Solgaleo (Adventures)

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Solgaleo (Japanese: ソルガレオ Solgaleo), Lunala (Japanese: ルナアーラ Lunala), and Necrozma (Japanese: ネクロズマ Necrozma) are recurring Legendary Pokémon in the Pokémon Adventures manga.


ソルガレオ Solgaleo

Debuts in Confusion and Monsters from Another World
Evolves in Battle in Vast Poni Canyon
Summon the Emissaries of the Moon and the Sun
Gender Gender unknown
Ability Unknown
Current location Ultra Space
This Pokémon spent between 1 to 5 chapters as Cosmog and 2 chapters as Cosmoem.

Solgaleo (Japanese: ソルガレオ Solgaleo) is a member of the Light Trio and the second to appear, being seen as a Cosmog. It later evolved into Cosmoem and then into Solgaleo.


Solgaleo was one of two Cosmog obtained by the Aether Foundation for the purpose of opening Ultra Wormholes. It was given to Guzma to open Ultra Wormholes in order to summon Ultra Beasts.

Solgaleo first appeared in Confusion and Monsters from Another World, where Guzma used the Nebula Pokémon to open multiple Ultra Wormholes to summon Ultra Beasts to attack the Trial Captains who came to negotiate with Team Skull at Po Town. During the battle, a Nihilego dragged Guzma into one of the Ultra Wormhole, separating him from Cosmog.

In Battle in Vast Poni Canyon, it was revealed that Cosmog had evolved into a Cosmoem and was picked up by Plumeria. Plumeria tried using it to force Faba to tell her where Guzma was taken to. Before she could get her answers, it flew out of her hands and met with Nebby in the skies above Poni Island. Upon arriving, the guardian deities took Sun and Moon and placed them on the Poni Altar with the Sun and Moon Flutes. By playing the flutes together, Sun and Moon caused the Altar to react and release a light that hit both Cosmoem.

The light caused Cosmoem and Nebby to evolve into Solgaleo and Lunala, respectively. With its newly-gained power, Solgaleo attempted to link its aura with Sun's to fend off the Ultra Beasts that had arrived to attack the Poni Altar, but Sun rejected the Sunne Pokémon to instead focus on Faba. Shortly after, a larger than usual Ultra Wormhole appeared at the Altar with a Necrozma's hand emerging from it. The hand took control of Solgaleo's body. The possessed Solgaleo grabbed Sun with its tail and jumped into the wormhole.

After being taken into the Ultra Wormhole, Solgaleo was fused with Necrozma to become Dusk Mane Necrozma. Necrozma then traveled to Ultra Megalopolis, where it attempted to absorb energy from Solgaleo to regain its true strength on top of the Megalo Tower. Six months later, Lunala arrived in Ultra Megalopolis with Sun and Moon and battled a Stakataka that had entered the city. The battle alerted Necrozma, who released Solgaleo and leapt from the Megalo Tower to try and absorb Lunala as well.

In Regeneration!! The Power of the Sun and the Moon!, Solgaleo absorbed the energy from the sun in Alola that came through the Ultra Wormhole that Necrozma had created. It jumped through the Wormhole and appeared at Mount Lanakila, where it teamed up with Sun to fight Ultra Necrozma. Linking with his aura, Solgaleo attacked the Prism Pokémon with multiple Sunsteel Strikes, but was quickly overpowered. When Necrozma was about to finish off Sun and Solgaleo, Zygarde attacked the Prism Pokémon. Shortly after, Moon arrived and gave Solgaleo a Max Revive while her Decidueye stopped Necrozma's movements with Spirit Shackle. With Necrozma's movements stopped, Solgaleo teamed up with Lunala and Zygarde and defeated the Prism Pokémon.

Several months later, Solgaleo took Gladion and Dulse into Ultra Space to look for Faba.

Personality and characteristics

As a Cosmog, Solgaleo was often seen with an angry expression on its face. It had no problem opening Ultra Wormholes and did so many times without hesitation. After evolving into Solgaleo, it took a more active role in trying to protect Alola, as evident by its desire to fight off the Ultra Beasts attacking it.


See also: Light trio
As a Cosmog As a Cosmoem Fused with Necrozma

Moves used

Using Sunsteel Strike
Move First Used In
Sunsteel Strike Regeneration!! The Power of the Sun and the Moon!
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


ルナアーラ Lunala

Debuts in The Decision and the Tournament of Six
Evolves in A Raid and Po Town
Summon the Emissaries of the Moon and the Sun
Gender Gender unknown
Ability Unknown
Current location Alola
This Pokémon spent at least 14 chapters as Cosmog and 8 chapters as Cosmoem.

Lunala (Japanese: ルナアーラ Lunala) is a member of the Light Trio and the first to appear, being seen as a Cosmog. It later evolved into Cosmoem and then into Lunala.


Nebby first appeared as a Pokémon in Lillie's care. It was one of two Cosmog obtained by the Aether Foundation for the purpose of opening Ultra Wormholes. Fearing for its safety, Lillie took one of the Cosmog and escaped from Aether Paradise, completely unaware there were actually two the entire time.

Nebby first appeared in The Decision and the Tournament of Six, where it escaped from Lillie's bag and ran off to Mahalo Trail, and was attacked by a group of wild Spearow. Lillie was too scared to help it, so Moon stepped in to save Nebby in her place. When she got to Nebby, it retaliated against the Spearow by releasing a shockwave, causing the bridge they were standing on to break apart underneath them. Moon and Nebby were rescued from falling in the water by Tapu Koko, who caught the two and brought them back to safe land.

In Flash and Cosmog's Secret, Professor Burnet accidentally caused Lillie to recall painful memories of a traumatic experience caused by her mother, Lusamine. Lillie's distress caused Nebby to fly out of her bag and begin clawing at the sky, nearly creating an Ultra Wormhole. After Lillie fainted, Nebby stopped and went down to check on her out of concern.

In A Raid and Po Town, after Sun completed his second trial at the Thrifty Megamart, he thanked the Rotom Pokédex for its help in the battle where it gave information about Tapu Bulu. To Sun and Lillie's surprise, Rotom revealed it learned about Tapu Bulu from Nebby. Hoping that Rotom could translate Nebby's speech and speed up his job to deliver Mirage Berries to each of Alola's guardian deities, Sun tried to get Nebby to come out. To their shock, Nebby emerged from Lillie's bag in the form of the motionless, cocoon-like Cosmoem.

Later, after arriving on Poni Island, Lillie and Gladion took Nebby with them as they traveled to the Poni Altar. A Xurkitree attacked the duo as they passed through Poni Wilds, forcing Gladion to battle it with Silvally. During the clash, Nebby flew out of Gladion's grasp and into the air where it reunited with its fellow Cosmog, who had also evolved into Cosmoem. The two Protostar Pokémon flew towards the Altar. Upon arriving, the guardian deities took Sun and Moon and placed them on the Altar with the Sun and Moon Flutes. By playing the flutes together, Sun and Moon caused the Altar to react and release a light that hit both Cosmoem.

The light caused Nebby and the other Cosmoem to evolve into Lunala and Solgaleo, respectively. With its newly-gained power, Lunala put Moon on its head and helped fend off the Ultra Beasts that had arrived to attack the Poni Altar. Shortly after, a larger than usual Ultra Wormhole appeared at the Altar with a Necrozma's hand emerging from it. The hand took control of Solgaleo's body. The possessed Solgaleo grabbed Sun with its tail and jumped into the wormhole. Lunala activated its third eye and flew into the wormhole with Moon still on its head.

Some time after arriving in Ultra Space, Lunala got separated from Moon and Sun. At some point, it came in contact with the Ultra Recon Squad, who used Lunala to traverse through Ultra Space via Ultra Warp Ride. At the Ultra Deep Sea, Lunala reunited with Moon and Sun, who had been trapped in the area for six months. After agreeing to work together, Sun, Moon, and Zossie rode on Lunala's back so they could return to Alola. Dulse stayed behind as Lunala couldn't carry more than three people on it. Zossie taught Sun how to use Ultra Warp Ride and told him and Moon about the various worlds the Ultra Beasts come from. After passing through an Ultra Wormhole, the three arrived at the Ultra Recon Squad's home world, the Ultra Megalopolis.

Shortly after landing, a Stakataka appeared, hoping to battle with Necrozma. After it captured Sun, Stakataka attacked Moon, but she was protected by Lunala. Moon commanded Lunala to battle Stakataka, but it was unable to use its full strength without risking Sun's safety. By firing an arrow at the Zygarde Cube in Sun's bag, Moon released several Zygarde Cells that stuck onto Stakataka's eyes, blinding it and allowing Lunala to easily finish it off. The battle alerted Necrozma, who released Solgaleo and leapt from the Megalo Tower to try and absorb Lunala. Lunala tried fighting back, but was overpowered. Sun and Moon sent out their Pokémon to help, but were stopped by Lusamine. Eventually, Lunala was absorbed by Necrozma, causing the latter to become its Dawn Wings form.

After successfully fusing, Lusamine attempts to capture Necrozma. Necrozma managed to flee to the top of Megalo Tower and opened an Ultra Wormhole that lead to Mount Lanakila. Once entering Alola, Necrozma absorbed the rest of Lunala's energy and released it onto Mount Lanakila. Eventually, Lunala woke up and reunited with Moon at Aether Paradise's Secret Labs. The two traveled back to Mount Lanakila and linked their auras. Moon gave Solgaleo a Max Revive while her Decidueye stopped Necrozma's movements with Spirit Shackle. With Necrozma's movements stopped, Lunala teamed up with Solgaleo and Zygarde and defeated the Prism Pokémon.

Personality and characteristics

As a Cosmog, Lunala was easily overwhelmed and would often become frightened in stressful situations. When afraid, it would accidentally open Ultra Wormholes. Despite this, it would still try its hardest to protect others from danger. After evolving into a Lunala, the Moone Pokémon became much more brave, quickly jumping in to save others. Lunala has developed a close bond with Lillie, Sun, and Moon.


See also: Light trio
As a Cosmog As a Cosmoem Fused with Necrozma

Moves used

Using Moongeist Beam
Move First Used In
Moongeist Beam Finale!! The Battle Against the Other Dimension!
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


Ultra Recon Squad's Necrozma
ウルトラ調査隊のネクロズマ Ultra Reconnaissance Team's Necrozma

Debuts in Summon the Emissaries of the Moon and the Sun
Caught in Finale!! The Battle Against the Other Dimension!
Caught at Mount Lanakila
Gender Gender unknown
Ability Unknown
Current location With Zossie
This Pokémon is fully evolved.

Ultra Recon Squad's Necrozma (Japanese: ウルトラ調査隊のネクロズマ Ultra Reconnaissance Team's Necrozma) is a member of the Light Trio and the last to appear. It is the true identity of the Legendary "Blinding One".


Prior to the Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon arc, Necrozma gave off a vast amount of light that was enough to illuminate all of Ultra Space. The ancestors of humans living in Ultra Megalopolis decided to use their scientists to gain control of the Prism Pokémon and attacked it. The battle caused Necrozma to lose a part of its body. When it attempted to heal, light would leak from its wound and Necrozma consumed all of the light in Ultra Space from its attempts. The ancestors of Ultra Megalopolis then built Megalo Tower and managed to gain control of Necrozma with the help of artificial light. Necrozma and the ancestors then realized that in order for the Prism Pokémon to heal itself, it would need to fuse with the incarnations of the sun and moon and absorb their light energy.

Necrozma was mentioned in name by Rotom Pokédex in Unleashing the Incredible Z-Move, where it had heard its name from Xurkitree.

Necrozma first appeared from an Ultra Wormhole in Summon the Emissaries of the Moon and the Sun. It grabbed Solgaleo and Sun and dragged them inside. After taking Solgaleo into the Ultra Wormhole, Necrozma fused with Solgaleo to become Dusk Mane Necrozma. Necrozma then traveled to Ultra Megalopolis, where it attempted to absorb energy from Solgaleo to regain its true strength on top of the Megalo Tower. Six months later, Lunala arrived in Ultra Megalopolis with Sun and Moon and battled a Stakataka that had entered the city. The battle alerted Necrozma, who released Solgaleo and leapt from the Megalo Tower to try and absorb Lunala as well. Lunala tried fighting back, but was quickly overpowered by the Prism Pokémon. Sun and Moon sent out their Pokémon to help, but were stopped by Lusamine. Eventually, Lunala was absorbed by Necrozma, causing the latter to become its Dawn Wings form.

After successfully fusing, Lusamine attempted to capture Necrozma. Necrozma managed to flee to the top of Megalo Tower and opened an Ultra Wormhole that lead to Mount Lanakila. Once entering Alola, Necrozma absorbed the rest of Lunala's energy and released it onto Mount Lanakila. Soon after, Necrozma confronted Zygarde. After a short fight, Necrozma abosrbed the energy from Dulse to turn into Ultra Necrozma. Despite Zygarde's best efforts to keep Necrozma from fleeing and absorbing Alola's light, Zygarde was blown apart by Necrozma's Photon Geyser, reverting it back into Cells.

In Regeneration!! The Power of the Sun and the Moon!, Solgaleo jumped through the Wormhole, where it teamed up with Sun to fight Necrozma. Linking with his aura, Solgaleo attacked the Prism Pokémon with multiple Sunsteel Strikes, but was quickly overpowered. Before Necrozma could finish off the Sunne Pokémon, Zygarde attacked, having reformed into its 50% Forme. Necrozma quickly dropped Zygarde to half of its stamina and it reformed back into its Complete Forme. Shortly after, Moon arrived and gave Solgaleo a Max Revive while her Decidueye trapped Necrozma with Spirit Shackle. With Necrozma's movements stopped, Zygarde teamed up with Solgaleo and Lunala and defeated the Prism Pokémon. After its defeat, it was captured by Zossie. With Necrozma no longer a threat, the Ultra Beasts returned to their worlds.

Several months later, Moon was left in charge of Necrozma's treatments.

Personality and characteristics

Necrozma is able to give off a vast amount of light and when not in its true form, spends most of its efforts attempting to regain it. It is also shown to constantly be in pain. It is a powerful Pokémon, able to quickly overwhelm both Solgaleo and Lunala. Necrozma is known as the "Blinding One" (Japanese: かがやきさま Radiant One).


See also: List of Pokémon with form differences → Necrozma
Necrozma Dusk Mane Dawn Wings

Moves used

Ultra Necrozma

Using Photon Geyser
Move First Used In
Photon Geyser Transcend!! Ultra Necrozma!
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Cosmog, Cosmoem, Solgaleo, Lunala, and Necrozma.

This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.