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Arezu (Japanese: ヒナツ Hinatsu) is a warden tasked with watching over a special Noble Lilligant. She is a member of the Diamond Clan.
She bears a striking resemblance to Mars, but the relationship between the two, if any, is unknown.
In the core series
Arezu feels a great deal of responsibility as a warden, and because of this, she tends to try to solve problems all by herself.
Arezu will first be encountered shortly after finishing Obsidian Fieldlands, where she will be enamored by Jubilife Village as well as making a stop at Beni's shop for potato mochi. After the player has obtained the use of Ursaluna, Adaman and Kamado call the player and reveal that Arezu's Noble Pokémon, Lilligant, was now in a frenzy, and that Arezu had concealed this information in the hopes of solving the issue by herself.
When the player searches the Crimson Mirelands for Lilligant, Arezu will be found after spraining her ankle alongside a basket of balms she had prepared for quelling Lilligant's frenzy. After being scolded and treated by Adaman and Calaba, she directs the player to Lilligant's location at Brava Arena. Following the calming of Lilligant, she moves into Jubilife Village as an assistant to the local hairdresser though she continues her occupation as one of the Diamond Clan's Wardens.
After the player calms the Noble Arcanine, she will make requests to see a Misdreavus, and later a Kirlia. Completing these requests will inspire her and expand her repertoire of hairstyles and hair colors.
The player can challenge her alongside Melli and Adaman through the Path of Tenacity option at the Training Grounds after the Daybreak update.
Path of Tenacity
These fights are made available in version 1.1.0 after clearing Request 106: "Adaman's Hope".
First clear
Reward: N/A
Second clear
Reward: N/A
Third clear
Lilligant has effort level 3 in her stats.
Reward: N/A
Fourth clear
Lilligant has effort level 3 in her stats.
Reward: N/A
Subsequent clears
Lilligant has effort level 5 in her stats.
Reward: N/A
ヒナツ Hinatsu
From 火夏星 hinatsu-boshi (archaic name for Mars)
From Ares (Greek counterpart of Mars) and マーズ Māzu (Mars)
Same as Japanese name
From Ares spelled backwards
From Mars
From Marte (Mars) and 丸 maru (Japanese suffix for names of people)
성화 Seonghwa
From 화성 (火星) Hwaseong (Mars)
Chinese (Mandarin)
火夏 Huǒxià
From her Japanese name and 火星 Huǒxīng / Fósīng (Mars)
Chinese (Cantonese)
火夏 Fóhah
Эризу Erizu
Similar to her English name