Appendix:Emerald walkthrough/Section 2

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Route 104 (south)

Route 104

The southern half of Route 104 connects Petalburg City with Petalburg Woods to the north and Route 105 to the south. A cottage belonging to Mr. Briney is located on the south side. This route is a good place to catch a Marill, which can learn any four of the five HM moves that will be required to finish this game. It will be very useful if you cannot or do not want to teach those HM moves to the Pokémon that you use in battle.

Petalburg Woods

Petalburg Woods

The tall trees of Petalburg Woods block much of the sun's rays, leaving the interior cool and dark. Smaller trees restrict travel to the western side for now.

The Scuffle

Deep inside the woods, you come across a researcher from Devon Corporation, a company based in Rustboro City. After explaining that he is looking for a Shroomish, he is suddenly confronted by a member of Team Aqua. The thug had planned to ambush the worker when he left the woods, but grew too impatient for that. Defeat him in battle and he flees the scene, but not before hinting that his friends are up to something in Rustboro. The grateful researcher gives you a Great Ball as thanks. He then heals your Pokémon, and rushes off to Rustboro after realizing what his attacker wanted.

Route 104 (north)

The northern half of Route 104 connects Petalburg Woods with Rustboro City. The Pretty Petal Flower Shop stands near the Petalburg Woods exit. The wild Pokémon here are the same as those on the southern half.

Pretty Petal Flower Shop

The Pretty Petal Flower Shop is run by three sisters. Talk to the eldest sister teaches by the door to learn about Berries, this is important for get later an item after obtaining the Dynamo Badge. The middle sister hands out the Wailmer Pail when you first speak to her. The youngest sister will hand out one random Berry from a group of eight every day.

Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Chesto Berry Chesto Berry
Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Rawst Berry Rawst Berry
Aspear Berry Aspear Berry Leppa Berry Leppa Berry
Oran Berry Oran Berry Persim Berry Persim Berry

After earning the Dynamo Badge, the sisters will also offer decorative plants for sale.

Rustboro City

Rustboro City

Rustboro City is the third largest city in Hoenn. Each of the buildings were constructed with stone, giving the city an old-fashioned feeling. The Pokémon Trainer's School, Devon Corporation headquarters, and Rustboro Gym are all located here.

Cutter's House

Stop by the Cutter's house next to the Pokémon Center. When the city was expanding, he taught his Pokémon a move to help clear the surrounding land of trees. He no longer needs his HM01 (Cut), and gives it to you. In the field, Cut may be used to clear away small trees and tall grass.

Devon Corporation

Devon Corporation is headquartered in a large stone building in the northwest part of town. The company is responsible for manufacturing many of the items Trainers rely on every day, including several variations of Poké Ball and medicine. Only authorized personnel are allowed past the first floor.

Pokémon Trainer's School

The Pokémon Trainer's School stands to the northeast of the Pokémon Center. Talk with the teacher to receive a Quick Claw, and brush up on the basics by reading the notes on the blackboard.

Ailment Effect(s)
BURNED Attack drops to 50%, inflicts damage equal to 1/8 of maximum HP every turn. Fire-type Pokémon are immune to this condition.
FROZEN Cannot move until thawed, 20% chance of recovery per turn. Ice-type Pokémon are immune to this condition.
PARALYZE Speed drops to 25%, cannot attack a quarter of the time.
POISONED Inflicts damage equal to 1/8 of maximum HP every turn. Poison- and Steel-type Pokémon are immune to this condition.
ASLEEP Cannot move for one to four turns.

The Man in Sunglasses

Just inside the entrance, you find the Man in Sunglasses again, who introduces himself as Scott. He's been searching everywhere for outstanding Trainers, specifically Pokémon battle experts. He wonders what brings you here to school, and claims that the first thing you should do as a new Trainer is teach Cut to one of your Pokémon. It's a useful field move, but using it outside of battle requires the badge from the local Gym.

It is advisable to talk to Scott every time you see him at each location that appears throughout the game as you will get a reward later.

Time for a Trade

The Rustboro Gym beckons, but before you step inside, visit the house to the east. Inside is a boy who is looking to trade his Seedot for a Ralts. Seedot is a Grass Pokémon that eventually evolves into a Grass/Dark Pokémon, Shiftry. This one is even holding a Chesto Berry to sweeten the deal.

Rustboro Gym

Rustboro Gym

Rustboro City Pokémon Gym
Leader: Roxanne
The Rock-loving honor student!

The Rustboro Gym specializes in Rock-type Pokémon. Use Grass, Water, and Fighting moves, such as Water Gun and Bullet Seed, to deal serious damage, and avoid battling with Fire-, Bug-, or Flying-type Pokémon. As hers is the first Gym in the Hoenn League, this graduate of the Pokémon Trainer's School has opted for a layout that gives novice Trainers a chance to avoid her subordinates and challenge the Gym Leader directly. Use Defense-lowering moves like Leer to soften up Roxanne's rock-solid Pokémon, and moves like Growl to weaken their Attack. As Rock/Ground Pokémon, her two Geodude are especially vulnerable to Grass and Water moves, sustaining 4× the normal amount of damage.

Rustboro Gym
The Stone Badge

After the battle, Roxanne awards you the Stone Badge, which boosts your Pokémon's Attack by 10% and enables the use of Cut in the field. She also gives you TM39 (Rock Tomb) as a prize.

Stop, Thief!

When you leave the Gym, you witness a Team Aqua Grunt escaping from the Devon Corporation building. That same Devon researcher from earlier is close behind, and chases the thief northward. He loses track of him in the northeast, where the city connects to Route 116.

Now that you can use Cut (optional)

There are a few more items on Route 104 and Petalburg Woods that you can pick up.

Route 104 (north)

Petalburg Woods

Route 116

Route 116

Route 116 runs east from Rustboro City. The well-traveled path is used by the workers tasked with construction of Rusturf Tunnel, a project that is now abandoned.


When you reach the entrance to Rusturf Tunnel, you find old Mr. Briney standing there. It seems that the thief has added kidnapping to his list of charges, as he has also made off with Mr. Briney's beloved Wingull, Peeko!

Rusturf Tunnel

Rusturf Tunnel

Rusturf Tunnel was a construction project by Devon Corporation that aimed to link Rustboro City and western Hoenn to the rest of the region. The tunnel was nearly complete when Devon's president, Mr. Stone, realized that the work was disturbing the local Whismur population. The project was canceled, though only a small bit of debris, easily cleared, remained to hinder travel.

The Take-Down

The tunnel is fairly small, so you will find the thief and his hostage shortly after you step inside. Defeat him, and he gives up the Devon Goods before fleeing. The old man rushes in to check on his Peeko, and introduces himself as Mr. Briney before the pair leaves for his cottage near Petalburg Woods.

← Part 1 Littleroot Town, Route 101, Oldale Town, Route 103, Route 102, Petalburg City
Rustboro City, Dewford Town, Route 106, Granite Cave, Route 109, Slateport City Part 3 →

This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.