Talk:List of cross-generational references

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Revision as of 18:16, 1 March 2008 by Theryguy512 (talk | contribs)

Latest comment: 1 March 2008 by Dual in topic References and Similarities

References and Similarities

It seems that there are quite a few things in this article that aren't really references, but rather simple similarities. For example:

  • Much like the Viridian Gym, the Hearthome Gym isn't accessible when the player first arrives in its home city.
  • Veilstone City is many ways like Celadon City of Kanto, both of which are the largest city in their region. Both have a Game Corner (Rocket Game Corner in Celadon and Veilstone Game Corner in Veilstone), a prize exchange shop to accompany the Game Corner, and a Department Store (Celadon Dept. in Celadon and Veilstone Dept. in Veilstone). The villainous team of the region has two headquarters in the city: Team Rocket has Rocket Game Corner and Rocket Hideout and Team Galactic has Galactic Veilstone Building and Galactic Warehouse.

Those really don't seem like references to me. Should they really be included in the article?--Dual 17:54, 1 March 2008 (UTC)Reply

Why? Those are clear references/similaritites to different generations. User:Theryguy512/Sig 18:16, 1 March 2008 (UTC)