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Revision as of 19:30, 22 July 2023 by HaxAras (talk | contribs)

International Trading

Gen 1

  • Korean Pokemon get glitched or blank names.
  • Dratini evolved twice and its name is now blank and set as a nick on KR Silver.
  • Korean Pokemon evolved in gen 1 will have their KR name set as a nickname.
  • (Clearing the OT trash bytes, setting my Korean OT name. Un-checking its nickname and setting the region to Korean fixed it.

Gen 2

  • English Pokemon display full names in the Korean Pokemon Silver PC. OT is cut off at 5 characters (HaxAr)
  • Pokemon migrated from Korean gen 2 games retain their English OT and nickname.
  • English eggs hatched on a KR save will hatch in Korean. (Korean Dizzy Punch eggs are possible.)
  • Korean VC can't receive Eeevee from Bill as they can't connect to Gen 1 saves to activate the time capsule.

Gen 3

  • Pokemon migrated from a region game different from themselves will have their name treated as a nickname.
  • Pokemon evolved on foreign carts will have their names treated as a nickname.
  • Eggs will hatch in the language of the save they hatch on, despite their origin.
  • Record mixing between different region Emerald carts is possible, making secret base item transferring between regions possible.
  • Pokemon migrated from a region game different from themselves will have their name treated as a nickname.
  • Except for English Ruby and Sapphire v1.0, which may have issues as severe as crashes due to not setting the nickname flag for Japanese Pokémon

Gen 4

  • Korean games can't trade with any other language.
  • Korean games can migrate from any language Gen 3 game, when evolved the Pokemon will have a KR nickname. (I think).
  • Pokemon will adopt the name of the language game they evolve in. (Blastoise will have its name set as the JP equivalent.)

Gen 5

Gen 6

  • Bank will wipe any foreign nicknames. (Test if a Pokemon with a Korean nickname will migrate safely from a Korean BW copy.)
  • Eggs will retain the language of their origin save.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky Demos

DS Download Play

* Trial Forest (Japanese: おためしのもり)
** Wii Nintendo Channel: Europe

* Hidden Shopkeeper Village (Japanese: てんしゅのかくれざ)
** Wii Nintendo Channel: Europe

* Little Plains (Japanese: ちょこっとへいげん)
** Wii Nintendo Channel: Europe, Japan

* Challenge River (Japanese: チャレンジリバー)
** Nintendo DS Download Station Volumes 14 & 15

* Guiding Sea (Japanese: いざないのうみ)

* Mt. Clear (Japanese: クリアざん)

All of these demos are available from the final build of Explorers of Sky (North American and Japanese versions.) Only Trial Forest, Hidden Shopkeeper Village and Little Plains are available in the European copy of Sky. The Explorers of Sky Kiosk Demos also contain the 6 downloadable demos from Sky but they can't normally be accessed. The distributions from Sky all share the original Japanese description. Including the DS download station version.

Trial Forest (Nintendo Channel, Europe)
Pokémon Explorers of Sky: Demo A
Forage for items in the leafy forest
and learn to use them effectively.

Hidden Shopkeeper Village (Nintendo Channel, Europe)
Pokémon Explorers of Sky: Demo B
Search out the Shopkeeper to stock
up on useful items for your team!

Little Plains (Nintendo Channel, Europe)
Pokémon Explorers of Sky: Demo C
Learn how to battle with Pikachu
among the flower-filled plains.

Little Plans (Nintendo Channel, Japan)


EoS: Physical cart (North America)

All Languages
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Explorers Demo Version

EoS: Physical cart (Europe)

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Explorers - Demo

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Explorers - Demo

Pokémon Donjon Mystère
Explorateurs - Démo

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Erkundungsteam - Demo

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Esploratori - Demo

Pokémon Mundo misterioso
Exploradores - Demo

Japanese Pokémon Center downloadable demo

NDS Download

ポケモンセンター とくべつコンテンツ
ポケモンになって おたからをみつけよう!

Pokémon Center げんてい!