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Walking Wake is a large, bipedal, theropod dinosaur Pokémon with white, diamond-shaped markings. It has a long, white snout with one horn underneath the chin. The horizontal eyes are red, with yellow sclerae with red skin surrounding them. Its face and underside are also white as well. It has a thick, large purple mane covering its arms and back. The mane resembles the aurora borealis with six tips of spiky hair being red and orange. It has two small light blue forelimbs, with three white-clawed digits each, and one diamond marking. Walking Wake has two powerful light blue hind legs with six feathers, and three white claws each. It has a large, hexagonal, cerulean blue crest on its forehead with two bent prongs on either side of the base. It has a blue horn between the snout and crest. It has two long, white tails with seven small spikes each. The tails also have eight blue spikes marking on the tops of two tails each.
Walking Wake resembles a sketch made by a member of the Area Zero Expedition in the Scarlet Book. It bears a uniquely shaped set of horns on its forehead. It also supports its weight with just its hind legs and walks bipedally.[1] Walking Wake is capable of walking on water.
Neither of them appears in any editions of "Occulture".
Both were added in an update.
Walking Wake is based on Suicune, and possibly a theropod dinosaur. Its bipedal reptilian appearance and ability to walk on water seem to be derived from the basilisk lizard.
Name origin
Walking Wake is literally walking wake. The word wake refers to movements of water created when something moves through it.
Uneruminamo can be taken literally as うねる水面 uneru minamo (undulating water's surface).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.