. I hope you're ready for some rivals."
Rematch battle
Before battle
"So, you came to battle me again! If I beat you, the number one ranked Trainer in Alola, then I'll be ready to take on the world! I'm coming for you, <player>!"
Upon being defeated
"This feeling of frustration that is swelling within me... I will use it to propel my growth!"
After being defeated
"That battle was worthy of being number one in Alola... Maybe even number one in the world! But next time, I'll win. You'll see!"
If talked to again...
If battled first
"There are three more members of the Elite Four. And every one of them is a top-class Trainer."
If battled second
"There are two more members of the Elite Four... And I wouldn't be surprised if you have a hard time deciding which one to take on next."
If battled third
"There is just one member of the Elite Four left. I hope you enjoy the transcendent kind of battle you only find at the top of the Pokémon League!"
If battled last
"Do you wonder what lies beyond the Elite Four? Go. See with your own eyes what awaits you."
Regardless of choice: "Oh, my dad owns the Hano Grand Resort, so..."
"Anyway. You're the Champion now, right? So are you out there training every day?"
Of course!: "Just what I would expect of a Champion! That is very wise thinking. I'm a top-ranking player in the golf world, and that is because I still practice every day."
Uhhh...what?: "You're the Champion, aren't you? I'm a top-ranking player in the golf world, and that is because I still practice every day!"
"I think it's important to keep training every day, even if it's for just a bit. I'll give you this. It should help you aim for even loftier goals!"
"Many Flying-type Pokémon are fast, right? That's why I use Trick Room to up my handicap. It forces me to train in battles where the slower Pokémon get to move first."
"I should get going, though. I've got to get back to my daily training regimen. Ten more hours to go today."
Kahili debuts in the Sun & Moon arc. She was first mentioned in PASM03 by Hala, who planned to call Kahili back to Alola so that she may assist in trying to calm the guardian deities, who had been angered by something.
After Kahili arrives in Alola, she travels to Iki Town, where she visits Hala at his home and informs him that Tapu Lele had been spotted around Akala. Kahili reveals that shortly after arriving in Alola, she began investigating Melemele Island. At Melemele Meadow, she was attacked by two mysteriouscreatures that disappeared shortly after she tried to fight back. Kahili speculates that the mysterious creatures are the source of the guardian deities' rage.
Later, Kahili travels to the Ruins of Life, where she finds Sun and his friends in battle with Gladion, who had kidnapped Tapu Lele. Using her Pokémon and her golfing skills, Kahili distracted Gladion long enough to deliver a Z-Ring created by Hala to Sun. With the Z-Ring, Sun has his Litten, En, use Inferno Overdrive to defeat Gladion's Type: Null. Believing Tapu Lele to be too weak to be useful for him, Gladion leaves it behind and leaves.
Afterward, Tapu Lele awakens, allowing Sun to deliver the Mirage Berry to it, successfully completing his task. As thanks for healing its injuries, Tapu Lele asks the group to allow it to test their strength. Kahili, Sun, Moon, and Kiawe accept and send out their Pokémon to face the guardian deity. Despite the combined effort of their attacks, Tapu Lele was too strong and easily blew their attacks away until Sun, refusing to give up, managed to get a hit in after En evolved into a Torracat. While the attack didn't harm Tapu Lele, it acknowledged their determination and flew off. Kahili congratulated Sun and Moon for their hard work and told them they still had Tapu Bulu and Tapu Fini left.
Oricorio is Kahili's first known Pokémon. It was first seen with its Trainer as she was being attacked by a Buzzwole and Kartana. Later, it was used to deliver a Z-Ring to Sun.
Toucannon is Kahili's second known Pokémon. It was first used to attack Gladion's Type: Null at the Ruins of Life. Doing so distracted Gladion long enough for Kahili to deliver a Z-Ring to Sun.
Skarmory is Kahili's third known Pokémon. It was first used to keep its Trainer in the air above the Ruins of Life, allowing her to golf Oricorio's Poké Ball over to Sun. Later, it was used to battle against Tapu Lele alongside Sun, Moon, and Kiawe's Pokémon. Despite their combined strength, the guardian deity proved too powerful until En evolved into a Torracat.
None of Skarmory's moves are known.
Kahili is the only member of the Alola Elite Four who isn't encountered at any time prior to her appearance in the Elite Four.
Furthermore, Kahili is the only member of the Alola Elite Four who doesn't distribute the Z-Crystal of her type specialty.
Kahili being both a golfer and a Flying-type user may be a reference to the scoring system in golf, in which the terms birdie, eagle, albatross, and condor can describe how well a player has performed.
Kahili's golf club has colors based on the appearance of Toucannon.