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Corviknight is a large avian Pokemon resembling a raven. Most of its body is a lustrous black, but its lower beak and legs have a matte color. Corviknight's feathers are tempered with steel. Its mantle, breast, belly, flanks, and scapular feathers are smooth and resemble plate armor. Corviknight's talons, head, and upper beak are similarly armored. It has a crest above its eyes that resembles a crown, and a ruff of feathers on its throat that resemble a beard. Corviknight's eyes have white pupils, red irises, and black sclerae.
It is said to be the strongest bird Pokémon in the Galar region, being able to scare off any Pokémon that tries to challenge it. Due to its intelligence and flying skills, Corviknight serves a company called Galar Taxi, where it transports people from one location to another.[1]
In its Gigantamax form, Corviknight is powerful enough to generate hurricane-force winds. The plate on its breast and belly separates into two adorned plates, and the plates on its flanks become slashed, such that they resemble medieval puffed sleeves. While Gigantamaxed, Corviknight's wings are streaked with glowing red patches of Dynamax energy, and its ruff of throat feathers is more robust. Eight feathers called blade birds on the back of Gigantamax Corviknight's wings can be launched from its body to attack foes independently. Its blade birds also glow with Dynamax energy. It can use its massive wings to hover in the air through updrafts created through Gigantamaxing while battling. Due to the armor being reinforced, attacks will barely affect Corviknight. [2]
Corviknight may be based on a raven, and also bears heavy similarity to the western jackdaw, commonly found in Great Britain. Its wing feathers resemble a knight's armor and its head resembles a knight's helmet. Corviknight's overall appearance may be based on black knight characters from medieval settings. It may also draw inspirations from crows.
Name origin
Corviknight may be a combination of corvid and knight.
Armorga may be a combination of armor, ガアガア gāgā (sound of squawking), and 鴉 a (crow, raven).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.