
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 05:43, 19 November 2012 by Spriteit (talk | contribs) (Image update)
This user is busy at this time due to Busy Working.
This user will be back at unknow time (or at the time of the world's end).
ユキメノコ Yukimenoko
Not real picture of user
Gender Male
Eye color Black
Hair color Black
Hometown Unknown
Region Hong Kong
Relatives Unnamed father, mother, sister

Welcome to my own userpage, my real name is Chung King Pun.

About Myself

I became the player of Pokémon games as an accident, I bought the Yellow and the yellow color Game Boy Color in a game shop about 10 years ago.(The Game Boy Color and the Yellow Version Cartridge is still at my home:p)

For a long span I didn't play the Pokémon games, But about a years ago, I download the ROM of Crystal and Emerald and found it is quite interesting. and about six months ago, I bought my Pearl with my own NDS, and recently found the 'extinct' Sapphire game in a game shop.

Favorite Pokémon

Click Here

PBO Team

PBO (fullname: Pokémon Battle Online) is a made in Chinese pokémon battle simulator that similar to Shoddy Battle. I play this as a training.

Current Sand Team


This listing is of Chungkingpun's Pokémon in Pearl Version.

On Hand

Egg → Riolu

Egg → Misdreavus → Mismagius

Content Will fill when that Pokémon EV training is finished

In Bulbapedia

Fixing and Adding Info on Pokémon moves, for any problems on moves, I will use my Pokémon Emerald ROM and my Pokémon Pearl games to test.


chungkingpun's Pokémon
On hand: