The Pokémon logo appears on the screen. Ash Ketchum is seen running. Pikachu appears running with with him. Misty appears with them. Brock is seen running too. Ho-Oh and Lugia are flying. The group is seen running in the wild. They are passing across a river. They are playing on grass. Gary Oak appears with his Eevee on the screen. Bellossom are seen dancing, an Elekid appears. Ash, Brock, and Misty are seen at a picnic with their Pokémon. Pikachu, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile are with Ash. Flashbacks of Delia Ketchum, Mimey, Professor Oak, Tracey, Officer Jenny, Nurse Joy and Chansey appear. Mewtwo and Mew are seen. Suicune's silhouette appears. Snubbull and Team Rocket are seen, and Jigglypuff sings. Heracross, Pikachu, Togepi, Ledyba, and Hoothoot appear. Ash is in a stadium looking at an unknown trainer. Chikorita, Totodile, and Cyndaquil are seen. Ash is with Pikachu, and Pikachu uses Thunderbolt. Ash's group is seen with lots of Pokémon.
A longer, creditless, 3:28 version featuring the full OK! song exists. The original opening animation is supplemented by clips from the Johto TV series.
Although this song is for the first Johto/Generation II anime season, the lyrics make a reference to a "prideful move" named からげんきKaragenki. This was introduced as an actual move in Generation III (translated as Facade yet really means Bravado). It is unknown whether this was a simple coincidence or not.