Appendix:Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky walkthrough/Chapter 3

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Marill and Azurill

The next morning, Chatot calls you to another Job board, the Outlaw board. Since catching thieves and wanted Pokémon is more than finding someone's lost item, Chatot calls in Bidoof, a fellow guild member, to give you a tour of the guild and Treasure Town. Bidoof is very excited that he finally has guild members junior to him. He shows you the services in the town:

Main article: Treasure Town
  • Duskull Bank- where you can store your Poké so that it isn't lost when you are defeated in a dungeon.
  • The Kecleon Shop and Kecleon wares- where you can buy items, TMs and Wonder orbs for your explorations. Their wares will change as you progress through the story.
  • Kangaskhan Storage- where you can store items so that they are not lost when you are defeated in a dungeon. The size of her storage increases as you rank up your team.

Note: There are other buildings in town i.e. Marowak Dojo, The Electivire Link Shop, Xatu Appraisal and Chansey Daycare, but they cannot be accessed at this point in the game.

After visiting the Kecleon shop, a Marill and his brother Azurill come to buy an apple, though the Kecleon brothers gives an extra one as a gift. As Marill and Azurill leave, Azurill trips and drops an apple. You pick up the apple and you encounter a very strange felling. You black out and you hear a Pokémon scream for help. The you share this hearing but nobody else heard it and everyone is confused. Anyways, you head back to the guild and Drowzee offers to help the Marill and Azurill brothers find something they lost. The brothers leave with Drowzee and Drowzee accidentally bumps into you. You again, feel strange and this time you see a vision of Drowzee threatening Azurill and Azurill screaming for help. You share this with your partner and you decide that Drowzee couldn't be a bad Pokémon because he was so nice to the brothers before. These hearings and visions are the first of many Dimensional Screams which will be told to you later. Bidoof and your team go back to the Guild.


At the guild, Dugtrio, another guild member, will update the outlaw board. After the update, Bidoof will help chose an outlaw for you to arrest. Your partner will see Drowzee and your team will rush out. On the way out, Marill tells you that Drowzee and Azurill went to a place called Mt. Bristle.

Mt. Bristle

Floors: 9 + peak
Boss: Drowzee Level: 12
Predominant type: None, though there are some Poison and Normal/Flying types.
This dungeon introduces Wonder Orbs, which can have useful effects, such as Luminous Orb revealing the floor layout or Slumber Orb causing sleep, but they're completely useless during boss fights, as well as non-arc throwing items (Stick), which unlike the arc one scales off your attacking stat.

As this dungeon is still relatively early on, some of the random Pokémon here can prove troublesome, such as Starly with their STAB Quick Attack or Wing Attack.

At the peak, you will find Drowzee threatening Azurill just like in your vision. Then you battle him. After you defeat him, Magnezone, the town sheriff, introduces himself and takes over. Marill and Azurill are united. Since Drowzee had a bounty over his head, you get 300 of the 3000 Poké reward. Also, your treasure bag is enlarged and can now carry 24 items, instead of the 16 before. After dinner, your partner talks to you about the Time Gears. At the same time, a mysterious figure steals one from a forest.


Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
Machop (Pokémon) Machop 1-9 6-7 8.2%
Geodude (Pokémon) Geodude 1-9 6-7 8.2%
Doduo (Pokémon) Doduo 1-9 7-8 6.4%
Spinarak (Pokémon) Spinarak 1-9 7-8 6.4%
Starly (Pokémon) Starly 1-9 8-9 8.2%
Nidorina (Pokémon) Nidorina 4-9 5-6 0.5%
Nidorino (Pokémon) Nidorino 4-9 5-6 0.5%


Item Floors
2-70 Poké 1-9F
5 Geo Pebble 1-9F
4-5 Stick 1-9F
Apple 1-4, 6-9F
Blue Gummi 1-9F
Grass Gummi 1-9F
Orange Gummi 1-9F
White Gummi 1-9F
Oran Berry 1-9F
Oren Berry 1-9F
Pecha Berry 1-9F
Rawst Berry 5-9F
Cheri Berry 1-9F
Blast Seed 1-9F
Dough Seed 1-9F
Dropeye Seed 1-9F
Heal Seed 1-9F
Reviser Seed 1-9F
Reviver Seed 1-9F
Sleep Seed 1-9F
Slip Seed 1-9F
Stun Seed 1-9F
Via Seed 1-9F
Warp Seed 1-9F
X-Eye Seed 1-9F
Max Elixir 1-9F
Mix Elixir 1-9F
All-Hit Orb 1-9F
Blowback Orb 1-9F
Decoy Orb 1-4F
Drought Orb 1-9F
Escape Orb 1-9F
Foe-Seal Orb 1-9F
Hurl Orb 1-9F
Luminous Orb 1-4F
Rollcall Orb 1-9F
Slumber Orb 1-4F
Spurn Orb 1-9F
Switcher Orb 1-9F
Totter Orb 1-4F
Transfer Orb 1-4F
Warp Orb 1-9F
Fixed spawn
Big Apple 5F

Board Missions

The next two days allow for you to get a taste of what life is like in the Wigglytuff Guild. You and your partner do a mission and/or bounty from the request board, go back to the guild, eat, and then sleep. The next day, do the mission type that was not done the day before (so if you did a request now do a bounty) and return home.

  • E-rank missions give 100 Poké and 10 points. They can give Gravelerock (which are better Geo Pebbles), Reviver Seed, Heal Seed, Max Elixir or a random type Gummi.
  • D-rank missions give 150 Poké and 15 points. Their item pool is slightly better, as they can give Power or Special Band, as well as Pecha Scarf (immunity to poison) or more importantly, Gold Ribbon (sells in shop for 2000 Poké, no strings attached; this early 2000 Poké is massive).
  • C-rank missions give 200 Poké and 20 points. They can reward you with Vile Seed (minimizes target's defensive stats), Violent Seed (maximizes target's offensive stats), Persim Scarf (prevents confusion) or one of many TMs. Some of more notable TMs in the reward pool are:

A mission with outlaw raises the rank by one, meaning it is technically possible to see a B rank this early if the game picks an outlaw late into Mt. Bristle. However, the item rewards aren't that much better compared to B-rank, mostly reducing likelihood of Gravelerock, Reviver Seed and Heal Seed in favor of other items (with the only new item being Insomniscope, which prevents sleep).

The day after will lead you into the next chapter.

← Chapter 2 The New Guild Recruits
Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
The Gatekeepers Chapter 4 →
This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.