The Member Card grants the player access to the Harbor Inn in Canalave City. Shortly after, the player will meet a strange old man, have a nightmare, and travel to Newmoon Island, where Darkrai can be obtained. If Darkrai is obtained, a booming voice will talk to the player and the player will wake up from their nightmare with Darkrai either in their party or in the PC. The player can rebattle Darkrai again, if fled from or fainted.
Before the player may enter the Harbor Inn using the Member Card, the player must first meet Cresselia, obtain the Lunar Wing, and use it to dispel the nightmares Darkrai inflicts on Eldritch's son.
For more info on how to get DARKRAI, visit the official Pokémon website. Be sure to save your game after you pick up the Member Card at a Poké Mart.
*Carte Miracle
La Carte Membre!
Rendez-vous sur le site Pokémon officiel pour savoir comment obtenir DARKRAI. Allez tout d'abord récupérer la Carte Membre dans une Boutique Pokémon, puis pensez à sauvegarder.
Eine Mitgliedskarte für dich!
Die offizielle Pokémon-Webseite verrät dir, wie du dir DARKRAI holen kannst. Vergiss nicht, deinen Spielstand zu sichern, wenn du die Mitgl.Karte im Pokémon-Supermarkt abgeholt hast.
*Scheda Segreta
Ecco la Scheda Soci!
Visita il sito ufficiale Pokémon per ulteriori informazioni su come ottenere DARKRAI. Ricorda di salvare il gioco dopo aver ritirato la Scheda Soci in un Pokémon-Market.
*Tarj. misteriosta
¡El Carné Socio!
Para saber cómo conseguir a DARKRAI, visita la página oficial de Pokémon. Asegúrate de guardar la partida cuando recojas el Carné Socio en la Tienda Pokémon.
*이상한 카드
멤버스카드 선물
프렌들리숍에서 받으면 반드시 리포트를 작성하세요! 환상의 포켓몬 다크라이를 만나러 가는 자세한 방법은 포켓몬 공식 사이트를 확인해 주세요!
Distribution in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Game Version
April 1 to April 30, 2022
Wonder Card
Member Card Gift
Here's what you got: Member Card ×1
In the Member Card's description, it says that the last date marked on it was 50 years ago. On the official artwork, it is labeled "1958.12.1", exactly 50 years before the first Japanese distribution.
When receiving this item from the deliveryman in a Poké Mart, it is referred to as the "Member's Card".