Theme Deck (TCG)

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A Theme Deck, also known as a Pre-constructed Deck, is a playing deck of Pokémon Trading Card Game cards sold pre-packaged. Most Theme Decks are designed with a specific strategy (such as hoarding Energy) or theme (such as Electric/Psychic) in mind.

Most of the TCG's expansions also featured two to four theme decks.

Theme Decks

Base Set

Base Set 2



Team Rocket

Gym Heroes

Gym Challenge

Neo Genesis

Neo Discovery

Neo Revelation

Neo Destiny

Legendary Collection

Pokémon *VS

E - Expedition

E - Aquapolis

E - SkyRidge

EX: Ruby & Sapphire

EX: Sandstorm

EX: Dragon

EX: Team Magma VS Team Aqua

EX: Hidden Legends

EX: Fire Red and Leaf Green

EX: Team Rocket Returns

EX: Deoxys