Basculin (Pokémon)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 01:49, 5 January 2024 by Veledwin (talk | contribs) (Evidence against: Clarity)
For Pokémon GO information on this species, see the game's section.
#0549: Lilligant
#0551: Sandile
Hostile Pokémon
Mellow Pokémon
Red-Striped Form
Red-Striped Form
Blue-Striped Form
Blue-Striped Form
White-Striped Form
White-Striped Form

Images on the Bulbagarden Archives
Water Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Blue-Striped Form
Unknown Unknown
White-Striped Form
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Unknown Unknown
Reckless* or Adaptability
Red-Striped Form
Rock Head or Adaptability
Blue-Striped Form
Rattled or Adaptability
White-Striped Form
Mold Breaker
Hidden Ability
Hidden Ability
Blue-Striped Form
White-Striped Form
Gender ratio
50% male, 50% female
Catch rate
190 (35.2%)
Egg Group
Water 2
Hatch time
40 cycles
3'03" 1.0 m
Red-Striped Form
0'0" 0 m
Blue-Striped Form
0'0" 0 m
White-Striped Form
0'0" 0 m
39.7 lbs. 18.0 kg
Red-Striped Form
0 lbs. 0 kg
Blue-Striped Form
0 lbs. 0 kg
White-Striped Form
0 lbs. 0 kg
Mega Stone
[[|]] [[|]]
Base experience yield
Gen. IV
Leveling rate
Medium Fast
EV yield
Total: 2
Red-Striped Form
Blue-Striped Form
White-Striped Form

Blue-Striped Form
Pokédex color
Base friendship
External Links

Basculin (Japanese: バスラオ Bassrao) is a Water-type Pokémon introduced in Generation V.

Basculin has three different forms: Red-Striped Form; Blue-Striped Form; and, in Hisui and Kitakami, White-Striped Form (which is sometimes considered a Hisuian).

Red- and Blue-Striped Basculin are not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.

White-Striped Basculin evolves into Basculegion when leveled up after losing at least 294 HP from recoil damage without fainting.

(Specifics may differ in past games. Refer to Game data→Evolution data for these details.)


Basculin is a green aquatic Pokémon that comes in three forms. The bodies of both the Red- and Blue-Striped Forms are the same. They have a green, ovoid body, tapering off in the rear to a trapezoidal tail fin. A thick black stripe covers the top of their body from mouth to tail and a white, dorsal fin with four protrusions resembling spikes. Their lower jaw juts ahead of their upper jaw, with a small indent near the edges of their mouth. Both forms have three black dots on both sides of their body, behind their pectoral fins.

The main difference between the three forms of Basculin is the color of the stripe that separates the black and green on their body. All forms of Basculin have fins in the same places, with one on top of their body ahead of the tail fin, one below the body ahead of the tail fin, and two side fins. The Red-Striped Form has jagged fins that resemble tridents, whereas the Blue-Striped Form has smooth fins all around. The Red-Striped Form has circular, red eyes, while the Blue-Striped Form has narrower, blue eyes.

Red- and Blue-Striped Basculin are extremely hostile, especially towards their opposite form. They generally start fighting each other on sight for territory. However, on rare occasions, one form may swim with the other's school. Basculin is full of vitality and reproduces quickly. When a school of Basculin appears in a lake, Pokémon other than Corphish and Crawdaunt flee. It competes with Carvanha for food.

Basculin has often been referred to as "the thug of the lake" or "Thug of the River", and uses its jaws, which are strong enough to leave bite marks in iron sheets, to devour everything in its way. However, despite their fierce reputation, Basculin become prey to stronger organisms, such as Bombirdier and Dondozo. Basculin were once also consumed by humans, and were considered very delicious. The meat of Blue-Striped Basculin has an inoffensive, light flavor, while the meat of Red-Striped Basculin is fattier, and was more popular with the youth. Basculin is a popular Pokémon with anglers due to its resistance. Many people release Basculin into lakes illegally, causing its population to grow abundant.


Basculin has three separate forms: Red-Striped Form, Blue-Striped Form, and White-Striped Form, the last of which is sometimes considered a regional form.

In Hisui and Kitakami, White-Striped Basculin has a similar appearance to the other two forms of Basculin. Despite its descriptor, the stripes above its eyes are actually a very pale shade of light blue, as are its irises. Its pectoral fins are smooth like Blue-Striped Basculin, but larger. Its dorsal fins are spiky and it has wide eyes, like Red-Striped Basculin. Its lower jaw is smaller than the jaws of either Red- or Blue-Striped Basculin, and both its lower and upper jaws have beak-like protrusions at the front.

Unlike the other two forms, White-Striped Basculin are known to be gentle, with an ecology different enough from other Basculin to spawn recent theories of it being a separate species. White-Striped Basculin are known to share food with each other unlike their two counterparts. They are known to travel upstream; the journey is often perilous for the species, and many of them don't survive. As a result, the souls of the deceased White-Striped Basculin are often left behind in the waters of Hisui. However, when an injured White-Striped Basculin survives, it can unite with the souls in order to achieve the unique evolution into Basculegion.

Red-Striped Form
Blue-Striped Form
White-Striped Form


White-Striped Basculin can evolve into Basculegion. Neither Red-Striped Basculin nor Blue-Striped Basculin can evolve.

(For specifics on this Pokémon's evolution in the games, refer to Game data→Evolution data.)

White-Striped Form

First Evolution
 Water  Ghost 

First Evolution
 Water  Ghost 

In the anime

Main series

A Blue-Striped Basculin in the anime
A Red-Striped Basculin in the anime

Major appearances

Two forms of Basculin debuted in A Fishing Connoisseur in a Fishy Competition!. Cilan managed to capture a Blue-Striped one during a fishing competition, but a wild Frillish released it. A Red-Striped and a Blue-Striped one were seen being reeled in by two Trainers. Iris managed to fish another Blue-Striped one with her bare hands but was penalized for it.

A Red-Striped Basculin appeared in PK22, where it played a major role.

Minor appearances

Two forms of Basculin appeared in White—Victini and Zekrom and Black—Victini and Reshiram: the Blue-Striped form was exclusive to the former movie, and the Red-Striped form was exclusive to the latter.

Multiple Basculin appeared in Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 1 and Part 2.

Multiple Blue-Striped Basculin appeared in Kyurem VS. The Sword of Justice.

Multiple Red-Striped Basculin appeared in The Mystery of the Missing Cubchoo!.

In Kyurem VS. The Sword of Justice, a Blue-Striped Basculin was living at Pokémon Hills. It tried to attack Ash and Pikachu while they were riding the Douse Drive Genesect over a pond.

In Going for the Gold!, multiple Red-Striped Basculin and one Blue-Striped Basculin were seen in the Ambrette Aquarium.

Pokédex entries

Episode Pokémon Source Entry
BW037 Basculin Ash's Pokédex Basculin, the Hostile Pokémon. Basculin can be very violent, and red and blue Basculin do not get along well, frequently resulting in battles.

Pokémon: Twilight Wings

In Early-Evening Waves, multiple Red-Striped and Blue-Striped Basculin were living in a lake where Nessa was doing a photoshoot.

In the manga

Red-striped Basculin in Be the Best! Pokémon B+W

Be the Best! Pokémon B+W

In The Key to Triple Battles, Cheren uses a Red-Striped Basculin against Monta in a Triple Battle.

Pocket Monsters BW: Good Partners

Two Basculin, each of a different form, appeared in BWGP04.

Pokémon Adventures

Red-Striped Basculin in Pokémon Adventures
Blue-Striped Basculin in Pokémon Adventures

A Red-Striped Basculin was first seen in Underground Showdown at Route 6, jumping out of the water as Black and Clay traveled to Chargestone Cave.

A Red-Striped Basculin appeared in Dream a Little Dream.

A Blue-Striped Basculin is owned by one of the Shadow Triad. It was used to attack Lenora at Nacrene City. It first appeared in The Battle Within.

Two Basculin, each of a different form, appeared in Pink Slip.

In the TCG

Main article: Basculin (TCG)

Game data

Pokédex entries

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation V.
Generation V Unova
BW: #056
B2W2: #104
Black Red and blue Basculin get along so poorly, they'll start fighting instantly. These Pokémon are very hostile.
White Red and blue Basculin usually do not get along, but sometimes members of one school mingle with the other's school.
Black 2 Red- and blue-striped Basculin are very violent and always fighting. They are also remarkably tasty.
White 2
Generation VI Kalos
Mountain #060
X Red- and blue-striped Basculin are very violent and always fighting. They are also remarkably tasty.
Y Red and blue Basculin usually do not get along, but sometimes members of one school mingle with the other's school.
Omega Ruby Red- and blue-striped Basculin are very violent and always fighting. They are also remarkably tasty.
Alpha Sapphire Red and blue Basculin usually do not get along, but sometimes members of one school mingle with the other's school.
Generation VII Alola
USUM: #188
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Sun, Moon, Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!.
Red-Striped Form
Ultra Sun Savage, violent Pokémon, red and blue Basculin are always fighting each other over territory.
Ultra Moon When a school of Basculin appears in a lake, everything else disappears, except for Corphish and Crawdaunt. That's how violent Basculin are.
Blue-Striped Form
Ultra Sun Even Basculin, which devours everything it can with its huge jaws, is nothing more than food to organisms stronger than itself.
Ultra Moon Some people call it “the thug of the lake.” Whether the differences in color are meaningful is not yet known.
Generation VIII Galar
Crown Tundra #064
This Pokémon has no Pokédex entries in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Red-Striped Form
Sword Anglers love the fight this Pokémon puts up on the hook. And there are always more to catch— many people release them into lakes illicitly.
Shield In the past, it often appeared on the dinner table. The meat of red-striped Basculin is on the fatty side, and it's more popular with the youth.
Blue-Striped Form
Sword Blue-striped Basculin used to be a common food source. They apparently have an inoffensive, light flavor.
Shield Known for their violence, these Pokémon have the most fights with schools of red-striped Basculin.
White-Striped Form
Legends: Arceus Though it differs from other Basculin in several respects, including demeanor—this one is gentle—I have categorized it as a regional form given the vast array of shared qualities.
Generation IX Paldea
Red-Striped Form
Scarlet Its temperament is vicious and aggressive. This Pokémon is also full of vitality and can multiply rapidly before anyone notices.
Violet It's so vicious that it's called the Thug of the River. Yet Basculin is still targeted by predators, such as Dondozo and Bombirdier.
Blue-Striped Form
Scarlet These Pokémon form schools with others of the same color. The greatest foe of a school of blue Basculin is a school of red Basculin.
Violet The power of its jaws is immense—enough to leave teeth marks in iron sheets. Its personality is also extremely vicious.
White-Striped Form
Scarlet They live in frigid seas, forming schools and sharing food among themselves. When the time comes, they return to the river they were born in.
Violet Its ecology is starkly different from that of other Basculin, so theories that it's a totally different species have gained traction in recent years.

Red-Striped Basculin in the Alola PokédexUSUM Blue-Striped Basculin in the Alola PokédexUSUM
Red- and Blue-Striped Basculin in the Paldea Pokédex White-Striped Basculin in the Kitakami Pokédex

Game locations

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation V.
Generation V
Routes 1, 3, 6, 11, 14, Striaton City, Wellspring Cave, Pinwheel Forest, Dragonspiral Tower, Challenger's Cave, Victory Road, Village Bridge, Giant Chasm, Abundant Shrine, Lostlorn Forest (Surfing or fishing) (Red-Striped Form) (Rippling water) (Blue-Striped Form)
Trade Minccino in Driftveil City (Red-Striped Form)
Routes 1, 3, 6, 11, 14, Striaton City, Wellspring Cave, Pinwheel Forest, Dragonspiral Tower, Challenger's Cave, Victory Road, Village Bridge, Giant Chasm, Abundant Shrine, Lostlorn Forest (Surfing or fishing) (Blue-Striped Form) (Rippling water) (Red-Striped Form)
Trade Minccino in Driftveil City (Blue-Striped Form)
Black 2
Routes 1, 3, 6, 11, 13, 14, 19, 20, 22, 23, Aspertia City, Floccesy Ranch, Relic Passage, Clay Tunnel, Dragonspiral Tower, Striaton City, Wellspring Cave, Pinwheel Forest, Undella Town, Humilau City, Victory Road, Village Bridge, Giant Chasm, Abundant Shrine, Nature Preserve, Lostlorn Forest (Surfing or fishing) (Red-Striped Form) (Rippling water) (Blue-Striped Form)
White 2
Routes 1, 3, 6, 11, 13, 14, 19, 20, 22, 23, Aspertia City, Floccesy Ranch, Relic Passage, Clay Tunnel, Dragonspiral Tower, Striaton City, Wellspring Cave, Pinwheel Forest, Undella Town, Humilau City, Victory Road, Village Bridge, Giant Chasm, Abundant Shrine, Nature Preserve, Lostlorn Forest (Surfing or fishing) (Blue-Striped Form) (Rippling water) (Red-Striped Form)
Dream World
Sparkling Sea* (Red/Blue-Striped Forms)
Generation VI
Routes 15 and 16, Laverre City, Couriway Town, Frost Cavern, Pokémon Village, Victory Road (Good Rod) (Blue-Striped Form)
Routes 15 and 16, Laverre City, Couriway Town, Frost Cavern, Pokémon Village, Victory Road (Super Rod) (Red-Striped Form)
Route 21 (Good Rod or Super Rod) (Red-Striped Form)
Routes 15 and 16, Laverre City, Couriway Town, Frost Cavern, Pokémon Village, Victory Road (Good Rod) (Red-Striped Form)
Routes 15 and 16, Laverre City, Couriway Town, Frost Cavern, Pokémon Village, Victory Road (Super Rod) (Blue-Striped Form)
Route 21 (Good Rod or Super Rod) (Red-Striped Form)
Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Generation VII
Sun Moon
Ultra Sun
Brooklet Hill, Malie Garden, Vast Poni Canyon (Fishing) (Red-Striped Form)
Trade (Blue-Striped Form)
Ultra Moon
Brooklet Hill, Malie Garden, Vast Poni Canyon (Fishing) (Blue-Striped Form)
Trade (Red-Striped Form)
Let's Go Pikachu Let's Go Eevee
Generation VIII
Trade (Blue-Striped Form)
Hulbury, Motostoke Riverbank, North Lake Miloch (fishing) (Red-Striped Form)
Motostoke Riverbank (Surfing) (Red-Striped Form)
Bridge Field, Giant's Cap, Giant's Mirror, Lake of Outrage, East Lake Axewell, West Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch (Max Raid Battle) (Red-Striped Form)
Trade (Red-Striped Form)
Hulbury, Motostoke Riverbank, North Lake Miloch (fishing) (Blue-Striped Form)
Motostoke Riverbank (Surfing) (Blue-Striped Form)
Bridge Field, Giant's Cap, Giant's Mirror, Lake of Outrage, East Lake Axewell, West Lake Axewell, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch (Max Raid Battle) (Blue-Striped Form)
Sword Expansion Pass
Snowslide Slope, Frigid Sea (fishing) (Red-Striped Form)
Roaring-Sea Caves (Surfing) (Red-Striped Form)
Giant's Bed, Giant's Foot, Ballimere Lake (Surfing and fishing) (Red-Striped Form)
Max Lair (Dynamax Adventure) (Red/Blue-Striped Forms)
Shield Expansion Pass
Snowslide Slope, Frigid Sea (fishing) (Blue-Striped Form)
Roaring-Sea Caves (Surfing) (Blue-Striped Form)
Giant's Bed Giant's Foot, Ballimere Lake (Surfing and fishing) (Blue-Striped Form)
Max Lair (Dynamax Adventure) (Red/Blue-Striped Forms)
Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl
Legends: Arceus
Cobalt Coastlands: Tranquility Cove, near Islespy Shore, near Firespit Island, massive mass outbreaks (White-Striped Form)
Coronet Highlands: Fabled Spring (White-Striped Form)
Alabaster Icelands: near Avalugg's Legacy, Heart's Crag, Lake Acuity, near Pearl Settlement (White-Striped Form)
Unobtainable (Red/Blue-Striped Forms)
Generation IX
Scarlet Violet
South Province: Area One, Area Two, Area Three, Area Four, Area Five, Area Six (Red/Blue-Striped Forms)
East Province: Area Two, Area Three (Red/Blue-Striped Forms)
West Province: Area One, Area Two, Area Three (Red/Blue-Striped Forms)
North Province: Glaseado Mountain (Red/Blue-Striped Forms)
Tera Raid Battles (3★) (Red-Striped Form)
Trade (White-Striped Form)
The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero
Timeless Woods (White-Striped Form)
Tera Raid Battles (3★) (White-Striped Form)

In side games

This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation V.
Generation V
Rumble Blast
Lake: Soothing Shore (Blue-Striped Form)
Lake: Shimmering Lake (Red-Striped Form)
PokéPark 2
Arbor Area
Rumble U
Frenzy Square: Make a Big Splash! (Red/Blue-Striped Forms)
Generation VI
Battle Trozei
Infinite Ruins: Stage 2 (Red-Striped Form)
Island of Haste: Stage 4 (Blue-Striped Form)
Rumble World
Black Realm: Soothing Shore (All Areas)
Generation VII
Rumble Rush
Snorlax Sea (Red/Blue-Striped Forms)
Mimikyu SeaFinal (Red-Striped Form)
Generation VIII
This Pokémon is unavailable in Generation VIII side games.
Prasino Woods: Stage 594 (Red-Striped Form)
Zaffiro Coast: Stage 607 (Blue-Striped Form)
Eastern Hemisphere (Red-Striped Form)
Western Hemisphere (Blue-Striped Form)
Worldwide (only during special events) (Red/Blue-Striped Forms)
  • Ultra Unlock Part 2: Space: August 6 - 17, 2021

Held items

Game Held Item(s)
Black White DeepSeaTooth DeepSeaTooth (5%)* DeepSeaScale DeepSeaScale (5%)*
Black 2 White 2 DeepSeaTooth DeepSeaTooth (5%)* DeepSeaScale DeepSeaScale (5%)*
X Y Deep Sea Tooth Deep Sea Tooth (5%)* Deep Sea Scale Deep Sea Scale (5%)*
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon Deep Sea Tooth Deep Sea Tooth (5%)
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon Deep Sea Scale Deep Sea Scale (5%)

In-game trades

Game Held Item(s)
Black White Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry (100%)


Base stats

Stat Range
At Lv. 50 At Lv. 100
130 - 177 250 - 344
87 - 158 170 - 311
63 - 128 121 - 251
76 - 145 148 - 284
54 - 117 103 - 229
92 - 165 180 - 324
Other Pokémon with this total
  • Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs, IVs of 0, and (if applicable) a hindering nature.
  • Maximum stats are calculated with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and (if applicable) a helpful nature.

Type effectiveness

Under normal battle conditions in Generation IX, this Pokémon is:
normally by:
Steel ½×
Fire ½×
Water ½×
Ice ½×
Weak to:
Steel ½×
Fire ½×
Water ½×
Ice ½×
Immune to:
Steel ½×
Fire ½×
Water ½×
Ice ½×
Resistant to:
Steel ½×
Fire ½×
Water ½×
Ice ½×


By leveling up

Red-Striped/Blue-Striped Basculin
Generation IX
Other generations:
 Level   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP
011 Water Gun Water Special 04040 100100% 25
011 Tail Whip Normal Status 0000 100100% 30
044 Tackle Normal Physical 04040 100100% 35
088 Flail Normal Physical 0000 100100% 15
1212 Aqua Jet Water Physical 04040 100100% 20
1616 Bite Dark Physical 06060 100100% 25
2020 Scary Face Normal Status 0000 100100% 10
2424 Headbutt Normal Physical 07070 100100% 15
2828 Soak Water Status 0000 100100% 20
3232 Crunch Dark Physical 08080 100100% 15
3636 Take Down Normal Physical 09090 08585% 20
4040 Final Gambit Fighting Special 0000 100100% 5
4444 Wave Crash Water Physical 120120 100100% 10
4848 Thrash Normal Physical 120120 100100% 10
5252 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120120 100100% 15
5656 Head Smash Rock Physical 150150 08080% 5
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Basculin
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Basculin
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations
White-Striped Basculin
Generation IX
Other generations:
 Level   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP
011 Water Gun Water Special 04040 100100% 25
011 Tail Whip Normal Status 0000 100100% 30
044 Tackle Normal Physical 04040 100100% 35
088 Flail Normal Physical 0000 100100% 15
1212 Aqua Jet Water Physical 04040 100100% 20
1616 Bite Dark Physical 06060 100100% 25
2020 Scary Face Normal Status 0000 100100% 10
2424 Headbutt Normal Physical 07070 100100% 15
2828 Soak Water Status 0000 100100% 20
3232 Crunch Dark Physical 08080 100100% 15
3636 Take Down Normal Physical 09090 08585% 20
4040 Uproar Normal Special 09090 100100% 10
4444 Wave Crash Water Physical 120120 100100% 10
4848 Thrash Normal Physical 120120 100100% 10
5252 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120120 100100% 15
5656 Head Smash Rock Physical 150150 08080% 5
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Basculin
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Basculin


Red-Striped/Blue-Striped Basculin
Generation IX
Other generations:
   TM   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
TM001 TM001 Take Down Normal Physical 09090 085}}85% 20
TM004 TM004 Agility Psychic Status 0000 00—}}—% 30
TM006 TM006 Scary Face Normal Status 0000 100}}100% 10
TM007 TM007 Protect Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM010 TM010 Ice Fang Ice Physical 06565 095}}95% 15
TM011 TM011 Water Pulse Water Special 06060 100}}100% 20
TM022 TM022 Chilling Water Water Special 05050 100}}100% 20
TM025 TM025 Facade Normal Physical 07070 100}}100% 20
TM032 TM032 Swift Normal Special 06060 00—}}—% 20
TM034 TM034 Icy Wind Ice Special 05555 095}}95% 15
TM035 TM035 Mud Shot Ground Special 05555 095}}95% 15
TM047 TM047 Endure Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM050 TM050 Rain Dance Water Status 0000 00—}}—% 5
TM052 TM052 Snowscape Ice Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM059 TM059 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 08080 090}}90% 15
TM063 TM063 Psychic Fangs Psychic Physical 08585 100}}100% 10
TM070 TM070 Sleep Talk Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM077 TM077 Waterfall Water Physical 08080 100}}100% 15
TM085 TM085 Rest Psychic Status 0000 00—}}—% 5
TM087 TM087 Taunt Dark Status 0000 100}}100% 20
TM103 TM103 Substitute Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM108 TM108 Crunch Dark Physical 08080 100}}100% 15
TM110 TM110 Liquidation Water Physical 08585 100}}100% 10
TM123 TM123 Surf Water Special 09090 100}}100% 15
TM134 TM134 Reversal Fighting Physical 0000 100}}100% 15
TM135 TM135 Ice Beam Ice Special 09090 100}}100% 10
TM142 TM142 Hydro Pump Water Special 110110 080}}80% 5
TM143 TM143 Blizzard Ice Special 110110 070}}70% 5
TM152 TM152 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150150 090}}90% 5
TM163 TM163 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150150 090}}90% 5
TM171 TM171 Tera Blast Normal Special 08080 100}}100% 10
TM196 TM196 Flip Turn Water Physical 06060 100}}100% 20
TM200 TM200 Scale Shot Dragon Physical 02525 090}}90% 20
TM204 TM204 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120120 100}}100% 15
TM205 TM205 Endeavor Normal Physical 0000 100}}100% 5
TM208 TM208 Whirlpool Water Special 03535 085}}85% 15
TM209 TM209 Muddy Water Water Special 09090 085}}85% 10
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Basculin
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution or an alternate form of Basculin
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see TM moves from other generations
White-Striped Basculin
Generation IX
Other generations:
   TM   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
TM001 TM001 Take Down Normal Physical 09090 085}}85% 20
TM004 TM004 Agility Psychic Status 0000 00—}}—% 30
TM006 TM006 Scary Face Normal Status 0000 100}}100% 10
TM007 TM007 Protect Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM010 TM010 Ice Fang Ice Physical 06565 095}}95% 15
TM011 TM011 Water Pulse Water Special 06060 100}}100% 20
TM022 TM022 Chilling Water Water Special 05050 100}}100% 20
TM025 TM025 Facade Normal Physical 07070 100}}100% 20
TM032 TM032 Swift Normal Special 06060 00—}}—% 20
TM034 TM034 Icy Wind Ice Special 05555 095}}95% 15
TM035 TM035 Mud Shot Ground Special 05555 095}}95% 15
TM047 TM047 Endure Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM050 TM050 Rain Dance Water Status 0000 00—}}—% 5
TM052 TM052 Snowscape Ice Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM059 TM059 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 08080 090}}90% 15
TM063 TM063 Psychic Fangs Psychic Physical 08585 100}}100% 10
TM070 TM070 Sleep Talk Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM077 TM077 Waterfall Water Physical 08080 100}}100% 15
TM085 TM085 Rest Psychic Status 0000 00—}}—% 5
TM103 TM103 Substitute Normal Status 0000 00—}}—% 10
TM108 TM108 Crunch Dark Physical 08080 100}}100% 15
TM110 TM110 Liquidation Water Physical 08585 100}}100% 10
TM123 TM123 Surf Water Special 09090 100}}100% 15
TM135 TM135 Ice Beam Ice Special 09090 100}}100% 10
TM142 TM142 Hydro Pump Water Special 110110 080}}80% 5
TM143 TM143 Blizzard Ice Special 110110 070}}70% 5
TM171 TM171 Tera Blast Normal Special 08080 100}}100% 10
TM191 TM191 Uproar Normal Special 09090 100}}100% 10
TM196 TM196 Flip Turn Water Physical 06060 100}}100% 20
TM200 TM200 Scale Shot Dragon Physical 02525 090}}90% 20
TM204 TM204 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120120 100}}100% 15
TM205 TM205 Endeavor Normal Physical 0000 100}}100% 5
TM208 TM208 Whirlpool Water Special 03535 085}}85% 15
TM209 TM209 Muddy Water Water Special 09090 085}}85% 10
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Basculin
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution or an alternate form of Basculin

By breeding

Red-Striped/Blue-Striped Basculin
Generation IX
Other generations:
 Parent   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
Bubble Beam Water Special 65 100% 20
TM Normal*
Endeavor Normal Physical 100% 5
  • Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Basculin
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Basculin
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Basculin
  • Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations
White-Striped Basculin
Generation IX
Other generations:
 Parent   Move   Type   Cat.   Pwr.   Acc.   PP 
TM Normal*
Endeavor Normal Physical 100% 5
Mirror Herb*
Last Respects Ghost Physical 50 100% 10
  • Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Basculin
  • Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Basculin
  • Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Basculin

Side game data

Red-Striped Basculin

Pokémon Rumble Blast
Attack ●●●
Defense ●●
Speed ●●●
Pokémon Rumble Rush
Walking Speed: 2.33 seconds Base HP: 53
Base Attack: 77 Base Defense: 51 Base Speed: 60
PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond
PokéPark Pad entry:
He likes the water where he lives, but he sometimes swims to another Area for fun.
Pokémon Battle Trozei
Attack Power: ★★★★★

Pokémon Shuffle
Attack Power: 60 - 125 15


Hitting Streak+
Increases damage when it is triggered in a row.

Pokémon GO
Base HP: 172 Base Attack: 189 Base Defense: 129
Egg Distance: N/A Buddy Distance: 1 km Evolution Requirement: N/A
Fast Attacks: Tackle, Water Gun
Charged Attacks: Aqua Jet, Aqua Tail, Muddy Water

Blue-Striped Basculin

Pokémon Rumble Blast
Attack ●●●
Defense ●●
Speed ●●●
Pokémon Rumble Rush
Walking Speed: 2.33 seconds Base HP: 53
Base Attack: 77 Base Defense: 51 Base Speed: 60
Pokémon Battle Trozei
Attack Power: ★★★★★

Pokémon Shuffle
Attack Power: 60 - 125 15


Hitting Streak+
Increases damage when it is triggered in a row.

Pokémon GO
Base HP: 172 Base Attack: 189 Base Defense: 129
Egg Distance: N/A Buddy Distance: 1 km Evolution Requirement: N/A
Fast Attacks: Tackle, Water Gun
Charged Attacks: Aqua Jet, Aqua Tail, Muddy Water

White-Striped Basculin

Pokémon GO
File:GO550W.png Base HP: 172 Base Attack: 208 Base Defense: 159
Egg Distance: N/A Buddy Distance: 1 km Evolution Requirement: Basculin Candy
Fast Attacks:
Charged Attacks:

Form data

Basculin has three non-interchangeable forms: Red-Striped Form, Blue-Striped Form, and White-Striped Form. White-Striped Basculin is also considered to be a Hisuian in some contexts (such as Pokémon HOME and its Pokémon Legends: Arceus Pokédex entry).

Basculin cannot change its form. Generally, Red-Striped Form and Blue-Striped Form are either available in opposite games, or one can be found commonly while the other is rarer or only found through specific methods. For example, in Pokémon Black, Red-Striped Basculin can frequently be encountered while surfing or fishing, but Blue-Striped Basculin can only be found in rippling water; and in Pokémon White, the opposite is true. By contrast, in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Red-Striped Basculin is exclusive to Ultra Sun and Blue-Striped Basculin is exclusive to Ultra Moon. White-Striped Form is only available in Hisui (Pokémon Legends: Arceus) and Kitakami (Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: The Teal Mask).

Bred Basculin are the same form as their mother, or the same form as the Basculin parent if bred with Ditto. This includes White-Striped Basculin (who is not treated as a regional form for breeding, which would require it to hold an Everstone to pass down its form). If Basculegion is the mother or is bred with Ditto, the offspring will be White-Striped Basculin.

Red-Striped Form

Only Red-Striped Basculin can have the Ability Reckless and may hold a Deep Sea Tooth when encountered in the wild.

Red-Striped Form
Reckless or
Hidden: Mold Breaker
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
70 92 65 80 55 98

Blue-Striped Form

Only Blue-Striped Basculin can have the Ability Rock Head and may hold a Deep Sea Scale when encountered in the wild.

Blue-Striped Form
Rock Head or
Hidden: Mold Breaker
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
70 92 65 80 55 98

Blue-Striped Basculin initially had access to another set of Abilities in Pokémon Black and White, which is the same as Red-Striped Basculin's (having Reckless instead of Rock Head). However, a Blue-Striped Basculin available in an in-game trade in Pokémon White has the Ability Rock Head.

Starting with Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, Blue-Striped Basculin's first Ability was changed to Rock Head. (The Black and White-contemporary Pokédex 3D also shows Blue-Striped Basculin as having access to Reckless, while the subsequent Pokédex 3D Pro shows it as having access to Rock Head.) If a Blue-Striped Basculin with Reckless is transferred from Generation V to Pokémon Bank, its Ability is changed to Rock Head.

White-Striped Form

Only White-Striped Basculin can have the Ability Rattled. They also learn Uproar at level 40 instead of Final Gambit like the other forms and can evolve into Basculegion.

White-Striped Form
Rattled or
Hidden: Mold Breaker
HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
70 92 65 80 55 98

Evolution data

Only White-Striped Basculin can evolve.

Red-Striped Form

Red-Striped Form

Blue-Striped Form

Blue-Striped Form

White-Striped Form

White-Striped Basculin evolves into Basculegion when leveled up after losing at least 294 HP from recoil damage. This can be spread across multiple battles and is not affected by the use of recovery items. Fainting will reset progress.

In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, White-Striped Basculin does not need to level up after losing at least 294 HP from recoil damage in order to evolve.

White-Striped Form
Rare Candy + +
Level up
after losing at least 294 HP
from recoil damage
(male) without fainting
First Evolution
 Water  Ghost 
Rare Candy + +
Level up
after losing at least 294 HP
from recoil damage
(female) without fainting
First Evolution
 Water  Ghost 


This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation V.
Generation V
Black White Black 2 White 2
Front Back Front Back
Generation VI
X Y Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Front Back Front Back
Generation VII
Sun Moon Ultra Sun Ultra Moon
Front Back Front Back
Generation VIII
Sword Shield
Legends: Arceus
For other sprites and images, please see Basculin images on the Bulbagarden Archives.


Regional form status

The status of Basculin's White-Striped Form as a regional form is inconsistent between various Pokémon media.

Evidence for

Evidence against

  • White-Striped Basculin is not referred to as "Hisuian Basculin" or "Hisuian form" in the games, instead being referred to as "White-Striped Form".
  • In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, White-Striped Basculin is not considered a regional form internally, so does not function as one.
    • When breeding, a White-Striped Basculin or Basculegion parent is not required to hold an Everstone for the offspring to hatch into White-Striped Basculin.
  • White-Striped Basculin and its evolved form are found in the Kitakami Pokédex; conversely, every other regional form and regional evolution are currently only present in their home region's Pokédex.
    • While several regional forms appear in the Blueberry Pokédex, the Terrarium is an artificial environment and these Pokémon are not present in another region’s Pokédex.”


Basculin is based on a bass,[2] most likely the largemouth bass or the peacock bass due to their greenish color, pattern of horizontal splotches, and vigorous resistance when being fished. It is likely also inspired by the piranha, which has historically been viewed as violent. Its Red-Striped and Blue-Striped variations that are hostile to each other are similar to Siamese fighting fish, which come in a variety of colors (including red and blue) and are extremely aggressive and territorial to others. It could also be compared to street gangs, where groups of affiliated people often fight rival groups over their own territory.

According to interviews with Ken Sugimori in Nintendo Dream Vol. 205, Basculin was created late in development when it was realized that there were few new "standard" fish-like Pokémon in Unova, the only others being Alomomola, Stunfisk, Frillish, and Jellicent. It was given two forms to make up for this, and it was also based on a bass since there are wild bass in New York, which Unova is based on.[2]

While Basculin's White-Striped Form may likewise be inspired by a bass, its design is also reminiscent of the salmon or the related itou (Sakhalin taimen), due to its behavior and the shape of its mouth resembling the kypes that develop in male salmon. Its Pokémon Violet Pokédex entry suggesting that it may be a different species to Red- and Blue-Striped Basculin may be a reference to this.

The selection of colored forms being red, white, and blue may reference the national flag of the USA, as Unova, the region Basculin was first introduced in, is based on New York.

Name origin

Basculin may be a combination of bass and masculine.

Bassrao may be a combination of bass and 丈夫 masurao (warrior, referring to its bold, violent nature) or バカラオ bakarao (bacalhau).

In other languages

Language Title Meaning
Japanese バスラオ Bassrao From bass and 丈夫 masurao or bacalhau
French Bargantua From bar and Gargantua, a powerful giant in French literature
Spanish Basculin Same as English name
German Barschuft From Barsch and Schuft
Italian Basculin Same as English name
Korean 배쓰나이 Bessnai From bass and 사나이 sana-i
Mandarin Chinese 野蠻鱸魚 / 野蛮鲈鱼 Yěmánlúyú*
勇士鱸魚 / 勇士鲈鱼 Yǒngshìlúyú*
From 野蠻 yěmán and 鱸魚 lúyú
From 勇士 yǒngshì and 鱸魚 lúyú
Cantonese Chinese 野蠻鱸魚 Yéhmàahnlòuhyùh*
勇士鱸魚 Yúhngsihlòuhyùh*
From 野蠻 yéhmàahn and 鱸魚 lòuhyùh
From 勇士 yúhngsih and 鱸魚 lòuhyùh

Red-Striped Form

Language Title
Japanese あかすじのすがた Akasuji no Sugata
Chinese Cantonese 紅條紋的樣子 Hùhngtìuhmàhn-dīk Yeuhngjí
Mandarin 紅條紋的樣子 / 红条纹的样子 Hóngtiáowén-de Yàngzi *
紅線 Hóngxiàn *
French Motif Rouge
German Rotlinige Form
Indonesian Wujud Bergaris Merah*
Bentuk Bergaris Merah*
Italian Forma Linearossa
Korean 적색근의 모습 Jeoksaekgeun-ui Moseup
Malaysian Bentuk Belang Merah
Polish Forma Czerwono Paskowana
Spanish Forma Raya Roja
Thai ร่างแถบสีแดง Rang Thaep Sidaeng
Turkish Kırmızı Çizgili

Blue-Striped Form

Language Title
Japanese あおすじのすがた Aosuji no Sugata
Chinese Cantonese 藍條紋的樣子 Làahmtìuhmàhn-dīk Yeuhngjí
Mandarin 藍條紋的樣子 / 蓝条纹的样子 Lántiáowén-de Yàngzi *
藍線 Lánxiàn *
French Motif Bleu
German Blaulinige Form
Indonesian Wujud Bergaris Biru*
Bentuk Bergaris Biru*
Italian Forma Lineablu
Korean 청색근의 모습 Cheongsaekgeun-ui Moseup
Malaysian Bentuk Belang Biru
Polish Forma Niebiesko Paskowana
Spanish Forma Raya Azul
Thai ร่างแถบสีฟ้า Rang Thaep Sifa
Turkish Mavi Çizgili

White-Striped Form

Language Title
Japanese しろすじのすがた Shirosuji no Sugata
Chinese Cantonese 白條紋的樣子 Baahktìuhmàhn-dīk Yeuhngjí
Mandarin 白條紋的樣子 / 白条纹的样子 Báitiáowén-de Yàngzi
French Motif Blanc
German Weißlinige Form
Indonesian Wujud Bergaris Putih
Italian Forma Lineabianca
Korean 백색근의 모습 Baeksaekgun-ui Moseup
Malaysian Bentuk Jalur Putih
Spanish Forma Raya Blanca
Thai ร่างแถบสีขาว Rang Thaep Sikhao
ร่างแถบขาว Rang Thaep Khao*
Turkish Beyaz Çizgili

Related articles


External links

#0549: Lilligant
#0551: Sandile
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.