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These are Mina's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series

Pokémon Sun and Moon

Vast Poni Canyon
"Oh! Now that's a great composition! I could paint a picture of you—the visitor to Poni!"
"Guess I didn't introduce myself though. I'm Mina. I'm the captain."
"I mean, I sort of am. I actually just wander around doing my art, so I don't have an actual trial or anything... But Vast Poni Canyon sure is a wonder, huh?"
"Once you've been through this place, you can really get to understand why that Ilima boy designed his trial the way he did, right?"
"Oh, yeah. Ohhhh, yeah. Here. Take this as a token of our acquaintance."
"It's the Fairium Z. Get your Z on!"
"I'm the captain and all, so I've gotta come up with a trial. Maybe it could involve painting pictures and picking flowers... Maybe a trial like that could be cool?"
"See you later then! Alola, alola!"
Route 8
"They sent me here on an errand. Since I'm not busy doing trials or anything."
"It's a secret. Oh, and I had one more order I was given. Or was it a request? Either way..."
"I was told I should have a real serious battle with <player> before I came back. I don't really know why, but it seems like maybe it's some sort of trial of strength."
  • Before battle
"So come on! Let's have a battle! Have a Pokémon battle against me!"
Hold on: "Shocking! You want me to wait? Fine then. I guess I can wait."
Sure: "All right! Then let's get going already! Time for Mina to show you her full power! We'll get our Z on!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Whoa! I'm shocked at your strength!"
  • After being defeated
"Whoa, you're surprisingly strong! Then it's no problem. Turns out, you're strong enough, <player>."
"OK, I'm out of here!"
Poni Gauntlet
  • Before defeating all the Trainers in the area
"Oh! You're the one from the great composition! I just did a hundred sketches, so now I'm taking a break. I beat all the Trainers around here, too, so now I'm totally bored again... I wish there was someone to go all out against. That's it! <Player>! If you can beat all the Trainers around here, too, I'll give you a battle against me!"
  • After defeating all the Trainers in the area
"Oh! The one from the great composition! Looks like you've beaten everybody else in this place, huh? Then have a battle against Captain Mina! Let's get our Z on!"
"I hope you're ready for the extraordinary Z-Power of me and my Pokémon!"
Not yet!: "OK, I guess I'll wait. I'll wait ri-i-ight here. And not move an inch."
I'll take you on!: "Then here I go! I'm going all out, big-time!"
  • If talked to again after selecting "Not yet!"
"Hey, welcome back!"
  • Before battle
"Me and my team are all full-powered to the max!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Whoa! I'm shocked at your strength!"
  • After being defeated
"Hrmmm! Well, this is frustrating. I failed to really use my full power..."
"But it was a fun battle, so take this, big-time!"
"I'd like to draw a picture of the way you look when you're battling, <player>! Let's have another full-power Pokémon battle again sometime, yeah?"

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Seafolk Village
  • First encounter
"I'm Mina. I'm the local captain."
"So let's get right down to things. Which one of you is here for my trial?"
"The kahuna? Oh... Well, that’s a problem. Maybe you should talk to Hapu?"
"Did you find out anything useful?"
"Little Hapu was? We've been having old man Nanu look after our grand trials up until now. Heh! Now we've got our own little kahuna! That's great!"
If the player answers "Exeggutor Island" to Lillie: "Exeggutor Island? Oh, where the flute is... Right!"
If the player answers "To find the flute" to Lillie: "Where the flute is...? Oh! You mean Exeggutor Island, right?"
"Well, in that case, we'd better get the chief!"
"Hold up there, little lady! It's <player> who will go on this trip. He/She is a Trainer, after all. And Exeggutor Island is a pretty crazy place..."
"And while we're waiting for <player>... I'll make you model for a picture, Lillie!"
"Now you've got to play those flutes up at the altar, I guess. The altar can be found in the deepest part of the Vast Poni Canyon."
Altar of the SunneUS/Altar of the MooneUM
"<player>! Alola, alola! I got curious because I saw the altar go all dark. But I guess you took care of all that, huh? But I'm not going to let you take all the good parts! I'm a captain, too, you know? So why don't you see if you can beat my trial? If you're ready to try, just come by my house. It's in Seafolk Village. Or, yeah, I guess you could just come with me...Let me know if you wanna go together"
I do!: "Then let's get this show on the road!"
Maybe later: "Just don't forget, then. Come by my house in Seafolk Village!"
  • If the player initially answers "Maybe later"
"Hey! So what do you think? You wanna go back home with me?"
I do!: "Then let's get this show on the road!"
Maybe later: "Just don't forget, then. Come by my house in Seafolk Village!"
Seafolk Village
"So I take it you're ready to take my trial, right? You did come to my house like I said, after all."
That's why I'm here!: "Heh heh heh...Then let the trial of Mina begin!"
That's not why I'm here!: "What, really?"
  • Before battle
"I guess I've got to tell you what you need to do. You have to battle me!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Woah! I'm shocked at your strength!"
  • After being defeated
"Phew! Looks like you have had some kind of island challenge! Since you managed to beat me, though, I'll give you this Pink Petal as proof."
"That's a good start. But you've only just begun my real trial. Now you have to go around to all the captains in Alola and get a petal from each one of them!"
  • Location hints
"Ilima, huh? He's usually up on Route 2, right? That’s where Verdant Cavern is, after all. If you have trouble tracking him down, try to find a Trial Guide to ask. That might help."
"Lana's usually out in Brooklet Hill, yeah? Though she visits Lush Jungle a lot, too."
"If Mallow ever has free time, she'll be in Lush Jungle looking for ingredients for her cooking. For sure."
"Kiawe? Hmm. Probably off dancing somewhere? With those Marowak of his."
"If you want Sophocles, you’ve gotta check the Hokulani Observatory, right?"
"Acerola can be found at Aether House! I know that one for sure!"
  • After collecting all petals
"Welcome back, <player! Was everyone doing OK? We captains love getting to see how kids like you and your teams grow. Trial-goers and those of us who watch over the trial-goers, we all get to share that joy with our Pokémon, you know? "All right, then. Lend me the seven petals you collected for a second, would you?"
"Here you go. One Rainbow Flower! I made it from the petals you got from everybody."
"So then, where's that Totem Pokémon? This is the final Totem Pokémon for the final trial of your island challenge. ♪ I hope you're ready for your toughest totem yet!"
  • After defeating the Totem Pokémon
"That's a pretty great picture. You and your <lead Pokémon>! You didn't just beat the captains to get all their petals. You even beat the Totem Pokémon that came to check out the Rainbow Flower we made! You are just too great, <player>. You're a great Pokémon Trainer! So here you go! A piece of Fairium Z for you!"
"Watch this real close!"
"You've finished all your trials, so the only thing left for you is your grand trial! It'll be little Hapu's first grand trial. That's pretty exciting."
  • After clearing Hapu's grand trial
"Phew. You have to be one seriously astounding Trainer to outdo little Hapu."
  • After becoming Champion
"That's amazing how you've made it this far! Pokémon League Champion! Wow... Maybe I should just start making pressed flowers for anyone who manages to become a Champion, rather than all this captaining, huh?"

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!

  • When first talked to
"Aww... Well, shoot."
"I was so caught up sketching the ocean view here that I guess I missed my ship..."
Either way: "Hmm... I guess I'll stay here for a while, in that case! I really like the color of the sea in Kanto anyway."
  • Before battle
"How about it, Kantonian Trainer? Want to try battling my Fairy-type Pokémon?"
No: "All right. Why don’t we gaze out at the sea together, then?"
Yes: "Heh heh heh... Then here I go! You're going to learn how great Fairy-type Pokémon can be!"
  • Upon being defeated
"I'm shocked at your strength!"
  • After being defeated
"Oh! Wonderful! You and your Pokémon, battling side by side... Now that's a great composition! I'd love to draw a picture of you two."
  • If talked to again on the same day after being defeated
"I can't go back to Alola until I defeat you. Heh. Just kidding. But let's battle again sometime."

In spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited
"Heyyy, you and your Pokémon would make a real pretty painting. Oh, by the way, my name's Mina."
  • Sync pair viewer
"When it comes to drawing and Pokémon battling, I'm always super into it."
"Let's make this battle epic."
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"Time to explore!"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
"See ya! Alola!"
  • Upon learning a new move
"Heheheh. A new move."
  • Upon leveling-up
"Feels like I've grown a bit...*gasp*...I wonder if I'm getting buff. Heheh."
  • Upon reaching max level
"Nice. Full-on effort leads to full-on results!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"Looks like I've discovered new potential!"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"I got super-sucked into my drawing, and when I looked up it was already dark!"
"*yawn* I'm gettin' kinda tired. I think I'm gonna call it a night."
  • During conversation
"Oh! Not bad."
"Got a minute?"
"No dyes."
  • During special gift conversation
"Here you go, a present."
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
"I'm inspired!"
  • VS screen
"Let's go! Ka-bam!"
  • Battle start
  • Using Pokémon move
"You got this."
  • Using item
"Leave it to me!"
  • Using Trainer move
"We've got a chance here."
  • Using Sync move
"An artist's touch."
  • Switching in
"Here we go!"
  • Uh-oh!
"Come in at, yo!"
  • Unity move
  • "Nice!" emote
"A masterpiece!"
  • "Watch out" emote
"Yikes, look out!"
  • "Let's do this!" emote
"An artist's touch."
  • "Thanks!" emote
  • Victory
"I'm inspired!"
"Super strength, super victory!"
  • Defeat
"Huh! That was surprising."
Pokémon Center
  • Random conversation
"... ... ... ... ... ..."
"... ... ... ... ... ..."
"... ... ..."
"Oops! Sorry, I kinda zoned out there. Sometimes I just get lost in my thoughts."
"Being able to focus and concentrate helps a lot with painting, too."
"Painting is pretty much my life. I've loved doing art forever."
"It's one of the reasons I came to Pasio, actually. I wanted to see all of the beauty this place has to offer."
  • If spoken to again
"Whenever I paint or sketch people, I feel like I somehow get to know them better."
"I wanna get to know everything about you, your Pokémon, and Pasio, too!"
  • Random conversation
"Wha--?! Wait, stop right there! You can't come over here right now!"
"I'm finishing up a super, super important piece over here! Sorry!"
"Yeah, I know I'm always painting. But this one's really special, OK?!"
"I don't wanna ruin the surprise! So no peeking, OK?! I mean it!"
  • If spoken to again
"Hmm... The last finishing touches are super important, but I'm not sure where I wanna go with it yet..."
"W-wait a sec! I thought I told you no peeking! Sheesh, all I want is to keep my painting a secret."
"I wanna make sure I do us justice--me and Granbull, you and your Pokémon, our cute, smiley faces..."
"Wait! That was supposed to be a secret! You didn't hear any of that, OK?!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Alola, <player>! How goes it?"
"I think I'm gonna start a new sketch."
  • Special gift conversation
"Pasio's chock-full of interesting stuff! I came across this a little while ago."
"I wanted to give it to you as a present. Here, have at it!"
"Don't lose it, OK?"
  • Special Poison-type Training event intro
"Alola! I'm going to train with Burgh. Would you like to join us?"
  • Special Poison-type Training event blurb
"I want to sketch out an extraordinary battle..."
  • Special Poison-type Training event conversation
"I'm going to come at you with my full power, <player>, so don't you hold back, either!"
Sync Pair Story
  • Whirlipede's Evolution
"Heyyy, I know you. You sing in that Koffing band from Unova, don't you! ♪ P-O-K-E-M-O-N! Pokémon! ♪"
"Dude, your music cuts right to my soul! It gets stuck in my head for days. I love it!"
"Totally. We usually kinda go with the flow, wherever the wind takes us... But when it comes to Pokémon battling, we go all out!"
"All right, then! Time for Mina to show you her full power! Kaboom!"
  • After being defeated
"Whoa, you guys are intense! I feel like I just got rocked to my core!"