Charles Goodshow

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President Charles Goodshow

Mr. Charles Goodshow (Japanese: タマランゼ会長 Tamaranze Kaichou) is the current president of the Pokémon League, the duties of which include presiding over each region's League Conference. His English voice actor is Jimmy Zoppi.

Mr. Goodshow has made several appearances in the Pokémon anime. He first appeared in All Fired Up! He was watching the Moltres flame, making sure no harm would come to it. When Ash ran into its path and tried running with the flame, Officer Jenny tried stopping him. However, Mr. Goodshow stepped in and allowed Ash to run with the flame.

Mr. Goodshow also appeared during the Johto and Hoenn League opening ceremonies. In Like a Meowth to a Flame, during the opening of the Ever Grande Tournament, Team Rocket had stolen the flame and were flying away with it. Mr. Goodshow was confident that Ash would get the flame back, and sure enough, using his Glalie, the flame was safely returned.

Goodshow also had a cameo appearance during Ash and Gary's battle in Can't Beat the Heat.

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