Crimson Invasion (TCG)

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← Shining Legends
TCG expansions
Ultra Prism →
Crimson Invasion
覚醒の勇者 • 超次元の暴獣
Cards in set English: 124
Japanese: 124
Set number English: 74
Japanese: 67
Release date English: November 3, 2017
Japanese: September 15, 2017
Theme Decks

Destruction Fang (DarknessPsychic)
Clanging Thunder (DragonLightningFighting)

To Have Seen the Battle Rainbow • Darkness that Consumes Light
Awakened Heroes • Ultradimensional Beasts
Ultra Sun • Ultra Moon

Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon—Crimson Invasion (Japanese: 覚醒(かくせい)勇者(ゆうしゃ) Awakened Heroes and 超次元(ちょうじげん)暴獣(ぼうじゅう) Ultradimensional Beasts) is the name given to the fourth main expansion of cards from the Sun & Moon Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game (the Sun & Moon Era in Japan). The set continues to feature Generation VII Pokémon and Pokémon-GX in the card game.


Crimson Chaos Across Alola!

The mysterious Ultra Beasts have arrived, invading the Alola region as crimson-tinged Pokémon-GX: Nihilego-GX, Buzzwole-GX, Kartana-GX, and the ravenous Guzzlord-GX! Can Silvally-GX and the other allies of Alola defend the islands—or will the Ultra Beasts take control? Find out when you battle for the prize with the Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon—Crimson Invasion expansion!


Crimson Invasion is the name given to the fourth main expansion of the Sun & Moon Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. In Japan, it was released as the Awakened Heroes and Ultradimensional Beasts dual expansions that make up the fourth expansion block in the Pokémon Card Game Sun & Moon Era. It is based on Pokémon Sun and Moon, featuring Generation VII Pokémon, the Synthetic Pokémon Silvally, and the Ultra Beasts. The English expansion was released on November 3, 2017, while the Japanese expansions were released on September 15, 2017.

Crimson Invasion introduced Ultra Beast Pokémon-GX. They have a red GX graphic, a red and black bar below the HP and type that stated the Pokémon is an Ultra Beast, the bar containing the GX attack's energy cost, name and damage, and the Pokémon-GX rule box featured a red and black bar with silver border, and the GX attack description was written in red.

There are no Darkness-type and Fairy-type Pokémon in Awakened Heroes. Likewise, there are no Fire-type and Metal-type Pokémon in Ultradimensional Beasts.

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
28/111 Regice Water Reverse Holo Pokémon League Crimson Invasion Season 1 promo (November 2017)
28/111 Regice Water Cosmos Holo Celestial Storm Two Pack Blister exclusive
31/111 Alolan Raichu Lightning Non Holo Crimson Invasion Prerelease Kit and Clanging Thunder Theme Deck exclusive
38/111 Gengar Psychic Non Holo Crimson Invasion Prerelease Kit exclusive
47/111 Salazzle Psychic Non Holo Destruction Fang and Twilight Rogue Theme Deck exclusive
53/111 Regirock Fighting Reverse Holo Pokémon League Crimson Invasion Season 2 promo (December 2017)
53/111 Regirock Fighting Cosmos Holo Celestial Storm Two Pack Blister exclusive
56/111 Bewear Fighting Non Holo Crimson Invasion Prerelease Kit exclusive
62/111 Hydreigon Darkness Cracked Ice Holo Destruction Fang Theme Deck exclusive
63a/111 GuzzlordGX Darkness Yellow A Alternate art Guzzlord-GX Box exclusive
68/111 Registeel Metal Reverse Holo Pokémon League Crimson Invasion Season 3 promo (January 2018)
68/111 Registeel Metal Cosmos Holo Celestial Storm Two Pack Blister exclusive
71/111 Jigglypuff Fairy Build-A-Bear Workshop stamp promo
75/111 Jangmo-o Dragon Cosmos Holo Toys "R" Us stamp exclusive
75/111 Jangmo-o Dragon Cosmos Holo EB Games stamp exclusive (Australia)
77/111 Kommo-o Dragon Cracked Ice Holo Clanging Thunder Theme Deck exclusive
84/111 Regigigas Colorless Reverse Holo Pokémon League Crimson Invasion Season League Challenge 1st Place promo
84/111 Regigigas Colorless Reverse Holo Pokémon League Crimson Invasion Season League Challenge 2nd Place promo
84/111 Regigigas Colorless Reverse Holo Pokémon League Crimson Invasion Season League Challenge 3rd Place promo
84/111 Regigigas Colorless Reverse Holo Pokémon League Crimson Invasion Season League Challenge 4th Place promo
84a/111 Regigigas Colorless Yellow A Alternate art Forbidden Light Three Pack Blisters exclusive
89/111 Type: Null Colorless Non Holo Clanging Thunder Theme Deck exclusive
91/111 Counter Catcher I Reverse Holo Pokémon League Crimson Invasion Season League Cup promo
91/111 Counter Catcher I Reverse Holo Pokémon League Crimson Invasion Season League Cup Staff promo
95/111 Gladion Su Reverse Holo Crimson Invasion Season Regional Championships promo
95/111 Gladion Su Reverse Holo Crimson Invasion Season Regional Championships Staff promo

Set lists

Crimson Invasion
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
1/111 Weedle Grass Common Promotion
2/111 Kakuna Grass Uncommon Promotion
3/111 Beedrill Grass Rare Promotion
4/111 Exeggcute Grass Common Promotion
5/111 Cacnea Grass Common Promotion
6/111 Cacturne Grass Rare Promotion
7/111 Karrablast Grass Common Promotion
8/111 Shelmet Grass Common Promotion
9/111 Accelgor Grass Uncommon Promotion
10/111 Skiddo Grass Common Promotion
11/111 Gogoat Grass Rare Holo Promotion
12/111 Alolan Marowak Fire Rare Holo Promotion
13/111 Numel Fire Common Promotion
14/111 Camerupt Fire Rare Promotion
15/111 Staryu Water Common Promotion
16/111 Starmie Water Rare Promotion
17/111 Magikarp Water Common Promotion
18/111 GyaradosGX Water Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
19/111 Swinub Water Common Promotion
20/111 Piloswine Water Uncommon Promotion
21/111 Mamoswine Water Rare Promotion
22/111 Remoraid Water Common Promotion
23/111 Octillery Water Rare Promotion
24/111 Corphish Water Common Promotion
25/111 Crawdaunt Water Rare Promotion
26/111 Feebas Water Common Promotion
27/111 Milotic Water Rare Holo Promotion
28/111 Regice Water Rare Holo Promotion
29/111 Shellos Water Common Promotion
30/111 Pikachu Lightning Common Promotion
31/111 Alolan Raichu Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
32/111 Alolan Geodude Lightning Common Promotion
33/111 Alolan Graveler Lightning Uncommon Promotion
34/111 Alolan GolemGX Lightning Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
35/111 Emolga Lightning Uncommon Promotion
36/111 Gastly Psychic Common Promotion
37/111 Haunter Psychic Uncommon Promotion
38/111 Gengar Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
39/111 Misdreavus Psychic Common Promotion
40/111 Mismagius Psychic Rare Promotion
41/111 Spoink Psychic Common Promotion
42/111 Grumpig Psychic Uncommon Promotion
43/111 Chimecho Psychic Common Promotion
44/111 Pumpkaboo Psychic Common Promotion
45/111 Gourgeist Psychic Rare Promotion
46/111 Salandit Psychic Common Promotion
47/111 Salazzle Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
48/111 Oranguru Psychic Rare Promotion
49/111 NihilegoGX Psychic Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
50/111 Mankey Fighting Common Promotion
51/111 Primeape Fighting Rare Promotion
52/111 Cubone Fighting Common Promotion
53/111 Regirock Fighting Rare Promotion
54/111 Gastrodon Fighting Uncommon Promotion
55/111 Stufful Fighting Common Promotion
56/111 Bewear Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
57/111 BuzzwoleGX Fighting Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
58/111 Houndour Darkness Common Promotion
59/111 Houndoom Darkness Rare Promotion
60/111 Deino Darkness Common Promotion
61/111 Zweilous Darkness Uncommon Promotion
62/111 Hydreigon Darkness Rare Promotion
63/111 GuzzlordGX Darkness Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
64/111 Mawile Metal Uncommon Promotion
65/111 Aron Metal Common Promotion
66/111 Lairon Metal Uncommon Promotion
67/111 Aggron Metal Rare Holo Promotion
68/111 Registeel Metal Rare Promotion
69/111 Escavalier Metal Rare Promotion
70/111 KartanaGX Metal Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
71/111 Jigglypuff Fairy Common Promotion
72/111 Wigglytuff Fairy Rare Promotion
73/111 Xerneas Fairy Rare Holo Promotion
74/111 Alolan ExeggutorGX Dragon Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
75/111 Jangmo-o Dragon Common Promotion
76/111 Hakamo-o Dragon Uncommon Promotion
77/111 Kommo-o Dragon Rare Promotion
78/111 Miltank Colorless Uncommon Promotion
79/111 Swablu Colorless Common Promotion
80/111 Altaria Colorless Rare Promotion
81/111 Starly Colorless Common Promotion
82/111 Staravia Colorless Uncommon Promotion
83/111 Staraptor Colorless Rare Promotion
84/111 Regigigas Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
85/111 Minccino Colorless Common Promotion
86/111 Cinccino Colorless Uncommon Promotion
87/111 Bunnelby Colorless Common Promotion
88/111 Diggersby Colorless Uncommon Promotion
89/111 Type: Null Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
90/111 SilvallyGX Colorless Ultra-Rare Rare Promotion
91/111 Counter Catcher I Uncommon Promotion
92/111 Dashing Pouch I Uncommon Promotion
93/111 Devoured Field St Uncommon Promotion
94/111 Fighting Memory I Uncommon Promotion
95/111 Gladion Su Uncommon Promotion
96/111 Lusamine Su Uncommon Promotion
97/111 Peeking Red Card I Uncommon Promotion
98/111 Psychic Memory I Uncommon Promotion
99/111 Sea of Nothingness St Uncommon Promotion
100/111 Counter Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
101/111 GyaradosGX Water Rare Ultra Promotion
102/111 Alolan GolemGX Lightning Rare Ultra Promotion
103/111 NihilegoGX Psychic Rare Ultra Promotion
104/111 BuzzwoleGX Fighting Rare Ultra Promotion
105/111 GuzzlordGX Darkness Rare Ultra Promotion
106/111 KartanaGX Metal Rare Ultra Promotion
107/111 Alolan ExeggutorGX Dragon Rare Ultra Promotion
108/111 SilvallyGX Colorless Rare Ultra Promotion
109/111 Gladion Su Rare Ultra Promotion
110/111 Lusamine Su Rare Ultra Promotion
111/111 Olivia Su Rare Ultra Promotion
112/111 GyaradosGX Water Rare Rainbow Promotion
113/111 Alolan GolemGX Lightning Rare Rainbow Promotion
114/111 NihilegoGX Psychic Rare Rainbow Promotion
115/111 BuzzwoleGX Fighting Rare Rainbow Promotion
116/111 GuzzlordGX Darkness Rare Rainbow Promotion
117/111 KartanaGX Metal Rare Rainbow Promotion
118/111 Alolan ExeggutorGX Dragon Rare Rainbow Promotion
119/111 SilvallyGX Colorless Rare Rainbow Promotion
120/111 Counter Catcher I Rare Secret Promotion
121/111 Wishful Baton I Rare Secret Promotion
122/111 Counter Energy Colorless E Rare Secret Promotion
123/111 Warp Energy Colorless E Rare Secret Promotion
124/111 Water Energy Water E Rare Secret Promotion

Awakened Heroes
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/050 A Cacnea Grass C Promotion
002/050 A Cacturne Grass U Promotion
003/050 A Karrablast Grass C Promotion
004/050 A Skiddo Grass C Promotion
005/050 A Gogoat Grass R Promotion
006/050 A Alolan Marowak Fire R Promotion
007/050 A Numel Fire C Promotion
008/050 A Camerupt Fire U Promotion
009/050 A Staryu Water C Promotion
010/050 A Starmie Water U Promotion
011/050 A Remoraid Water C Promotion
012/050 A Octillery Water U Promotion
013/050 A Corphish Water C Promotion
014/050 A Crawdaunt Water U Promotion
015/050 A Shellos Water C Promotion
016/050 A Alolan Geodude Lightning C Promotion
017/050 A Alolan Graveler Lightning U Promotion
018/050 A Alolan GolemGX Lightning RR Promotion
019/050 A Emolga Lightning C Promotion
020/050 A Gastly Psychic C Promotion
021/050 A Haunter Psychic C Promotion
022/050 A Gengar Psychic R Promotion
023/050 A Chimecho Psychic C Promotion
024/050 A Pumpkaboo Psychic C Promotion
025/050 A Gourgeist Psychic U Promotion
026/050 A Salandit Psychic C Promotion
027/050 A Salazzle Psychic R Promotion
028/050 A Cubone Fighting C Promotion
029/050 A Gastrodon Fighting C Promotion
030/050 A BuzzwoleGX Fighting RR Promotion
031/050 A Mawile Metal C Promotion
032/050 A Aron Metal C Promotion
033/050 A Lairon Metal U Promotion
034/050 A Aggron Metal R Promotion
035/050 A Registeel Metal U Promotion
036/050 A Escavalier Metal U Promotion
037/050 A KartanaGX Metal RR Promotion
038/050 A Starly Colorless C Promotion
039/050 A Staravia Colorless C Promotion
040/050 A Staraptor Colorless U Promotion
041/050 A Regigigas Colorless R Promotion
042/050 A Minccino Colorless C Promotion
043/050 A Cinccino Colorless C Promotion
044/050 A Type: Null Colorless R Promotion
045/050 A SilvallyGX Colorless RR Promotion
046/050 A Counter Catcher I U Promotion
047/050 A Peeking Red Card I U Promotion
048/050 A Psychic Memory I U Promotion
049/050 A Fighting Memory I U Promotion
050/050 A Gladion Su U Promotion
051/050 A Alolan GolemGX Lightning SR Promotion
052/050 A BuzzwoleGX Fighting SR Promotion
053/050 A KartanaGX Metal SR Promotion
054/050 A SilvallyGX Colorless SR Promotion
055/050 A Gladion Su SR Promotion
056/050 A Alolan GolemGX Lightning HR Promotion
057/050 A BuzzwoleGX Fighting HR Promotion
058/050 A KartanaGX Metal HR Promotion
059/050 A SilvallyGX Colorless HR Promotion
060/050 A Counter Catcher I UR Promotion
061/050 A Warp Energy Colorless E UR Promotion
062/050 Metal Energy Metal E UR Promotion

Ultradimensional Beasts
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/050 A Weedle Grass C Promotion
002/050 A Kakuna Grass C Promotion
003/050 A Beedrill Grass U Promotion
004/050 A Exeggcute Grass C Promotion
005/050 A Shelmet Grass C Promotion
006/050 A Accelgor Grass C Promotion
007/050 A Magikarp Water C Promotion
008/050 A GyaradosGX Water RR Promotion
009/050 A Swinub Water C Promotion
010/050 A Piloswine Water C Promotion
011/050 A Mamoswine Water U Promotion
012/050 A Feebas Water C Promotion
013/050 A Milotic Water R Promotion
014/050 A Regice Water R Promotion
015/050 A Pikachu Lightning C Promotion
016/050 A Alolan Raichu Lightning R Promotion
017/050 A Misdreavus Psychic C Promotion
018/050 A Mismagius Psychic U Promotion
019/050 A Spoink Psychic C Promotion
020/050 A Grumpig Psychic C Promotion
021/050 A Oranguru Psychic U Promotion
022/050 A NihilegoGX Psychic RR Promotion
023/050 A Mankey Fighting C Promotion
024/050 A Primeape Fighting U Promotion
025/050 A Regirock Fighting U Promotion
026/050 A Stufful Fighting C Promotion
027/050 A Bewear Fighting R Promotion
028/050 A Houndour Darkness C Promotion
029/050 A Houndoom Darkness U Promotion
030/050 A Deino Darkness C Promotion
031/050 A Zweilous Darkness U Promotion
032/050 A Hydreigon Darkness R Promotion
033/050 A GuzzlordGX Darkness RR Promotion
034/050 A Jigglypuff Fairy C Promotion
035/050 A Wigglytuff Fairy U Promotion
036/050 A Xerneas Fairy R Promotion
037/050 A Alolan ExeggutorGX Dragon RR Promotion
038/050 A Jangmo-o Dragon C Promotion
039/050 A Hakamo-o Dragon U Promotion
040/050 A Kommo-o Dragon R Promotion
041/050 A Miltank Colorless C Promotion
042/050 A Swablu Colorless C Promotion
043/050 A Altaria Colorless U Promotion
044/050 A Bunnelby Colorless C Promotion
045/050 A Diggersby Colorless C Promotion
046/050 A Dashing Pouch I U Promotion
047/050 A Lusamine Su U Promotion
048/050 A Sea of Nothingness St U Promotion
049/050 A Devoured Field St U Promotion
050/050 A Counter Energy Colorless E U Promotion
051/050 A GyaradosGX Water SR Promotion
052/050 A NihilegoGX Psychic SR Promotion
053/050 A GuzzlordGX Darkness SR Promotion
054/050 A Alolan ExeggutorGX Dragon SR Promotion
055/050 A Lusamine Su SR Promotion
056/050 A GyaradosGX Water HR Promotion
057/050 A NihilegoGX Psychic HR Promotion
058/050 A GuzzlordGX Darkness HR Promotion
059/050 A Alolan ExeggutorGX Dragon HR Promotion
060/050 A Wishful Baton I UR Promotion
061/050 A Counter Energy Colorless E UR Promotion
062/050 Water Energy Water E UR Promotion


English Silvally pack
English Buzzwole pack
English Kartana pack
English Guzzlord pack
Japanese Awakened Heroes
Japanese Ultradimensional
Beasts pack
English Crimson Invasion
booster box
Japanese Awakened Heroes
booster box
Japanese Ultradimensional
Beasts booster box
Player Guide
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The Awakened Heroes and Ultradimensional Beasts sets are released in Japanese and Korean, both only available in unlimited edition. Since the Sun & Moon era, Japanese 1st edition cards are no longer printed. The Crimson Invasion set is released in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese, with cards also available as Reverse Holos.

In other languages

Language Title
French Invasion Carmin
German Aufziehen der Sturmröte
Italian Invasione Scarlatta
Korean 각성의 용사 Awakened Heroes
초차원의 침략자 Ultradimensional Invaders
Brazilian Portuguese Invasão Carmim
Russian Багровое Нашествие Bagrovoye Nashestvie
Spanish Invasión Carmesí

External links

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Sun & Moon Series
SM Black Star Promos
Sun & Moon: Forest ShadowRoaring HeatBright TideSun & Moon Prerelease Kit
Sun & Moon Trainer Kit: Lycanroc & Alolan Raichu
Guardians Rising: Guardians Rising Prerelease KitSteel SunHidden Moon
Lugia Legendary Battle DeckHo-Oh Legendary Battle DeckBattle Arena Decks: Black Kyurem vs. White Kyurem
Burning Shadows: Burning Shadows Prerelease KitRock SteadyLuminous Frost
McDonald's Collection 2017Shining Legends
Crimson Invasion: Crimson Invasion Prerelease KitDestruction FangClanging Thunder
Ultra Prism: Ultra Prism Prerelease KitImperial CommandMach Strike
Forbidden Light: Forbidden Light Build & Battle BoxTropical TakedownTwilight Rogue
Sun & Moon Trainer Kit: Alolan Sandslash & Alolan NinetalesMcDonald's Collection 2018
Celestial Storm: Celestial Storm Build & Battle BoxLeaf ChargeHydro Fury
Battle Arena Decks—Mega Charizard X vs. Mega BlastoiseDragon Majesty
Lost Thunder: Lost Thunder Build & Battle BoxBlazing VolcanoStorm Caller
Team Up: Team Up Build & Battle BoxRelentless FlameTorrential Cannon
Detective Pikachu
Unbroken Bonds: Unbroken Bonds Build & Battle BoxLightning LoopBattle Mind
Let's Play, Pikachu!Let's Play, Eevee!
Unified Minds: Unified Minds Build & Battle BoxSoaring StormLaser Focus
Hidden FatesMcDonald's Collection 2019Battle Arena Decks—Rayquaza-GX vs. Ultra Necrozma-GX
Cosmic Eclipse: Cosmic Eclipse Build & Battle BoxTowering HeightsUnseen Depths
Battle Academy 2020
Sun & Moon Era
SM-P Promotional cards
Pikachu's New Friends
Collection SunCollection Moon: Sun & Moon Starter SetPremium Trainer Box
Rockruff Full Power DeckTogedemaru DeckTurtonator DeckSun & Moon
Islands Await YouAlolan Moonlight: Tapu Bulu-GX Enhanced Starter Set
Facing a New TrialAsh vs Team Rocket Deck Kit
To Have Seen the Battle RainbowDarkness that Consumes Light
Shining Legends
Awakened HeroesUltradimensional Beasts
GX Battle BoostSolgaleo-GX & Lunala-GX Legendary Starter Set
Ultra SunUltra Moon: Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Premium Trainer Box
Ultra ForceUltra Sun & Ultra Moon Deck Build Boxes
Forbidden Light
Dragon StormChampion Road
Sky-Splitting Charisma
Thunderclap SparkGX Starter DecksFairy Rise
Super-Burst Impact
Dark OrderGX Ultra ShinyEevee-GX Starter Sets
Tag Bolt: Tag Team GX Premium Trainer Box
Night UnisonTrainer Battle DecksFull Metal Wall
Double Blaze: Tag Team GX Deck Build Box
Sun & Moon Family Pokémon Card GameGG EndSky LegendGreat Detective Pikachu
Miracle Twin: Tag Team GX Starter Sets
Remix BoutDream League
Alter Genesis
Tag All StarsExtra Regulation Box