In Hisui, Samurott has a dual-type Water/Darkregional form. It evolves from Dewott starting at level 36. It is the final form of Oshawott in the Hisui region.
Poster showing Samurott standing on its hind legs and carrying its unsheathed seamitar
Samurott is a quadrupedal Pokémon resembling a river otter or sea lion. Its head, dorsal coat, and limbs are royal blue, and its underbelly is a dull bluish-gray. It has pointed canine teeth, and a red nose, and its eyes have white sclera and circular red irises. Long white whiskers resembling mustaches extend from its snout and lower jaw. Samurott possesses three black claws on each limb, and a fin-like tail resembling a war fan. Samurott's head, limbs, and tail are adorned with cream-colored armor resembling seashells. The armor on its head resembles a spiked conch shell. This helmet-like armor is bulbous in the back, and tapers into a spear-like horn in the front. Segmented armor resembling bracers covers each of Samurott's limbs. The forelimbs' bracers contain shell swords called seamitars. The two lower segments of these bracers serve as scabbards for these seamitars, and the upper segment and spike are the seamitars' blade and handle, respectively.
In battle, Samurott can stand on its hind limbs and use its seamitars to fight. In the time it takes a foe to blink, Samurott can draw, attack with, and sheathe the seamitars attached to its front legs. It is said that Samurott can fell an opponent in one swing, and that it can silence foes with a glare or a howl. Samurott is a master of a sword-drawing art called the iaijutsu. Samurott leads its group with strict leadership. Samurott will mercilessly thrash those who do not follow its rules with the group.
Hisuian Samurott is a rare regional variant of Samurott native to the Hisui region. The color of its coat and the shape of its body are similar to its Unovan counterpart, but the texture of its whiskers, as well as the texture and color of its shell armor, are quite different. Its whiskers are wavy, as opposed to the straight whiskers of Unovan Samurott, and the lower set of whiskers are much longer. The shell armor covering its head and limbs is black with red accents. The shell on its head features two lateral spines absent in Unovan Samurott, and the spiny, anterior horn is crooked and wavy. Hisuian Samurotts' bracers have sharper, more curved edges than those of Unovan Samurott, as do its seamitars, which have wavy blades. Hisuian Samurott has one less layer of shell armor on its hind limbs than Unovan Samurott. The armored portion of its tail is also longer and wavier than its Unovan counterpart. Another comparison of its Unovan counterpart is it lacks its chest marking. Its claws are red.
Hisuian Samurott is said to have a cold and hard-hearted nature and is deft with its shell blades. Unlike its Unovan counterpart, which prefers to fight fair, Hisuian Samurott will do anything to win a battle and prefers to use tricks, surprise attacks, and cheap shots. It remains still and silent until it sees an opponent. Then in the blink of an eye, Hisuian Samurott draws its seamitars and thrusts them at its enemies. The attacks Hisuian Samurott unleashes are likened to the ceaseless crashing of waves, and can confuse and overwhelm opponents. The wounds inflicted by Hisuian Samurott are said to take many years to heal.[1]
Hard of heart and deft of blade, this rare form of Samurott is a product of the Pokémon's evolution in the region of Hisui. Its turbulent blows crash into foes like ceaseless pounding waves.
A female Samurott made her main series debut in The Road to Humilau!, under the ownership of Cameron. Cameron first used Samurott in his Gym match against Marlon and his Mantine, which he won. During the Vertress Conference, Samurott was used against Bianca and her Escavalier, which she defeated, but she then lost to Emboar. During Cameron's match against Ash, Samurott defeated Pignite but lost to Pikachu.
Samurott, the Formidable Pokémon and the final evolved form of Oshawott. Protected by armor, Samurott can defeat opponents with one sword swipe. Its glare can silence them as well.
Both Cheren and Arata have Samurott, with the latter obtaining it as an Oshawott.
Pocket Monsters BW: Meetings with the Legends
Touya has a Samurott, which evolved from his Dewott.
Pokémon Adventures
Cedric Juniper has a Samurott that first appeared in At Liberty on Liberty Garden. It is used in the final battle with N, along with Black's Emboar and White's Serperior. It was formally an Oshawott intended to hand to starting trainers, until N came to attempt to liberate the first partner Pokémon. The Oshawott remained, while the Tepig fled and N made off with the Snivy (the same Snivy who eventually joined White).
Samurott, Serperior, and Emboar all share the same base stat total of 528.
Samurott and its pre-evolutions were designed by Yusuke Ohmura.[2]
Samurott appears in Pokémon Battle Chess BW Version. It acts as a bishop piece in chess, but can also move one square directly forward.
Samurott's evolutionary line is the only Water-type first partner Pokémon evolutionary line that is not part of the Water 1 Egg Group.
Samurott and its pre-evolutions are the only pre-Generation VIII Pokémon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus to have not been available in previous Generation VIII games.
Unovan Samurott is the only Pokémon to not be available in any Generation VIII games while its pre-evolutions are available.
Samurott is based on an otter, although compared to its pre-evolved forms, Samurott seems to be based more on the Eurasian otter than the sea otter. Samurott's design is also heavily based on a sea lion and an armored samurai.[3][4] While it was decided that Oshawott would be based on a sea otter, the designers had issues in creating a fully-evolved form which was more interesting than just a bigger otter standing on two legs. At that point Yusuke Ohmura went to see an otter exhibit at the Sunshine Aquarium in Ikebukuro,[5] but his attention was rather caught by the strength displayed by some sea lions at a nearby sea lion show, and thus Ohmura decided to incorporate elements of the latter animal into the design.[4]
Appearance-wise, Samurott's tail may be based on a Japanese war fan. The "helmet" over its head appears to be based on the rare-spined murex shell. The markings on its chest make it reminiscent of a giant otter. Its ability to withdraw, attack with, and return its blade may be a reference to iaido, a Japanese martial art that uses similar swordplay in combat. Its whiskers bear a great deal of similarity to the facial hair found in some menpō, a type of facial armor employed by samurai.
Samurott's evolutionary line as a whole is based on the lifespan of a samurai: from a child (Oshawott), to a young samurai (Dewott), to a military commander (Samurott).[3]Serperior, Emboar, and Samurott's evolutionary lines are collectively based on Western, Chinese, and Japanese culture respectively, to represent the diversity of the Unova region.[4]
Hisuian Samurott may be based on the extinct Japanese otter and the sea otter. Its anthropomorphic aspect may come from rōnin, which are samurai without a lord or master to serve. The kanji 浪 from 浪人 (rōnin) literally means wave, which might have been the inspiration for the wave-like designs all over Hisuian Samurott's body. Being a rōnin was regarded as dishonorable in traditional samurai culture, and many of them end up becoming mercenaries, which may explain Hisuian Samurott's Dark type. The seamitars it keeps on its arms resemble flame-bladed swords, also known as wave-bladed swords, such as the flamberge or kris.
Name origin
Samurott may be a combination of samurai and otter.
Daikenki may be a combination of 大 dai (great), 剣 ken (sword), 鬼 ki (demon), and 剣鬼 kenki (devilish swordsman).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.