Alolan Vulpix (Duel 455)

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Dragalge (454)
Pokémon Duel figures
Mareanie (456)
[[{{{prev2}}} (Duel {{{previd2}}})|]] [[{{{prev2}}} (Duel {{{previd2}}})|{{{prev2}}} ({{{previd2}}})]]
[[{{{next2}}} (Duel {{{nextid2}}})|{{{next2}}} ({{{nextid2}}})]] [[{{{next2}}} (Duel {{{nextid2}}})|]]
Alolan Vulpix
アローラロコン Alolan Rokon
File:Alolan VulpixDuel455.png
Evolution stage 1
Figure name Alolan Vulpix
Move Points 3
Ice Unknown
Version 6.0.11
Rarity Rare
ID 455
Price 1800Material
Shiny variant
Figure name Shiny Alolan Vulpix
Version Unknown
ID 1
Price 1800Material
For more information on the Pokémon this figure depicts, see Vulpix.

Alolan Vulpix (Japanese: アローラロコン Alolan Rokon) is a figure in Pokémon Duel. It was added in version 6.0.11.


Snowy Transformation
At the start of your turn, instead of an MP move, if this Pokémon is on the field, it may switch with a frozen Pokémon, or if this Pokémon is on the bench, it may switch with one of your frozen Pokémon. If it does, your turn ends.

Attack wheel

Dodge かわす 8 pt.
Ice Beam* れいとうビーム※ 44 pt.
*If this Pokémon is knocked out, the battle opponent becomes frozen.
Miss ミス 4 pt.
Dodge かわす 8 pt.
Baby-Doll Eyes つぶらなひとみ 32 pt.
The Blue Attacks of the Pokémon hit by this attack will be misses during the next turn.




Ice Beam and Baby-Doll Eyes are moves in the Pokémon games that Alolan Vulpix can learn.

This article is part of both Project Sidegames and Project TFG, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames and TFG, respectively.