A plan was recently announced to gather many Pikachu and make an electric power plant.
たくさんの ピカチュウを 集め 発電所を 造る 計画が 最近 発表 された。
Release information
This card was included in the Shining Legends expansion, first released in the Japanese subset of the same name. A Water Web Holofoil variant was included in the Shining Legends Special Collection—Raichu-GX, released January 5, 2018. It was reprinted in the Japanese Lightning Raichu-GX Deck. A Sequin Holo variant was one of the possible cards in the General Mills Let's Go, Kanto! Mini Packs available starting January 15, 2019. A Confetti Holofoil variant was also subsequently available in the English McDonald's Collection 2019, followed by Non Holofoil and Confetti Holofoil variants in the French McDonald's Collection 2019.