Annihilape increasing the size of its unshackled arm
Annihilape is a simian Pokémon with a round body that is situated on two thin legs with black shackles around its ankles. It is covered in shaggy grey fur that streams upward and fades to white as it seems to evaporate. Its shaggy ear fur usually hangs down but tends to stream upwards while Annihilape is in battle. Unlike Primeape and Mankey, Annihilape's skin is a dark grey. The metal shackle on its left arm is broken while it appears to have no shackle at all on the right arm. It is also able to greatly increase the size of its unshackled arm. Annihilape has three-fingered hands and two-toed feet. There are multiple throbbing veins on the left side of its face, with a large pink pig-like snout as well. Its eyes are red as if the creature were in an extreme rage.
Annihilape evolved from Primeape when the rage in its soul became too much for its physical form to contain; it gained increased power as a result of its spirit no longer being limited by the flesh. The rage that was bubbling inside fills its punches with force that frightens its targets to their core.
Annihilape and its pre-evolved form, Primeape, are the only known Pokémon capable of learning the move Rage Fist.
Annihilape evolves from Primeape and is the final form of Mankey.
It imbues its fists with the power of the rage that it kept hidden in its heart. Opponents struck by these imbued fists will be shattered to their core.
Annihilape made its main series debut at the very end of HZ052, albeit heavily shadowed. It appeared properly in the next episode, as part of an enraged group of Mankey and Primeape that had been separated from their food storage. In the same episode, two other Annihilape appeared after evolving from Primeape.
Minor appearances
Pokémon: Paldean Winds
Annihilape appeared in Take a Breath, under the ownership of Eri.
Its general concept and added Ghost-type may have been inspired by Primeape's Pokédex entry in Pokémon Sun, which states that Primeape can become so angry that it dies as a result. Additionally, it seems to be inspired by onryō, vengeful spirits from Japanese folklore. It may take additional inspiration from the Basajaun, a hairy apelike being from Basque folklore.
Name origin
Annihilape may be a combination of annihilate and ape.
Konoyozaru may be a combination of この世を去る kono yo o saru (to leave this world; to die) and 猿 saru (monkey).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.