Snowpoint Temple

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Snowpoint Temple キッサキ神殿
Kissaki Temple
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Snowpoint CityDPPtBDSP
Northern Alabaster IcelandsLA
Region: Sinnoh
Generations: IV, VIII

Location of Snowpoint Temple in Sinnoh.
Pokémon world locations

The Snowpoint Temple (Japanese: キッサキ神殿 Kissaki Temple) is a location in Snowpoint City. It is home to the Legendary Pokémon Regigigas. The temple cannot be entered until the player has entered the Hall of Fame and obtained the National Pokédex.

In Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Brilliant Diamond, and Shining Pearl, the temple has six floors: one ground floor and five basement levels, and the floors feature many puzzles involving sliding on ice tiles.

In Sinnoh's distant past as Hisui, the Snowpoint Temple is at the far northern end of the Alabaster Icelands above the Pearl Settlement. Its layout is almost inverted from its Sinnoh counterpart—it is five floors high (including the rooftop) and has one basement level. The temple has puzzles which involve observing statues of the Legendary giants arranged in specific patterns around the floor. Braviary is obtained here as a Ride Pokémon.


The temple's exterior

Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Brilliant Diamond, and Shining Pearl

The Snowpoint Temple is a temple at the northernmost point of the Sinnoh region. Throughout the temple are ice-sliding puzzles, and at one point Strength is necessary to obtain an item. The wild Pokémon that can be found inside the temple are mostly cave and Ice-type Pokémon. The Snowpoint Temple has no Trainers; only the chosen are permitted to enter the temple.

Legends: Arceus

In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Snowpoint Temple is a multi-leveled structure with floors full of puzzles and strong wild Pokémon. The first floor has a parallel rows of stone statues facing each other. Each statue is adorned with one of three symbols representing the Rock, Ice, and Steel types, which correspond to Regirock, Regice, and Registeel, respectively. The next three upper floors have the same statues arranged in specific locations. No wild Pokémon spawn on these floors. The roof of the temple is accessible.


Item Location Games
Sky Plate LA Sky Plate Roof; reward for defeating Hisuian Braviary during Mission 12: "The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra"  LA 
Blank Plate LA Blank Plate B1F; reward for catching Regigigas to complete Mission 24: "The Plate of Snowpoint Temple"  LA 
Calcium BDSP Calcium B1F; near the southeast corner  D  P  Pt  BD  SP 
Full Restore BDSP Full Restore B3F; on the rock between the stairs (hidden)  D  P  Pt  BD  SP 
Never-Melt Ice BDSP Never-Melt Ice B4F; on the south side of the room (requires Strength)  D  P  BD  SP 
Full Heal Full Heal B4F; on the south side of the room (requires Strength)  Pt 


Generation IV

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Golbat Golbat
D P Pt
Cave Cave
50-52 35%
Golbat Golbat
D P Pt
Cave Cave
47-50 80%
Graveler Graveler
D P Pt
Cave Cave
52 10%
Onix Onix
D P Pt
Cave Cave
50-52 15%
Steelix Steelix
D P Pt
Cave Cave
52 5%
Sneasel Sneasel
D P Pt
Cave Cave
50-52 35%
Sneasel Sneasel
D P Pt
Cave Cave
49 10%
Smoochum Smoochum
D P Pt
Cave Cave
47,49 10%
Golbat Golbat
D P Pt
Cave Cave
52-54 35%
Golbat Golbat
D P Pt
Cave Cave
47-50 80%
Graveler Graveler
D P Pt
Cave Cave
54 10%
Onix Onix
D P Pt
Cave Cave
52-53 5%
Jynx Jynx
D P Pt
Cave Cave
47,49 10%
Steelix Steelix
D P Pt
Cave Cave
53-54 15%
Sneasel Sneasel
D P Pt
Cave Cave
52-54 35%
Sneasel Sneasel
D P Pt
Cave Cave
49 10%
Golbat Golbat
D P Pt
Cave Cave
52-54 35%
Golbat Golbat
D P Pt
Cave Cave
47-50 80%
Graveler Graveler
D P Pt
Cave Cave
54 10%
Onix Onix
D P Pt
Cave Cave
52-53 5%
Jynx Jynx
D P Pt
Cave Cave
48,50 10%
Steelix Steelix
D P Pt
Cave Cave
53-54 15%
Sneasel Sneasel
D P Pt
Cave Cave
52-54 35%
Sneasel Sneasel
D P Pt
Cave Cave
50 10%
Golbat Golbat
D P Pt
Cave Cave
54-56 35%
Golbat Golbat
D P Pt
Cave Cave
47-50 80%
Graveler Graveler
D P Pt
Cave Cave
56 10%
Jynx Jynx
D P Pt
Cave Cave
49,51 10%
Steelix Steelix
D P Pt
Cave Cave
54-56 20%
Sneasel Sneasel
D P Pt
Cave Cave
54-56 35%
Sneasel Sneasel
D P Pt
Cave Cave
51 10%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Generation VIII

Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Morning Day Night
50-52 35%
52 10%
50-52 15%
52 5%
50-52 35%
52-54 35%
54 10%
52-53 5%
53-54 15%
52-54 35%
54-56 35%
56 10%
54-56 20%
54-56 35%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Legends: Arceus

Pokémon Levels Alpha
Time of day Weather
Morning Day Evening Night Clear Cloudy Snow Blizzard
59-62 74-77
16-19 31-34
26-29 41-44
53-56 68-71
29-32 44-47
49-52 64-67
53-56 68-71
Fixed Alpha
In the air
19-21 34-36
18-54 33-69
Non-fixed alpha Pokémon do not spawn until the player quelled the frenzy of the subregion's noble.
Some of the Pokémon marked with (‡) may only spawn near the area's borders.

Special encounters

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

A Regigigas appears on B5F on the first visit. Regirock, Regice, and Registeel must be in the party in order to battle it. If run from, it respawns upon leaving the area.

Normal Unknown
Slow Start
Held item:
Regigigas Lv.70
Normal Physical
Confuse Ray
Ghost Status
Fighting Physical
Zen Headbutt
Psychic Physical

Pokémon Platinum, Brilliant Diamond, and Shining Pearl

A Regigigas appears on B5F on the first visit. Regirock, Regice, and Registeel must be in the party in order to battle it. If deafeated or run from, it respawns after entering the Hall of Fame.

Platinum Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Normal Unknown
Slow Start
Held item:
Regigigas Lv.1
Dizzy Punch
Normal Physical
Knock Off
Dark Physical
Normal Status
Confuse Ray
Ghost Status
Normal Unknown
Slow Start
Held item:
Regigigas Lv.70
Wide Guard
Rock Status
Zen Headbutt
Psychic Physical
Heavy Slam
Steel Physical
Hammer Arm
Fighting Physical

Pokémon Legends: Arceus

The player has to defeat the Braviary that will serve as their Ride Pokémon, during Mission 12: "The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra". If fled from or knocked out, it respawns immediately without leaving the area.

Psychic Flying
Braviary Lv.54
Brave Bird
Flying Physical
Normal Physical
Flying Status
Flying Special

Regigigas can be caught during Mission 24: "The Plate of Snowpoint Temple ", which becomes available after completion of Mission 20: "The Researcher of Myths". Despite Pokémon in Legends: Arceus having no Abilities, this Regigigas still acts as though it has Slow Start. If fled from or knocked out, it respawns immediately without leaving the area. It is also coded to never be Shiny.

Normal Unknown
Regigigas Lv.70
Zen Headbutt
Psychic Physical
Iron Head
Steel Physical
Crush Grip
Normal Physical
Giga Impact
Normal Physical


Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Electivire and Magmortar have effort level 4 in their Defense and Sp. Defense stats.


Version 1F B1F B2F B3F B4F B5F

In the anime

Snowpoint Temple in the anime

Main series

The Snowpoint Temple briefly appeared in A Pyramiding Rage!, with its guardian being Maria.

In Pillars of Friendship!, the Regigigas residing in it went on rampage after J destroyed the three pillars that protected it. However, it was calmed down by the end of the episode. Brandon later decided to stay at the temple to fix the damage J had caused.

Snowpoint Temple in Pokémon Generations

Pokémon Generations

Snowpoint Temple appeared in The Adventure. Red's Pikachu was seen battling a wild Probopass outside of the temple, until the commotion caused Regigigas to awaken from its slumber and emerge from the temple to attack the two Pokémon.

In the manga

Snowpoint Temple in Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl: Regigigas Major Capture Operation!!

Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl: Regigigas Major Capture Operation!!

The Snowpoint Temple appeared in the Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl: Regigigas Major Capture Operation!! manga, where Kaito, Yuki, and Kento entered it. With each of them possessing one of the Legendary giants, they were able to awaken Regigigas, which was eventually caught by Kaito.

Snowpoint Temple in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

Diamond & Pearl arc

The Snowpoint Temple appeared in Bogging Down Quagsire, where Platinum sought shelter from a snowstorm inside it after she, Maylene, and Candice had been defeated by Jupiter at Lake Acuity. She heard a rumble coming from farther inside the temple, and assumed it was a wild Pokémon. She prepared to catch it if necessary, but quickly fainted out of exhaustion. The Poké Ball she was holding slipped out of her hand and rolled towards a large dark figure deeper within the temple.

HeartGold & SoulSilver arc

The temple was mentioned again in All About Arceus IX, where Palmer revealed that he had awakened and caught Regigigas there by borrowing Brandon's Legendary giants. However, it had proved too much for him to handle, and he was intending to release it back into the temple.

Snowpoint Temple in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!

The Snowpoint Temple appeared in An Enormous Power Awakens!, where Hareta was taken there by Candice. After Candice had awakened Regigigas with her Legendary giants, Hareta battled against it, eventually managing to convince it to join him in opposing Team Galactic.

In the TCG

The following is a list of cards named Snowpoint Temple.

Related cards
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Snowpoint Temple St Legends Awakened Uncommon 134/146 Temple of Anger Uncommon  


In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 雪峰神殿 Syutfūng Sàhndihn *
切鋒神殿 Chitfūng Sàhndihn *
Mandarin 雪峰神殿 Xuěfēng Shéndiàn *
切鋒神殿 / 切锋神殿 Qièfēng Shéndiàn *
Finnish Snowpointin temppeli
French Temple de FrimapicBDSPLA
Temple FrimapicDPPt
German Blizzach-Tempel
Italian Tempio di NevepoliBDSPLA
Tempio NevepoliDPPt
Korean 선단신전 Seondan Shinjeon
Polish Świątynia Snowpoint
Brazilian Portuguese Templo Piconeve (PG01)
Templo de Snowpoint (main series anime)
Spanish Latin America Templo de Snowpoint
Spain Templo Puntaneva
Vietnamese Thần điện Kissaki

Twinleaf TownSandgem TownJubilife CityOreburgh CityFloaroma TownEterna CityHearthome City
Solaceon TownVeilstone CityPastoria CityCelestic TownCanalave CitySnowpoint CitySunyshore City
Pokémon LeagueFight AreaSurvival AreaResort Area
Lake Verity (Lakefront) • Oreburgh GateOreburgh MineOreburgh Mining MuseumGlobal Terminal/Global Wonder Station
Ravaged PathFloaroma MeadowValley WindworksEterna ForestOld ChateauUnderground/Grand Underground
Wayward CaveMount CoronetAmity SquareLost TowerHallowed TowerSolaceon RuinsManiac TunnelLake Valor (Lakefront)
Great MarshPokémon MansionTrophy GardenFuego IronworksIron IslandLake Acuity (Lakefront) • Spear PillarVictory Road
Pal Park/Ramanas ParkContest HallBattle ZoneBattle ParkBattle Tower/Battle FrontierStark MountainSnowpoint Temple
Spring PathSendoff SpringTurnback CaveFullmoon IslandNewmoon IslandSeabreak PathFlower ParadiseHall of Origin
Access to
Distortion World
See also

Jubilife VillageDiamond SettlementPearl SettlementAncient Retreat
Obsidian Fieldlands
Aspiration HillFloaro GardensHorseshoe PlainsGrueling GroveWorn BridgeDeertrack PathDeertrack Heights
Windswept RunNature's PantryTidewater DamThe HeartwoodGrandtree ArenaOreburrow TunnelObsidian Falls
Ramanas IslandSandgem FlatsLake Verity
Crimson Mirelands
Golden LowlandsGapejaw BogHolm of TrialsUrsa's RingSludge MoundScarlet BogSolaceon RuinsCloudpool Ridge
Shrouded RuinsDiamond HeathBolderoll SlopeCottonsedge PrairieDroning MeadowLake ValorBrava Arena
Cobalt Coastlands
Crossing SlopeGinkgo LandingAipom HillBathers' LagoonHideaway BayDeadwood HauntTombolo Walk
Sand's ReachTranquility CoveCastaway ShoreTidal PassageWindbreak StandSpring PathTurnback CaveIslespy Shore
Veilstone CapeLunker's LairSeagrass HavenSeaside HollowFirespit IslandMolten ArenaLava Dome Sanctum
Coronet Highlands
Heavenward LookoutWayward CaveWayward WoodAncient QuarrySonorous PathLonely SpringClamberclaw Cliffs
Celestica RuinsCelestica TrailPrimeval GrottoSacred PlazaStonetooth RowsBolderoll RavineFabled Spring
Moonview ArenaCloudcap PassStone PortalTemple of SinnohHall of Origin
Alabaster Icelands
Whiteout ValleyCrevasse PassageBonechill WastesHibernal CaveIcebound FallsAvalanche Slopes
Ice Column ChamberArena's ApproachAvalugg's LegacyIcepeak CavernSnowfall Hot SpringSecret Hollow
Glacier TerraceHeart's CragLake AcuitySnowpoint TempleIcepeak Arena
See also
SinnohMount CoronetSpace-time distortion

Game locations of Legendary and Mythical Pokémon
Kanto Seafoam IslandsPower PlantVictory RoadCerulean Cave
Route 10Route 25Pewter CityRoaming Pokémon
Sevii Islands Mt. EmberNavel RockBirth Island
Johto Ilex ForestBell TowerWhirl IslandsMt. Silver Cave
Burned TowerEmbedded TowerRoaming Pokémon
Hoenn Desert RuinsIsland CaveAncient TombCave of OriginMarine Cave
Terra CaveSky PillarSouthern IslandSea MauvilleScorched Slab
Pathless PlainNameless CavernFabled CaveGnarled Den
Trackless ForestCrescent IsleSkyRoaming Pokémon
Sinnoh Acuity CavernValor CavernSpear PillarTurnback Cave
Rock Peak RuinsIceberg RuinsIron RuinsSnowpoint Temple
Stark MountainNewmoon IslandFlower ParadiseHall of Origin
Ramanas ParkFloaroma TownRoaming Pokémon
Unova Guidance ChamberTrial ChamberRumination FieldN's CastleAbundant Shrine
Giant ChasmDragonspiral TowerLiberty GardenRoute 11Route 13Route 22
Route 23Celestial TowerNacrene CityUnderground RuinsTwist Mountain
DreamyardMarvelous BridgeReversal MountainCoastal BiomeRoaming Pokémon
Kalos Sea Spirit's DenTeam Flare Secret HQTerminus Cave
Unknown DungeonRoaming Pokémon
Alola Route 16Altar of the SunneAltar of the MooneMount LanakilaMahalo Trail
Ruins of ConflictRuins of LifeRuins of AbundanceRuins of Hope
Aether ParadiseAncient Poni PathLake of the SunneLake of the Moone
Ten Carat HillResolution Cave
Galar Tower summitBattle TowerMaster DojoCrown ShrineMax Lair
Rock Peak RuinsIceberg RuinsIron RuinsSplit-Decision RuinsGiant's Bed
Frigid SeaLakeside CaveBallimere LakeFreezingtonRoaming Pokémon
Hisui Seaside HollowTemple of SinnohAcuity CavernValor CavernVerity Cavern
Lava Dome SanctumMoonview ArenaSnowpoint TempleTurnback CaveBonechill Wastes
Cobalt CoastlandsRamanas IslandScarlet BogCoronet HighlandsFloaro Gardens
Paldea Grasswither ShrineIcerend ShrineGroundblight ShrineFirescourge Shrine
Poco PathArea ZeroArea Zero UnderdepthsGlaseado Mountain
South Province (Area One)Asado DesertWest Province (Area One)East Province (Area Three)
Casseroya LakeNorth Paldean SeaSouth Province (Area Four)North Province (Area Two)
Alfornada CavernGreat Crater of PaldeaTagtree ThicketEast Province (Area One)
South Province (Area Five)Dalizapa PassagePokémon LeagueSocarrat Trail
Kitakami Paradise BarrensWistful FieldsOni MountainDreaded DenLoyalty Plaza
Other Faraway IslandDistortion WorldSinjoh RuinsUltra Space Wilds

This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.