Talk:Munchlax (Pokémon)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 08:54, 23 March 2008 by Optimatum (talk | contribs)

Latest comment: 11 May 2006 by Fabu-Vinny

Someone with image-editing skills should take the Sugimori art from the new CoroCoro scan and make it the picture here. --Argy 18:11, 11 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Got it and am adding. I have a question, though - it appeared in the May 2006 issue, right? --Pie 19:13, 11 May 2006 (UTC)Reply
June, according to the Bulbanews article. --FabuVinny 20:23, 11 May 2006 (UTC)Reply

Reminiscent Headbutt - Unconfirmed and likely to be fake.

This new attack "Reminiscent Headbutt" was reported on Blue SkY Blog, right. It first reported the names of new starters (it was real information). But it recently became infamous of posting FAKE informations. One of them first leader's name, Zack. He was revealed to be named Hyouta few days. And second is three fake Pokémon Names (Marsula, Garinan, Samusamu). There is no sign about these Pokémon and one of the infamous Fake Pokémon was named "Samu" (only two final characters of the name can be seen). So, the most recent informations on this blog are likely to be fake. And they're still unconfirmed. So, they should be removed from Bulbapedia until official announce of the attacks (It will prove if it's real or fake). The Blue SkY Blog is no longer a reliable source! - Maxim (Sorry for bad grammar, I am not native english speaker)


Do Munchlax and Snorlax actually resemble Totoro? Because I don't see it.

Probably colors...493OptimatumTalk|08:54 23 Mar 2008