User:Hikaru Wazana/Drafts

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Diantha (anime)

カルネ Carnet

Artwork from Pokémon Journeys: The Series
Gender Female
Eye color Blue
Hair color Dark grey
Hometown Unknown
Region Kalos
Trainer class Champion
Grand Duchess*
Generation VI
Games X and Y, Masters EX
Champion of Pokémon League (Kalos)
Game animation debut The Beauty Eternal
English voice actor Laura Post (Generations)
Unknown (Masters EX)
Amber Lee Connors (Evolutions)
Japanese voice actor Sayaka Ōhara (Generations)
Aya Hisakawa[1] (Masters EX)
Kotono Mitsuishi (Evolutions)
Anime debut The Bonds of Evolution!
English voice actor Vanessa Gardner
Japanese voice actor Fumiko Orikasa

Diantha (Japanese: カルネ Carnet) is a famous and renowned actress who is the Champion of the Kalos region's Pokémon League in Pokémon X and Y. She is the only character in the games to have the Trainer class Grand Duchess.

Main series

Pre series

She was seen in a fantasy in Summer of Discovery!, where it is also revealed that she and Gardevoir participated in the Pokémon Summer Camp back when Diantha was younger and Gardevoir was a Ralts.

Pokémon the Series: XY

Diantha in the anime

Diantha debuted in The Bonds of Evolution!, where she was shown having an exhibition battle against Magnus. With her Gardevoir, Diantha had very little trouble in defeating her opponent's Absol where it was shown she could direct her Gardevoir through mere eye contact. Ash and his friends later encountered Diantha in disguise, trying to get a piece of chocolate cake from a shop. She agreed to have a battle with Ash, but the battle between Pikachu and Gardevoir was soon interrupted by Team Rocket, who caught Gardevoir and took it away. With the guidance of Diantha's Key Stone, Ash and his friends were able to find Team Rocket. Diantha then Mega Evolved her Gardevoir into Mega Gardevoir, easily breaking out of its confinement and sending the Rocket trio blasting off again.

Ash facing Diantha

In the beginning of Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction, Diantha was battling Wikstrom. She also appeared in a flashback in Garchomp's Mega Bond!.

In Championing a Research Battle!, Diantha spoke with Olympia about the threat that Kalos was to face in the future, during which Olympia showed her a vision of Zygarde. When Olympia mentioned Ash and his friends, Diantha decided to track them down and let them know what she had heard, eventually meeting them in the middle of a training session. When she was informed about the mystical power of Ash and Greninja, she requested to battle Ash again. Diantha and Gardevoir initially held the upper hand, but as the battle continued Ash and Greninja (which eventually transformed into Ash-Greninja, to Diantha's shock) kept doing better. Diantha eventually decided to get serious and Mega Evolve her Gardevoir. Ash and Greninja, however, managed to perfect their transformation and knocked Gardevoir off its feet. But before the battle could continue, Ash and Greninja both passed out. Team Rocket then tried to get their hands on a weakened Gardevoir, but Diantha easily sent them blasting off again. After thanking Gardevoir for its efforts and making sure Ash and Greninja were okay, Diantha left, but could not help but question the nature of Greninja's transformation and the role Ash and his friends were to play. She also appeared again in another flashback in the following episode.

Diantha made further appearances since A League of His Own!, where she stood in the middle of the Lumiose Conference's stadium and welcomed the participants of the Conference. In Analysis Versus Passion! and A Riveting Rivalry!, she watched Ash's and Sawyer's battle in the semifinal round. In Kalos League Passion with a Certain Flare!, she was watching, along with Professor Sycamore, as Ash and Alain each walked towards their respective sides of the battlefield in the Lumiose Conference's stadium, for the final round of the Conference. In Finals Not for the Faint-Hearted!, she watched the start of Ash and Alain's battle in the final round of the Lumiose Conference; and in Down to the Fiery Finish!, she watched the battle's conclusion.

In A Towering Takeover!, Coming Apart at the Dreams!, and The Right Hero for the Right Job!, Diantha was caught up in Team Flare's attack on Lumiose City.

In Rocking Kalos Defenses! and Forming a More Perfect Union!, Diantha helped destroy the Giant Rock.

She appeared again in a flashback in Till We Compete Again!.

Pokémon Journeys: The Series

Diantha, along with her Gardevoir, appeared on a television screen in JN103.

In JN109, Diantha was revealed to be one of the eight competitors in the Master Class of the World Coronation Series, ranked fifth.

Diantha is set to appear in JN115.


Just like in the games, Diantha is a famous movie star. She starred in a movie titled "My Sweet, Sweet Lady". She is also a fan of desserts, going out of her way to sample the local delicacies whenever she arrives in a new town. Her manager is Kathi Lee.


This listing is of Diantha's known Pokémon in the anime:

Diantha's Gardevoir
Debut JN102
Voice actors
Japanese Kei Shindō

Gardevoir is Horace's third known Pokémon. It was the second Pokémon Horace used in his Raid Battle against an Articuno. Gardevoir helped to protect the other Pokémon from damage and healed Goh's Cinderace but was eventually defeated.

In JN110, Horace used Gardevoir to explore Sea Mauville where it helped battle and defeat multiple Trainers, eventually going up against and defeating Goh's Inteleon.

Gardevoir's known moves are Reflect, Moonblast, Heal Pulse, Light Screen, and Confuse Ray and its Ability is Telepathy.

Diantha's Aurorus
Debut JN102
Voice actors
Japanese Kei Shindō

Gardevoir is Horace's third known Pokémon. It was the second Pokémon Horace used in his Raid Battle against an Articuno. Gardevoir helped to protect the other Pokémon from damage and healed Goh's Cinderace but was eventually defeated.

In JN110, Horace used Gardevoir to explore Sea Mauville where it helped battle and defeat multiple Trainers, eventually going up against and defeating Goh's Inteleon.

Gardevoir's known moves are Reflect, Moonblast, Heal Pulse, Light Screen, and Confuse Ray and its Ability is Telepathy.

Ralts → Kirlia → Gardevoir ↔ Mega Gardevoir

World Coronation Series

Diantha's World Coronation Series rank

Diantha has competed in the World Coronation Series. Her rank and class are as follows:

  • Rank: 5 (Master Class; JN109)


Artwork from
Pokémon Journeys: The Series[2]
Official Artwork of
Diantha in Pokémon Journeys: The Series

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 折笠富美子 Fumiko Orikasa
English Vanessa Gardner
Finnish Unknown voice actress (XY028)
Amy Burgess (XY118-present)
Hebrew עדי בר לב Adi Bar Lev
Italian Loretta Di Pisa
Polish Unknown voice actress (XY028)
Marta Dobecka (XY118-present)
Brazilian Portuguese Ângela Couto (XY028)
Carol Crespo (XY118-present)
Spanish Latin America Analiz Sánchez
Spain Emma Jiménez



Pokémon WarMission RegisDarkest Day


Elaine and her Pokémon
Leafeon perfume
Goh Generation V Pokémon

Trainer Tokens

Known contestants

Trainer Round 1 Round 2 Quarterfinals Semifinals Finals Place
Alain Charizard ? ? CharizardMetagross CharizardTyranitarMetagrossWeavileUnfezantBisharp Winner
Ash Greninja ? Hawlucha PikachuGreninjaTalonflameHawluchaGoodraNoivern PikachuGreninjaTalonflameHawluchaGoodraNoivern Runner-Up
Sawyer ? Slaking Sceptile Aegislash Slurpuff Sceptile Slaking Salamence Aegislash Slurpuff Clawitzer Top 4
Remo ? Garchomp ? GranbullPelipperGarchompRhyperiorGurdurrBouffalant Top 4
Tierno ? ? Blastoise Raichu Ludicolo Top 8
Astrid ? Absol Absol Top 8
Titus Altaria Top 64
Trevor CharizardAerodactylFlorges Top 64