Forecast (Ability)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Forecast てんきや
Flavor text
Generation III
Changes with the weather.
Generation IV
Castform transforms with the weather.
Generation V
Castform transforms with the weather.
Generation VI
Castform transforms with the weather.
Generation VII
The Pokémon transforms with the weather to change its type to Water, Fire, or Ice.
Generation VIII
The Pokémon transforms with the weather to change its type to Water, Fire, or Ice.
Generation IX
The Pokémon transforms with the weather to change its type to Water, Fire, or Ice.

Forecast (Japanese: てんきや Temperamental) is an Ability introduced in Generation III. It is the signature Ability of Castform.


In battle

Depending on the weather, Forecast will change Castform's form, which also changes its type. Castform changes as follows:

This Ability has no effect on Pokémon other than Castform.

Forecast does not change Castform's form until after Stealth Rock deals damage.

Generation III

If a Pokémon transforms into Castform with Forecast, it will change forms with the weather just like Castform.

If Castform or a Pokémon transformed into Castform loses Forecast, it will be stuck in its current form. When it regains Forecast, it will change to the form matching the current weather, even if it is already in the correct form (which resets its type if it had changed due to an effect like Color Change).

Forecast can be copied by Role Play and Trace.

Generation IV

If Forecast is suppressed with Gastro Acid, it will be stuck in its current form.

Forecast cannot be copied by Trace.

Generation V onward

If a Pokémon transforms into Castform, the Pokémon will remain in the same form as the target Castform, regardless of the weather.

If Castform loses Forecast or Forecast is suppressed with Gastro Acid, it will revert to its normal form and not be able to change form. If Castform regains Forecast, it will change form to match the current weather, unless it would be in its normal form in the current weather.

Role Play fails if the target has the Ability Forecast. Entrainment fails if the user has the Ability Forecast. Forecast cannot be copied by Power of Alchemy or Receiver, nor can it be traded by Wandering Spirit.

Outside of battle

Forecast has no effect outside of battle.

Pokémon with Forecast

# Pokémon Types First Ability Second Ability Hidden Ability
0351 Castform Castform
Normal Normal Forecast None None
0351 Castform Castform
Sunny Form
Fire Fire Forecast None None
0351 Castform Castform
Rainy Form
Water Water Forecast None None
0351 Castform Castform
Snowy Form
Ice Ice Forecast None None
Please note that Abilities marked with a superscript are only available in the stated generation or later.
  • For Generation III and IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities.

In other games


Games Description
MDRB The Pokémon's type changes with the weather.
MDTDS Changes the Pokémon's type based on the weather.
BSL てんきによって タイプが かわる
MDGtI Unavailable
SMD The Pokémon changes its type depending on the weather. If it's sunny, it changes to Fire type. If it's rain, it changes to Water type. If it's hail, it changes to Ice type.
MDRTDX The Pokémon changes its type depending on the weather. During Sunny weather or Extremely Harsh Sunlight, it changes to Fire type. During Rain or Heavy Rain, it changes to Water type. During Hail, it changes to Ice type.

In the anime

Castform in harsh sunlight

Castform while raining

Castform activating Forecast

Castform activating Forecast
The Pokémon transforms with the weather to change its type to Water, Fire, or Ice.
Pokémon Method
User First Used In Notes
Castform Castform's body glows white when the weather is calm and it transforms into its Normal Form.
Bart's Castform Unfair Weather Friends Debut
Castform Castform's body glows blue when it starts to rain and it transforms into its Rainy Form.
Bart's Castform Unfair Weather Friends Water type
Castform Castform's body glows red or white when there isn't a cloud in the sky and it transforms into its Sunny Form.
Bart's Castform Unfair Weather Friends Fire type
An ally Castform Currying Favor and Flavor! Fire type
Castform Castform's body glows blue when it starts to snow and it transforms into its Snowy Form.
A Trainer's Castform Mounting an Electrifying Charge! Ice type

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures


In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 陰晴不定 Yām-Chìhng Bātdihng
Mandarin 陰晴不定 / 阴晴不定 Yīn-Qíng Bùdìng *
天氣預報 Tiānqì Yùbào *
French Météo
German Prognose
Greek Πρόβλεψη Próvlepsi
Italian Previsioni
Korean 기분파 Gibunpa
Brazilian Portuguese Previsão do Tempo
Spanish Predicción
Vietnamese Dự báo thời tiết

Abilities affected by weather conditions
Sand VeilSwift SwimChlorophyllRain DishForecastSnow CloakDry SkinHydrationSolar PowerLeaf GuardIce BodyFlower GiftHarvestSand RushSand ForceSlush RushIce FaceProtosynthesisOrichalcum Pulse

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.