Hail (move)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
あられ Hail
Type  Ice
Category  Status
PP  10 (max. 16)
Power  —
Accuracy  —%
Priority  0
  • Does not make contact
  • Not affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Not affected by Snatch
  • Not affected by Mirror Move
  • Not affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
All: Affects all Pokémon on the field
Introduced  Generation III
Condition  Beauty
Appeal  1
Jam  3 ♥♥♥
Badly startles those that have made appeals.
Condition  Beauty
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Prevents the Voltage from going up in the same turn.
Condition  Beautiful
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Jamming  1
Badly startles all Pokémon that successfully showed their appeal.

Hail (Japanese: あられ Hail) is a non-damaging Ice-type move introduced in Generation III. It has been TM07 since Generation III.


Generation III

When Hail is used, a hailstorm will begin on the field. This effect will last for 5 turns. This clears any other type of weather.

While Hail is in effect, all Pokémon not of the Ice type will be damaged for 1⁄16 of their maximum HP at the end of each turn. Synthesis, Morning Sun and Moonlight will recover only ¼ of the user's maximum HP. Additionally, Castform and the move Weather Ball become Ice-type.

Hail can also be used as part of a Pokémon Contest combination, causing Weather Ball or an Ice-type move (other than Ice Punch, Haze, and Hail) to have its base appeal points doubled if used in the next turn.

Generation IV onward

Blizzard will now hit during Hail regardless of target's evasion and user's accuracy. In Diamond and Pearl only, it can strike through Protect and Detect with 30% accuracy.

Pokémon with the Ice Body Ability recover 1⁄16 of their maximum HP each round. Pokémon with the Snow Cloak Ability increase their evasiveness by 20%. Pokémon with the Slush Rush Ability have their Speed doubled. If an Icy Rock is held by the Pokémon using Hail at the time of use, the duration of Hail will increase from 5 to 8 turns.

If heavy rain, extremely harsh sunlight, or a mysterious air current is present, Hail will fail.

Hail can also be used as part of a Contest Spectacular combination, causing certain moves (Blizzard, Glaciate, Icicle Crash, Icy Wind, Powder Snow and Weather Ball) to give extra three appeal points if used in the next turn.

If powered up by an Icium Z into Z-Hail, the user's Speed stat is raised by one stage.


Games Description
RSEColoXD Summons a hailstorm that strikes every turn.*
Summons a hailstorm that hurts all types except Ice.RS*
Creates a hailstorm that damages all types except Ice.E*
FRLG A hailstorm lasting five turns damages all Pokémon except the Ice-type.
DPPtHGSS The user summons a hailstorm lasting five turns. It damages all Pokémon except the Ice type.*
Summons a hailstorm that lasts for five turns. The hailstorm damages all types except Ice.*
The user summons a hailstorm lasting five turns. It damages all Pokémon except the Ice type.


By leveling up

# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Level
027A Sandshrew
Alola Form

Field Field 42
0086 Seel Water 1 Field 53 53 53
0087 Dewgong
Water 1 Field 65 65 65
0144 Articuno
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered 85 85 57 57
0351 Castform Fairy Amorphous 20 20 30BW
20 20
0361 Snorunt Fairy Mineral 37 40 40 40XY
0362 Glalie Fairy Mineral 42 40 40 40XY
0363 Spheal
Water 1 Field 31 31 31 31XY
0364 Sealeo
Water 1 Field 31 31 31 31XY
0365 Walrein
Water 1 Field 31 31 31 31XY
0471 Glaceon Field Field 64 64BW
37 37
0473 Mamoswine
Field Field 25 25BW
21 21
0478 Froslass
Fairy Mineral 40 40 40XY
0582 Vanillite Mineral Mineral 40 40 40
0583 Vanillish Mineral Mineral 42 42 42
0584 Vanilluxe Mineral Mineral 42 42 42
0613 Cubchoo Field Field 49 49 49
0614 Beartic Field Field 53 53 53
0698 Amaura
Monster Monster 38 38
0699 Aurorus
Monster Monster 38 38
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.


# Pokémon Types Egg Groups Machine
0007 Squirtle Monster Water 1
0008 Wartortle Monster Water 1
0009 Blastoise Monster Water 1
027A Sandshrew
Alola Form

Field Field
028A Sandslash
Alola Form

Field Field
037A Vulpix
Alola Form
Field Field
038A Ninetales
Alola Form

Field Field
0054 Psyduck Water 1 Field
0055 Golduck Water 1 Field
0060 Poliwag Water 1 Water 1
0061 Poliwhirl Water 1 Water 1
0062 Poliwrath
Water 1 Water 1
0072 Tentacool
Water 3 Water 3
0073 Tentacruel
Water 3 Water 3
0079 Slowpoke
Monster Water 1
0080 Slowbro
Monster Water 1
0086 Seel Water 1 Field
0087 Dewgong
Water 1 Field
0090 Shellder Water 3 Water 3
0091 Cloyster
Water 3 Water 3
0098 Krabby Water 3 Water 3
0099 Kingler Water 3 Water 3
0113 Chansey Fairy Fairy
0115 Kangaskhan Monster Monster
0116 Horsea Water 1 Dragon
0117 Seadra Water 1 Dragon
0118 Goldeen Water 2 Water 2
0119 Seaking Water 2 Water 2
0120 Staryu Water 3 Water 3
0121 Starmie
Water 3 Water 3
0124 Jynx
Human-Like Human-Like
0130 Gyarados
Water 2 Dragon
0131 Lapras
Monster Water 1
0134 Vaporeon Field Field
0138 Omanyte
Water 1 Water 3
0139 Omastar
Water 1 Water 3
0140 Kabuto
Water 1 Water 3
0141 Kabutops
Water 1 Water 3
0144 Articuno
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0147 Dratini Water 1 Dragon
0148 Dragonair Water 1 Dragon
0149 Dragonite
Water 1 Dragon
0150 Mewtwo style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0151 Mew style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0158 Totodile Monster Water 1
0159 Croconaw Monster Water 1
0160 Feraligatr Monster Water 1
0170 Chinchou
Water 2 Water 2
0171 Lanturn
Water 2 Water 2
0183 Marill
Water 1 Fairy
0184 Azumarill
Water 1 Fairy
0186 Politoed Water 1 Water 1
0194 Wooper
Water 1 Field
0195 Quagsire
Water 1 Field
0199 Slowking
Monster Water 1
0211 Qwilfish
Water 2 Water 2
0215 Sneasel
Field Field
0220 Swinub
Field Field
0221 Piloswine
Field Field
0222 Corsola
Water 1 Water 3
0225 Delibird
Water 1 Field
0226 Mantine
Water 1 Water 1
0230 Kingdra
Water 1 Dragon
0238 Smoochum
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0242 Blissey Fairy Fairy
0245 Suicune style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0249 Lugia
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0258 Mudkip Monster Water 1
0259 Marshtomp
Monster Water 1
0260 Swampert
Monster Water 1
0270 Lotad
Water 1 Grass
0271 Lombre
Water 1 Grass
0272 Ludicolo
Water 1 Grass
0278 Wingull
Water 1 Flying
0279 Pelipper
Water 1 Flying
0298 Azurill
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0318 Carvanha
Water 2 Water 2
0319 Sharpedo
Water 2 Water 2
0320 Wailmer Field Water 2
0321 Wailord Field Water 2
0339 Barboach
Water 2 Water 2
0340 Whiscash
Water 2 Water 2
0341 Corphish Water 1 Water 3
0342 Crawdaunt
Water 1 Water 3
0349 Feebas Water 1 Dragon
0350 Milotic Water 1 Dragon
0351 Castform Fairy Amorphous
0359 Absol Field Field
0361 Snorunt Fairy Mineral
0362 Glalie Fairy Mineral
0363 Spheal
Water 1 Field
0364 Sealeo
Water 1 Field
0365 Walrein
Water 1 Field
0366 Clamperl Water 1 Water 1
0367 Huntail Water 1 Water 1
0368 Gorebyss Water 1 Water 1
0369 Relicanth
Water 1 Water 2
0370 Luvdisc Water 2 Water 2
0378 Regice style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0382 Kyogre style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0393 Piplup Water 1 Field
0394 Prinplup Water 1 Field
0395 Empoleon
Water 1 Field
0418 Buizel Water 1 Field
0419 Floatzel Water 1 Field
0422 Shellos Water 1 Amorphous
0423 Gastrodon
Water 1 Amorphous
0440 Happiny style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0456 Finneon Water 2 Water 2
0457 Lumineon Water 2 Water 2
0458 Mantyke
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0459 Snover
Monster Grass
0460 Abomasnow
Monster Grass
0461 Weavile
Field Field
0471 Glaceon Field Field
0473 Mamoswine
Field Field
0478 Froslass
Fairy Mineral
0484 Palkia
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0489 Phione Water 1 Fairy
0490 Manaphy Water 1 Fairy
0493 Arceus style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0501 Oshawott Field Field
0502 Dewott Field Field
0503 Samurott Field Field
0515 Panpour Field Field
0516 Simipour Field Field
0535 Tympole Water 1 Water 1
0536 Palpitoad
Water 1 Water 1
0537 Seismitoad
Water 1 Water 1
0550 Basculin Water 2 Water 2
0580 Ducklett
Water 1 Flying
0581 Swanna
Water 1 Flying
0582 Vanillite Mineral Mineral
0583 Vanillish Mineral Mineral
0584 Vanilluxe Mineral Mineral
0592 Frillish
Amorphous Amorphous
0593 Jellicent
Amorphous Amorphous
0594 Alomomola Water 1 Water 2
0613 Cubchoo Field Field
0614 Beartic Field Field
0615 Cryogonal Mineral Mineral
0646 Kyurem
Normal Kyurem

style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
646W Kyurem
White Kyurem

style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered B2W2
646B Kyurem
Black Kyurem

style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered B2W2
0647 Keldeo
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0690 Skrelp
Water 1 Dragon
0691 Dragalge
Water 1 Dragon
0698 Amaura
Monster Monster
0699 Aurorus
Monster Monster
0703 Carbink
Fairy Mineral
0706 Goodra Dragon Dragon
0712 Bergmite Monster Monster
0713 Avalugg Monster Monster
0716 Xerneas style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0719 Diancie
style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0728 Popplio Water 1 Field
0729 Brionne Water 1 Field
0730 Primarina
Water 1 Field
0740 Crabominable
Water 3 Water 3
0746 Wishiwashi Water 2 Water 2
0747 Mareanie
Water 1 Water 1
0748 Toxapex
Water 1 Water 1
0767 Wimpod
Bug Water 3
0768 Golisopod
Bug Water 3
0771 Pyukumuku Water 1 Water 1
0772 Type: Null style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
0773 Silvally style="text-align:center; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" width="140px" colspan="2" | Undiscovered style="text-align:center; display:none; background:#Template:Undiscovered egg color;" | Undiscovered
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move.
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move.
A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method.
An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.

In other games


Games Description
MDRB Changes the dungeon floor's weather to Hail for several turns.
MDTDS Changes the floor's weather to a Hail condition.
BSL フロアのてんきを 『あられ』にかえる
MDGtI It changes the floor's weather to a Hail condition. Under a Hail condition, all Pokémon except Ice type keep taking damage.
SMD It changes the floor's weather to hail. During hail, all Pokémon except Ice types keep taking damage.

In the anime



Alolan Vulpix
The user summons a hailstorm.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Froslass Froslass's body glows light-blue and it floats into the sky. Then, thick clouds appear above the battlefield and a thick fog forms. Froslass then floats into the clouds. Snow starts to fall from the clouds, and occasionally, large balls of hail fly down and hit the opponent repeatedly. When Froslass takes a lot of damage, the clouds fade away and disappear.
Paul's Froslass A Real Rival Rouser! Debut
Castform Snowy Form Castform creates dark clouds above it, with snow falling from them.
A Trainer's Castform Mounting an Electrifying Charge! None
Vulpix Alolan Vulpix releases a gust of cold air from its body, causing snow to start falling.
Lillie's Snowy Getting a Jump on the Competition! None

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

In the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure! manga

In other generations

Core series games

Spin-off series games


  • Hail is the only weather-inducing move that was not introduced in Generation II.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 冰雹 Bīngbohk
Mandarin 冰雹 Bīng​báo
Dutch Hagel
French Grêle
German Hagelsturm
Greek Χαλάζι
Indonesian Kabut Salju
Italian Grandine
Korean 싸라기눈 Ssaragi Nun
Norwegian Hagle
Polish Grad
Portuguese Granizo
Serbian Grad
Spanish Granizo
Vietnamese Mưa Đá

Moves that cause weather conditions
SandstormRain DanceSunny DayHailSnowscape
Generation III TMs
Generation III HMs
Generation IV TMs
Generation IV HMs
01020304 • 05 (DPPtHGSS) • 060708
Generation V TMs
Generation V HMs
Generation VI TMs
798081828384858687888990919293 • 94 (XYORAS) • 9596979899100
Generation VI HMs
Generation VII TMs

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.