Celebi Egg glitch

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Celebi can not be obtained by standard gameplay. Although generally denied, there is a way to get Celebi in Generation II. Because this is a glitch that may damage your save data, it is advisable to use a game data with low importance and trade it to another game. This glitch can be found at Glitch City Laboratories (Made by Paco81). Here is how it is to be done:

1. Get an Egg that will become a Pokémon knowing Beat Up as its third move. You can do this by training a male and a female Sneasel up to level 57. Both Sneasel need to have the same four moves in the same order, with Beat Up at position three. The new pokemon obtained by breeding will have the identical move scheme, this is because the parents have an identical move scheme. Note: The pokemon shall hatch from the egg during one of the last steps of the glitch!!!

2. Get a bad clone. This can be done by Pokémon cloning. The box that you use for cloning mustn't be totally filled up at any time (otherwise the box is unable to produce bad clones). Getting a bad clone is a case of luck and occurs sometimes during the act of cloning. A bad clone will have level 0 and the name is filled with "?"! Note: If the box has a content of 15 to 18 pokemon, the chance of getting a bad clone is at maximum!!!

3. Get any five Pokémon you don't care too much about. They only have to know four moves each. The easiest way to get them is to clone a pokemon knowing four moves until you get a bad clone. Because getting a bad clone takes some tries, you will get five non-important pokemon knowing four moves each as a positive side effect of the bad clone action.

4. Deposit the egg into a box. The five other Pokémon and the bad clone have to be in your party.

5. Go to the Daycare and talk to the man. Ask him to raise the bad clone. Then take it back from him, and it will be a # 000.

6. Put # 000 at the top of your party and go to the PC.

7. Using the "Move PKMN w/o mail" option, move any Pokémon you don't care about from a PC box to the top of your party. Its name should become the name of its original trainer (OT). You will now have 7 Pokémon in your party.

8. Go back to the Daycare man and ask him to raise your # 000, then go back to the PC.

9. Deposit the first and second party Pokémon.

10. Using the "Move PKMN w/o mail" option, move the egg from its PC box to the top of your party.

11. Deposit the 4 next party Pokémon (not the egg).

12. Withdraw any Pokémon that you didn't use for the trick.

13. Walk around a few minutes and the egg should hatch.

14. Go to the Daycare man (if the game freezes caused by the glitch pokemon you gave him to raise, talk to the Daycare lady) and let him (her) raise your Celebi from level 0 to level 1. Then repeat this to let him (her) raise your Celebi up to level 2. Now your Celebi works as a normal obtained pokemon. Note: If you level up a pokemon below level 2 via battle, the pokemon will ultimately grow to level 100.

You can find this glitch at http://forums.glitchcity.info/index.php/topic,1065.240.html. The forum is not usable at the moment, but as far as the error has been fixed, the direct link to the Egg Trick will be available. Note: I Successfully used the Egg Trick to get a Celebi at german Crystal version, this glitch really works. My GlitchCity name is "Hundemon Despotar".