Falinks (UNITE)

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Revision as of 03:14, 28 April 2024 by Luigi1234 (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 3996627 by BlisseyandtheVacuumWaves (talk) I don't see any typo or issue with the wording here)
タイレーツ Tairetsu
Role All-Rounder
Attack type Melee
Damage type Atk
Difficulty Expert

Does not evolve
License availability:
Aeos coin 14,000 / Aeos gem 575

Falinks (Japanese: タイレーツ Tairetsu) is a playable Pokémon in Pokémon UNITE. It became available as a playable character on April 25, 2024.




Passive Ability

Battle Armor
カブトアーマー Kabuto Armor

When the Pokémon takes critical-hit damage, a set percentage of the damage is reduced. Falinks is a group comprised of the brass and five troopers, and they utilize three formations: Column formation, No Retreat formation, and Dispatch formation. When a move is used in No Retreat or Dispatch formation, the effect of the move changes. This Pokémon can hold a little more Aeos Energy than other Pokémon.

Basic Attack

Damage category: Physical (as a basic attack)
Damage category: Physical (as a boosted attack)

Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, or after the user uses Tackle, Megahorn, or Iron Head. Boosted attacks also apply a slowing effect to opposing Pokémon they hit. When a boosted attack hits, the cooldown of Tackle, Megahorn, or Iron Head is reduced.


Move slot 1

Body Blow
Learned at Lv. 1 or 3
Cooldown: 7.5 seconds
Upgrades into Megahorn or Iron Head
 Dash Description
Has the user charge in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon and shoving them. The user's next basic attack becomes a boosted attack.
Learned at Lv. 4
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Upgrades into Megahorn+ at Lv. 10
 Dash Description
Has the user charge with its horns, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits and shoving them. Immediately afterward, the user charges with its horns again and gains a shield. When the user is in No Retreat formation, it charges power before charging forward with its horns, dealing additional damage to opposing Pokémon it hits based on their max HP. When the user is in Dispatch formation, the troopers who are away from the column will also charge with their horns, along with the brass.

Upgrade: Strengthens the effect of the shield granted by this move.

Iron Head
Iron Head
Learned at Lv. 4
Cooldown: 7.5 seconds
Upgrades into Iron Head+ at Lv. 10
 Dash Description
Has the user attack the designated area with its steel-hard heads, dealing damage and applying a slowing effect to opposing Pokémon it hits, as well as granting itself a shield. When the user is in No Retreat formation, the move's range is shortened, but its area of attack is widened. The user's next 4 basic attacks can be used while it's moving. When the user is in Dispatch formation, dispatched troopers return to the column when the user attacks with this move. The returning troopers shove and deal damage to opposing Pokémon they hit on their way back to the column.

Upgrade: Troopers' attacks also deal additional damage to opposing Pokémon based on the opposing Pokémon's max HP.

Move slot 2

Bulk Up
Build Up
Learned at Lv. 1 or 3
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Upgrades into No Retreat or Beat Up
 Buff Description
Increases the user's Attack, Defense, and basic attack speed for a short time.
No Retreat
Last Stand
Learned at Lv. 6
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Upgrades into No Retreat+ at Lv. 12
 Buff Description
Has the user switch to No Retreat formation while shoving opposing Pokémon in front of it. While in No Retreat formation, the user cannot change the direction it's facing and its movement speed when moving backward is decreased, but its Attack is increased and damage it takes from the front is reduced. If this move is used while the user is in No Retreat formation, the user will switch to Column formation.

Upgrade: Further increases the user's Attack and further reduces the damage it takes from the front.

Beat Up
Gang Up
Learned at Lv. 6
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Upgrades into Beat Up+ at Lv. 12
 Dash Description
Has the user charge in the designated direction, dealing damage to opposing Pokémon it hits. The user switches to Dispatch formation, sending out two troopers toward opposing Pokémon it hit. The dispatched troopers will continue to attack the opposing Pokémon for a while, but they will return to the brass after they take a set amount of damage or become separated from the brass by a set distance or greater. A maximum of 2 use(s) can be kept in reserve for this move.

Upgrade: Also restores some of the user's HP when this move hits.

Unite Move

Dust Devil Formation
Dust Devil Battle Formation
Learned at Lv. 9
 Melee Description
Has the five troopers run continuously around the brass at great speed, dealing damage and applying a slowing effect to opposing Pokémon they hit.

While this move is being used, damage taken by the troopers is reduced.


Name Holowear Release Date Unlock Method Audio/Visual FX
Armor Style April 25, 2024 Aeos Gem 1050 Movement

In other languages

Dust Devil Formation

Language Title
Japanese さじんせんぷうのじん Sajinsenpū no Jin (Dust Devil Battle Formation)
Chinese Cantonese 沙塵旋風陣 Shā Chén Xuànfēng Zhèn (Sand And Dust Whirlwind)
Mandarin 沙塵旋風陣 / 沙尘旋风阵 Shā Chén Xuànfēng Zhèn (Sand And Dust Whirlwind)
French Escadron Tempête (Tempest Squadron)
German Wirbelformation (Vortex Formation)
Hindi रेतीले तूफ़ान का डेरा Retīle Tūfān kā Ḍerā (Sandstorm Camp)
Indonesian Formasi Puyuh Debu Pasir (Sand Dust Quail Formation)
Italian Schieramento Turbinante (Swirling Formation)
Korean 사진선풍의진 Sajinseonpung'uijin (Dust Whirlwind Formation)
Brazilian Portuguese Formação Redemoinho (Whirlwind Formation)
Russian Формация Песчаного Шторма Formacija Pesčanovo Štorma (Sandstorm Formation)
Spanish Formación de Remolino (Whirlwind Formation)
Thai พายุทหารหมุนฝุ่นตลบ Phayu Than Mun Fun Tlop (Dust Swirling Storm Formation)
Turkish Şeytan Hortumu Dizilimi (Devil Tornado Arrangement)

See also

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Falinks.

Playable characters in Pokémon UNITE
Attacker Alolan NinetalesArmarougeChandelureCinderaceCramorantDecidueyeDelphoxDragapultDuraludonEspeonGardevoirGlaceonGreninjaInteleonMewMewtwo (Y)MiraidonPikachuSylveonVenusaur
All‑Rounder AegislashAzumarillBlazikenBuzzwoleCeruledgeCharizardDragoniteFalinksGarchompGyaradosLucarioMachampMetagrossMewtwo (X)MimikyuScizorTsareenaTyranitarUrshifuZacian
Speedster AbsolDarkraiDodrioGengarLeafeonMeowscaradaTalonflameZeraoraZoroark
Defender BlastoiseCrustleGoodraGreedentHo-OhLaprasMamoswineSlowbroSnorlaxTrevenantUmbreon
Supporter BlisseyClefableComfeyEldegossHoopaMr. MimePsyduckSableyeWigglytuff

This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.