Talk:Pikachu VMAX (Raid Battle 1)

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Revision as of 15:50, 5 July 2024 by Salmancer (talk | contribs) (Why and how this page should be split into three. (Different numbers))
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Latest comment: 5 July 2024 by Salmancer in topic One page for three cards!?

One page for three cards!?

Someone (who was not me) decided the Raid Battle Boss Pokémon are "Real CardsTM". (They're on several pages, including Pokémon V, Pikachu (TCG), and Drednaw (TCG)) If these are "Real CardsTM", then why are three different cards with three different sets of numbers on the same page? Having differences in HP and damage means they aren't reprints of each other. Each of these levels of Boss are different, in the same way any other case of two cards of the same name that differ in these HP and attack damage are different.

This case is technically different, since all of the relevant cards have the same collectors number (If that can be quantified as a collectors number without a set, but BP already does so.) To which I say "It's a TCG, there's an exception to everything", Including the very concept of cards needing to have unique collectors numbers.

As for naming, it's simple. Each card has a level, which is their primary distinguishing property. So "(Level 1 Raid Battle 2)" works just fine. The "set" goes second here, which preserves TCG ID's 3rd parameter being the number at the bottom of the card. Salmancer (talk) 15:50, 5 July 2024 (UTC)Reply