Appendix:Red and Blue walkthrough/Section 6

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Route 6

Route 6

This area has six Trainers total, but only the last two are unavoidable. The wild Pokémon here are all the same as on Route 5, though certain water-dwelling Pokémon will be available later with the right fishing rod. Continue south to Vermilion City.

Vermilion City

Vermilion City

Vermilion City is a major port city, and the harbor is always busy. The Vermilion Gym is blocked off by a small tree, so you can't claim your third badge just yet. The luxury cruiseliner S.S. Anne visits the city once a year, and has just docked in the harbor.

Poké Mart

Fishing Guru #1

Visit the house to the west of the Pokémon Center and talk to the fisherman inside. Convince him that you love fishing as much as he does to receive the Old Rod. All you can really catch with it is Magikarp, but at least you can find them for free now. The Good Rod and Super Rod are better, but you won't get those until later.

Time for a Trade

A little girl in the house next to the Fan Club would like to trade. She is hoping to receive a Spearow in exchange for her Farfetch'd. This is the only one of its kind, and though it may not be the best choice in battle, it can learn two field moves to help navigate the countryside.

Pokémon Fan Club

The building just north of the Vermilion Gym is the Pokémon Fan Club. Listen to the Chairman's rambling thoughts to receive a Bike Voucher for your time. Go back to the Bike Shop in Cerulean to finally get a bicycle.

Cerulean City

Bike Shop

Use your Bike Voucher to trade it for a bicycle. Now you can travel faster. Go back to Vermilion and enter the S.S. Anne.

S.S. Anne

S.S. Anne, 1F
S.S. Anne, 2F
The ship as it sets sail

This cruise ship caters to the world's best Pokémon Trainers, so expect some heavy battling on board.


Check the second cabin from the left to find TM08 (Body Slam), then follow the hallway to the right and go down the stairs.


This part of the ship is a dead-end hallway with five rooms. Check the far-right room for a Max Potion, and the center room for an Ether. The fourth room from the stairs has TM44 (Rest), and a hidden Hyper Potion lies on the bed in the far-left room.


Follow the hallway to the front of the ship, then turn left to reach the galley. Check the third trash can to find a Great Ball, a stronger version of the regular Poké Ball. Leave the galley and climb up the next stairway.


To the south is another stairway; this one leads to the deck of the ship, where two Sailors are waiting to battle. Step inside the second room from the left for a Max Ether, and the fourth room from the left for a Rare Candy. When you approach the Captain's quarters at the back of the ship, your rival is just leaving.

His Pidgeotto is not much of a threat, even though it is only one level lower than his starter Pokémon. Conversely, his newly evolved Raticate has an improved Attack stat, allowing it to deal even more damage with Hyper Fang. Its Tail Whip lowers its foe's Defense, making Hyper Fang even more painful. Despite the Psychic type having only one weakness, Kadabra's low Defense leaves it vulnerable to physical moves. His starter Pokémon has recently evolved as well; avoid pitting your own against it, and use Pokémon with a type advantage instead.

Bulbasaur If the player chose Bulbasaur: Charmander If the player chose Charmander: Squirtle If the player chose Squirtle:

Even though he lost, he taunts you again before running off. Enter the Captain's quarters to find him hunched over a trash can; it looks like he got seasick. Talk to him to give him a quick backrub, which is all it takes to settle his stomach. He rewards you with HM01 (Cut). This move lets you chop down those thin trees to reach new areas! Make sure that you've collected all the items before disembarking, as the ferry glides out of the harbor when you do. Use HM01 to teach Cut to Bulbasaur or Charmander, and set out for the Gym.

Vermilion City

Vermilion Gym

Vermilion Gym


The Lightning

The Vermilion Gym specializes in Electric-type Pokémon. Ground Pokémon like Geodude and Sandshrew are immune to electrical attacks, and can inflict serious damage with their Ground-type attacks. Avoid using Flying- or Water-type Pokémon. Lt. Surge forces challengers to flip two switches hidden randomly in the trash cans to reach him. If the second switch is not flipped, the trap resets.

Vermilion Gym
Thunder Badge

Defeated, Lt. Surge presents you with the Thunder Badge. This badge gives a slight Speed boost in battle, and enables the use of Fly in the field. He also gives you TM24 (Thunderbolt), the second-strongest Electric-type attack, as a prize.

Rest up at the Pokémon Center, then set out for Route 11 to the east.

← Part 5 Cerulean City, Cerulean Gym, Route 24, Route 25, Route 5
Red and Blue
Route 11, Route 2, Pewter City, Cerulean City, Route 9, Route 10 Part 7 →

This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.