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Route 3 is a rugged mountain road located in northwest Kanto. Its western terminus is at Pewter City and its eastern terminus is at the western foot of Mt. Moon. In the Generation I and Generation III games, the main character isn't allowed to set foot on Route 3 until Brock is defeated in Pewter.
Route description
For its western half, Route 3 is a split-level route. Heading east, trainers must turn north after the route opens up and progress east along the northern half that, in Generations I and III, is packed with trainers. The southern half of the route is only accessible by hopping down ledges that will lead trainers into the paths of more rival trainers.
East of the second pair of ledges, the route curves south before returning east near a large patch of grass containing wild Pokémon. This patch, which contains another trainer, follows the route until the path turns north ahead of a hill. From this point, the route makes a backward "S" curve, turning east, south, east and, finally, to the north, passing the second patch of grass on the route.
There are no obstacles along the remainder of the route as it proceeds north towards Mt. Moon. Just before the entrance to the cave, there is a Pokémon Center, one of two in Kanto that is not located in a populated area (the other being on Route 10 near the north portal of the Rock Tunnel). In Generation III, Fly will be able to return to this location instantly, but not in previous Generations. In the center, a man attempts to scam trainers by selling the extremely common Magikarp for outrageous prices.
- None (Generation I and II)
- Oran (hidden) (Generation III)
Generation I
Generation II
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Generation III
Differences among generations
Generations I and III
The only changes along Route 3 between these two Generations are cosmetic, such as the reconstruction of the surrounding landscape and the remodeling of the Pokémon Center. Otherwise, the route design remains the same.
Generation II
Many changes were made to Route 3 in Gold, Silver and Crystal. First, the route was shortened significantly. Also, the number of trainers along the path was reduced to four. Similarly, the size of the grass patches were reduced by nearly 50%. Last but not least, the Pokémon Center at the foot of Mt. Moon was removed.
See also