Garchomp is a bipedal, draconian Pokémon that is primarily dark blue in color. It has red on its underbelly from the lower jaw to the middle of the abdomen, including the undersides of its arms. A patch of gold comes to a point below the red on its belly, and a golden star shape adorns the tip of its snout. Garchomp has horn-like appendages that resemble a jet or plane's engines, giving it an appearance similar to a hammerhead shark. These horns allow it to sense its prey from a long distance. Its large mouth features razor-sharp teeth. The feet have three white talons, and each arm has a single large, white claw for a hand. Curved fins sprout from the arms, creating wings that allow Garchomp to fly. Garchomp also has a large dorsal fin and another on its tail that resembles a sharktailfin. The male's dorsal fin has a notch on it. Pairs of small, white spikes protrude from its upper arms and legs, and there are gill-like slits on the sides of the neck. The eyes are intense, with black sclerae and gold-colored irises.
Garchomp can fly at an incredible speed to catch its prey, being capable of flying as fast as a jet, cutting down trees with its blades of wind, a magnificent sight to witness. It is able to move in both the air and underground. It preys on bird Pokémon and is known to eat entire flocks of them whole. It sometimes battles Salamence in the air as they compete for food. After catching prey, it returns to its den before its body can cool down. The fine scales on its body reduce drag for easier flight, and their sharp edges also serve to injure opponents who attack it directly. It can use its protuberances as sensors for finding distinct prey. Garchomp lives in mountainous regions, both volcanic and boreal, and typically dwells underground. However, it is seldom sighted in the wild. Garchomp is described as having a feral nature, requiring extreme caution should anyone encounter it.
When Garchomp Mega Evolves, several of its features become more angular, including its head and shoulders. A row of five tooth-like spikes sprouts from each side of its abdomen and red spikes grow from its knees. The claws and fins on its arms melt from the excessive Mega Evolution energy and morph together to form sharp, red blades. Because Garchomp takes great pride in its winglike fins, it is enraged at the sight of them melting into scythes. Its scythes can slice the ground to pieces, and Mega Garchomp viciously tears up its opponents with them.
Soars across the heavens at blinding speed—a magnificent sight! It has a feral disposition. Utmost caution is required if one meets a Garchomp out in the wilds.
NA:Garchomp looks like a plane's engines mixed with a hammerhead shark. There's something about it that we just find so appealing - we have to get one! Garchomp is capable of folding up its body and spreading its wings, letting it move at Mach speed! Garchompite will Mega Evolve Garchomp into Mega Garchomp, increasing its power even more!
PAL:There's something about Garchomp that appeals to the kid in all of us. It's basically a mach-speed flying dinosaur with spikes. What's not to love? When it folds up its body and extends its wings for flight, you might mistake it for a jet plane. And with a little Garchompite, it can Mega Evolve for extra firepower!
Garchomp is playable through obtaining a Unite License. It is a melee all-rounder that starts as Gible and evolves into Gabite at level 5, which evolves into Garchomp at level 9.
Garchomp's prototype sprite from PlatinumIcon of Mach Motors
Garchomp is the only pseudo-legendary Pokémon to have gender differences.
The company logo for Mach Motors depicts a stylized Garchomp head.
Garchomp appears to combine traits of dinosaurian kaijus, wyverns, aircrafts, and different species of sharks. It may also reference Land Sharks, a recurring creature in fantasy settings.
Garchomp also shares traits with various species of sharks, noticeably the hammerhead shark. Its Ground typing might also be a reference to ground sharks or sand sharks. It may also be based on theropod dinosaurs, particularly the Carcharodontosaurus, whose teeth are often compared to the great white shark's due to similar serrations and sharpness.
Garchomp's aircraft traits may allude to Curtiss P-40 Warhawk fighters. These models popularized shark-themed nose arts on aircrafts and were often referred to as "desert sharks".
Mega Garchomp's skull-like head and scythe arms may be based on traits of typical Grim Reaper depictions.
Name origin
Garchomp may be a combination of its Japanese name, carcharias (Latinization of the Greek word for shark karkharías), chomp, and possibly gargantuan.
Gaburias may be a combination of がぶり gaburi (with a big bite) and carcharias or アース āsu (earth).
This Pokémon article is part of Project Pokédex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon species, as well as Pokémon groups and forms.