Brionne (Duel 368)

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Revision as of 12:51, 17 August 2018 by MisterE13 (talk | contribs)
Mow Rotom (367)
Pokémon Duel figures
Wash Rotom (371)
[[{{{prev2}}} (Duel {{{previd2}}})|]] [[{{{prev2}}} (Duel {{{previd2}}})|{{{prev2}}} ({{{previd2}}})]]
[[{{{next2}}} (Duel {{{nextid2}}})|{{{next2}}} ({{{nextid2}}})]] [[{{{next2}}} (Duel {{{nextid2}}})|]]
オシャマリ Osyamari
Evolution stage 2
Figure name Brionne
Move Points 2
Water Unknown
Version 5.0.0
Rarity Rare
ID 368
Price 1800Material
Shiny variant
Figure name Shiny Brionne
Version Unknown
ID 1
Price 1800Material
For more information on the Pokémon this figure depicts, see Brionne.

Brionne (Japanese: オシャマリ Osyamari) is a figure in Pokémon Duel. It was added in version 5.0.0.

Attack wheel

In battles on your turn, this Pokémon deals +20 damage.

Miss ミス 8 pt.
Balloon Dance 28 pt.
Opposing Pokémon on the field spin. Those that spin a Purple Attack gain Wait.
Aqua Jet アクアジェット 40 pt.
Miss ミス 4 pt.
Sing うたう 16 pt.
The battle opponent falls asleep.




Aqua Jet and Sing are moves in the Pokémon games that Brionne can learn.

This article is part of both Project Sidegames and Project TFG, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames and TFG, respectively.