Fast-Track (Skill)

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Revision as of 07:07, 14 March 2024 by Wowy (talk | contribs)
Fast-Track P技後素早さアップ
Speed Boost After P-move
Flavor text
Passive Skill
Has a chance of raising the user's Speed by one stat rank after its Pokémon uses a move.*
Raises the user’s Speed by one stat rank when its Pokémon uses a move.*

Fast-Track (Japanese: P技後素早さアップ Speed Boost After P-move) is a family of skills in Pokémon Masters EX. The skill was previously named Hit and Run.


After the Pokémon uses a move succesfully, it has a chance of raising its Speed by one stat rank. This skill can range from Fast-Track 1 to Fast-Track 9, with higher numbered skills resulting in a greater chance of raising the Pokémon's Speed. Fast-Track 9 will always raise the Pokémon's Speed. The effect applies with the Pokémon's attack moves, including Buddy moves, but not sync moves or Max moves.

Skill rank Chance of effect
Fast-Track 1 20%
Fast-Track 2 30%
Fast-Track 3 40%
Fast-Track 4 50%
Fast-Track 5 60%
Fast-Track 6 70%
Fast-Track 7 80%
Fast-Track 8 90%
Fast-Track 9 100%


Fast-Track 1

Lucky Cookies

Lucky Cookie Appearance Rate
1★ Crunchy Lucky Cookie 11.4%

Fast-Track 2

Sync pairs (innate)

Sync pairs (sync grid - yellow tiles)

Lucky Cookies

Lucky Cookie Appearance Rate
1★ Crunchy Lucky Cookie 1.60%
2★ Crunchy Lucky Cookie 9.00%
1★ Deluxe Lucky Cookie 8.02%

Fast-Track 3

Sync pairs (sync grid - yellow tiles)

Sync pairs (sync grid - red tiles)

Red sync grid tiles require the sync pair to use a specific move to activate the skill effect.

Lt. Surge & RaichuLt. Surge & Raichu
Lt. Surge
& Raichu

(Thunder Punch)

Fast-Track 4

Sync pairs (innate)

Sync pairs (sync grid - yellow tiles)

Sync pairs (sync grid - red tiles)

Red sync grid tiles require the sync pair to use a specific move to activate the skill effect.

Nate & BraviaryNate & Braviary
& Braviary

(Aerial Ace)

Fast-Track 9

Sync pairs (sync grid - yellow tiles)

Scottie & Torchic Scottie/Bettie & Torchic Bettie & Torchic
& Torchic

Sync pairs (sync grid - red tiles)

Red sync grid tiles require the sync pair to use a specific move to activate the skill effect.

Serena & FletchlingSerena & Fletchling
& Fletchling

(Flame Charge)

In other languages

Language Title
Japanese P技後素早さアップ
Mandarin Chinese 寶可夢出招後速度↑
French Action Vitesse ↑
German P-Attacken-Initiative↑
Italian Marcia in più
Korean P기술후스피드업 P Kisulhu Seupideu Eop
Spanish Acción Veloz +

This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.