Moon's Mareanie (Japanese: ムーンのヒドイデMoon's Hidoide) is a Pokémon that Moon owns in Pokémon Adventures and one of her first three Pokémon. She is at level 35.
Prior to PASM06Moon caught Mareanie, Grubbin, and Grimer somewhere near Iki Town in order to have Pokémon to compete with in the Iki Town tournament. Mareanie is first seen alongside Grimer when Moon shows Gladion the team she is going to use to battle against him with in the tournament. After Grimer is defeated Mareanie is sent out to fight Porygon. Taking advantage of her speed Mareanie runs around the stage until Grimer's Poison Gas takes effect, slowing Porygon down. Although Mareanie managed to dodge Psybeam she is defeated when it uses Zap Cannon, making Gladion the winner of the battle.
In PASM11, Mareanie helped Moon alongside the rest of her Pokémon and Mallow's Steenee to look for the Mirage Berry that's needed for Tapu Lele. By asking the local Pokémon of Lush Jungle they make quick work of the task and find the berry.
In PASM13, when Tapu Lele asks the group to battle it so it can test their strength, Mareanie battled alongside Dollar, Kiawe's Marowak, and Kahili's Skarmory to face the guardian deity. Despite the combined effort of their attacks, Tapu Lele easily blows the group away. As Dollar's Trainer refuses to give up, he evolves into a Torracat and manages to land a hit on Tapu Lele. While the attack didn't harm Tapu Lele, it acknowledged their determination and flew off.
In PASM14, Mareanie battled against the Totem Pokémon Lurantis and its underlings, which include Castform, Trumbeak, Comfey, and Kecleon. After a grueling fight that lasted for hours Mareanie defeats the Totem Pokémon with Poison Jab.
Personality and characteristics
Mareanie is speedy and powerful, being the powerhouse of Moon's team and one of her most frequent picks for battle. Mareanie is very affectionate and likes to hang off of Moon with her tentacles when happy or excited. Mareanie has a close relationship with her Trainer and is often hanging around her neck or sleeping with her.