Combee is a small insectoid Pokémon that resembles three pieces of orange, hexagonal honeycomb stuck together. Each hexagon has a round yellow face. The bottom-center face is the main thinker of the three, and it is also the only one "bee" to have a full abdomen. The top two hexagons have a single antenna and a wing connected to an orange-colored joint. A female Combee has a red spot on the forehead of its lower face.
Combee can fly with its two wings as long as the top two "bees" co-ordinate their flapping. The trio is known to spent their time together from birth. Each bee has a different taste in nectar. It is mostly sociable among their own kind. It is generally harmless; it flees when threatened. A Combee will almost always be found collecting honey wherever they can from sunrise to sunset. The gathered honey has multiple purposes, though it's usually consumed. When it is not gathering honey, it sleeps or protects its queen. The former is done by creating a hive along with other Combee, locking together into a "wall" to feel safe in larger numbers. It is very suggestible and will never defy the orders of its queen. When a Vespiquen feels threatened, its subject Combee will not think twice about risking its life to protect the queen, then attacking and even killing the threat in an aggressive manner. It commonly lives in caves and hollow trees of forests and other natural, secluded areas with their queen.
Multiple Combee appeared in Honey for Combee, under the ownership of the daughter of the Valley Windworks manager. She ordered them to attack Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum when Diamond licked the Honey off of the trees that was slathered for her Combee.
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon: Three female Combee and two Beedrill act as Nectar Meadows's bosses, attacking the player, the partner, and Budew, thinking the trio to be a group of Honey thieves.
Pokédex entries
This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV.
Combee will not appear in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness until a rescue mission involving it has been completed, using a Wonder Mail code such as the following:
X5&F @YKQ 0-70
@FWH 0FX& P8Y9
Objective: Rescue Combee on floor 6 of Apple Woods.
Combee had a 100% female encounter rate in Pokémon GO when it was initially released on February 1, 2019. However, it was later changed to 12.5% on February 15.
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.