I felt the wind, my breath opposing the ground From the moment I jumped A voice in my heart cries, "You'll be okay!" When I turn around everyone is laughing
I want to chase that sort of feeling of freedom And reach my hand toward the blazing sun When I look back on yesterday There were tears, but I don't care I'll take a step toward the future
Advance! Advance! Going over the seven-colored rainbow with you Ready Go! Farther! Breaking through the cloud and into the sky...
I felt the wind, my breath opposing the ground From the moment I jumped A voice in my heart cries, "You'll be okay!" When I turn around everyone is laughing
I want to chase that sort of feeling of freedom And reach my hand toward the blazing sun
When I look back on yesterday, there were tears But I don't care, I'll take a step toward the future
Advance! Advance! Going over the seven-colored rainbow with you Ready Go! Flying high! With overflowing emotions!
I know that if we quarrel with words It will vanish and we'll move on, knowing of the goals we call "dreams"
The defeats in the evening rain will make me better, even if my body does not yet appear strong
Goodbye isn't a sad event because as I walk away, you'll be waving your hands, smiling
I extend my heart as I embrace the sky, trusting my confirmed desires I have the map of the future here!
Advance! Advance! Going over the seven-colored rainbow with you Ready Go! I'm ready! I'm tightly grabbing your hand and taking you along
I want to chase that sort of feeling of freedom Running towards the galaxy like a dazzling star!
My heart's response changes as I aim for the light, there will be no time for gloom As that would repeat the past, I continue to step towards the future
Advance! Advance! Going over the seven-colored rainbow with you Ready Go! Here I am, dreaming! With overflowing emotions!
Advance! Advance! Going over the seven-colored rainbow with you Ready Go! Farther! Breaking through the cloud and into the sky...
During the shot that depicts Ash standing beside all of the Legendary and Mythical Pokémon, he is seen holding the Fast Ball that he received from Kurt, even though he has never used it.
Many of Ash's Pokémon that returned for the Silver Conference had been hinted to do just that in this opening—all but Squirtle, Muk, and Tauros. Interestingly, Kingler was eventually replaced by Squirtle in its relevant League battle.