Dollar (Adventures)

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If you were looking for the Meowth Sun nicknamed "Dollar" in the Japanese version, see Cent.
エン En

Sun's Torracat
Debuts in The Grand Entrance and Delivery Boy Sun
Caught at Alola
Evolves in PASM13
Gender Male
Ability Blaze
Nature Impish
Current location With Sun
This Pokémon spent 13 chapters as Litten.

Dollar (Japanese: エン En) is a Torracat that Sun owns in Pokémon Adventures and his second overall. Sun received him from Professor Kukui. His Characteristic is "scatters things often."


As a Litten

Prior to the start of the Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon arc, Sun received Dollar from Professor Kukui.

Dollar debuted in The Grand Entrance and Delivery Boy Sun as a Litten. He was first seen helping to dry Moon's wet clothes with the heat from his flames. Later that day, Sun sent out Dollar and Cent to fight Tapu Koko. Due to their dislike of each other, Dollar and Cent immediately began attacking one another. After regaining their focus, Sun commanded Dollar and Cent to attack. Though the attacks seemingly did nothing, Tapu Koko fled, leaving behind a Sparkling Stone in the process.

In The Decision and the Tournament of Six, Sun participated in the Iki Town festival tournament. In the first round, Sun sent Dollar to battle against the Masked Royal's Rockruff. As he was forced to participate, Sun refused to fight seriously until he saw that the prize for winning the tournament was the island challenge amulet, which he planned to sell for money. After defeating Rockruff, Dollar faced off against the Royal's Munchlax. Though it kept hitting Dollar with a series of super effective Rollouts, Dollar eventually won the battle by setting the hairballs he kept leaving around the battlefield alight, causing Munchlax to be engulfed in flames, defeating it.

Dollar and Sun

In The Party Crasher and Guzma the Destroyer, Sun faced off against Guzma in the second round of the tournament. Dollar battled against Guzma's Masquerain, but he was defeated after his Fire-type moves were weakened with Water Sport.

In the final round, Sun faced off against Gladion, where Dollar battled against Gladion's Type: Null. Sun attempted to defeat Type: Null by setting the inside of its helmet alight with Dollar's flames, but Gladion easily saw through the attack and mocked Sun for not taking the battle seriously. Sun becomes angered by Gladion's claim, which causes energy from a nearby Ultra Wormhole to be absorbed by Sun's Sparkling Stone. The energy powers Dollar's Ember into a powerful incomplete version of Inferno Overdrive that defeats Type: Null, but causes Sun to pass out. Hala, realizing that Sun got a Sparkling Stone from Tapu Koko, declares Sun the winner of the battle.

In PASM12, Sun learns about Z-Moves from Kiawe. In order to face Gladion, who had kidnapped Tapu Lele, Sun is taught by Kiawe how to perform the pose for Inferno Overdrive. With this and the Z-Ring delivered by Kahili from Hala, Sun and Dollar successfully use Inferno Overdrive on Gladion's Type: Null. Though Type: Null doesn't faint, its helmet begins to crack, forcing Gladion to return it and switch for Porygon. Sun tried to have Dollar use Inferno Overdrive again, but the move failed, giving Porygon the opportunity to defeat Dollar.

After Gladion left, Tapu Lele awakens. Once fed the Mirage Berry Sun was tasked to deliver to it, Tapu Lele begins showering the group with its scales, healing Dollar in the process. When Tapu Lele asks the group to battle it so it can test their strength, Dollar is used alongside Moon's Mareanie, Kiawe's Marowak, and Kahili's Skarmory to face the guardian deity. Despite the combined effort of their attacks, Tapu Lele easily blows the group away. As his Trainer refuses to give up, Dollar evolves into a Torracat and manages to land a hit on Tapu Lele. While the attack didn't harm Tapu Lele, it acknowledged their determination and flew off.

Dollar and Cent fighting

In PASM16, Sun was tasked by Acerola to take a picture of the Totem Pokémon that lived at the abandoned site of the original Thrifty Megamart. Some time after entering the building, Sun and Lillie were attacked by a Totem Mimikyu, forcing Sun to have Dollar battle it while he tried to take its photo. Due to Mimikyu's speed, Sun was unable to keep up long enough to snap a photo, forcing him to have Dollar use Inferno Overdrive in the hopes that the Z-Move's power would keep Mimikyu stunned long enough for him to take the shot. While the attack successfully hit, all it did was break Mimikyu's rag due to its Disguise Ability, leaving the Totem completely unscathed and ready to launch an attack at Sun. Eventually Sun managed to calm Mimikyu down and convinced it to join his team, which it accepted.

In PASM19, Dollar, along with the rest of Sun's team, helped to rescue Moon from an attacking Xurkitree. By combining their attacks, they managed to knock Moon from Xurkitree's grasp, though Xurkitree immediately retaliated by smacking them away onto a nearby car.

Personality and characteristics

Dollar is a very powerful and observant battler, able to withstand many super effective moves while keeping watch on his surroundings. Dollar and Cent have a mutual dislike for one another. If sent out at the same time, they will immediately begin fighting each other instead of an opponent.

Moves used

Using Tackle as a Litten
Move First Used In
Ember The Delivery of Rotom and the Girl
Tackle × The Announcement and the Prize
An × shows that the move cannot be legitimately known by this Pokémon in the games.
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

Z-Moves used

Picture Z-Move First Used in Base Move
Inferno Overdrive The Final Match and a Surprising Finale! Ember
Description: Dollar's Trainer does a series of poses to build Z-Power. He then hits the opponent with large sea of flames released from his mouth or charges at them while cloaked in flames.


Language Name Origin
Japanese エン En From 円 en (yen) and a pun of 炎 en (flame)
English Dollar From dollar and rhymes with solar
French Braise From braise (ember; slang term for cash)

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Litten and Torracat.

This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.