Appendix:Ruby and Sapphire walkthrough/Section 11

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Revision as of 21:22, 14 August 2024 by Thespeon196 (talk | contribs) (relink after list of decorations page moves)
This is the Bulbapedia walkthrough for Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire.
These pages follow the original Game Boy Advance iteration, not Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. The guide for those games can be found here.

Slateport City

When you arrive in Slateport, head straight for the northeast part of town. Outside Slateport Harbor, you find Captain Stern wrapping up a TV interview in front of a small crowd. Afterwards, you catch up with him for a little chat where he informs you of his newest discovery. He's found an underwater cavern on Route 128, and believes it to be the den of a super-ancient Pokémon long though to have been extinct. Just then, you hear a voice booming out from a megaphone. It's MaxieR/ArchieS, who mocks the captain and thanks him for the submarine.

Slateport Harbor

After rushing inside the building, you find MaxieR/ArchieS and a Grunt standing near the sub, ready to depart. He accepts that you won't simply leave him to his plans, and wonders if you will visit their hideout in Lilycove City. But he's come too far to be stopped now, and he and the Grunt quickly escape in the sub.

Lilycove City

Lilycove City

A port city, Lilycove mirrors Slateport with its impressive size, its scenic lighthouse, and its spacious harbor. The main attraction is the Lilycove Department Store, while the Master Rank Contest Hall, Lilycove Museum, and Cove Lily Motel are also located here.

Pokémon Trainer Fan Club

Members of the Pokémon Trainer Fan Club discuss popular Pokémon Trainers and Gym Leaders. After entering the Hall of Fame, several members announce themselves as your fans, as well.

Cove Lily Motel

The villainous team's hideout on the edge of town has kept most tourists away, bringing the Cove Lily Motel's business to a halt. As a result, there's nothing of interest here at the moment. After resolving the conflict with the villainous team and entering the Hall of Fame, the Game Freak staff will visit the motel during their trip to Hoenn. The Game Designer will give Trainers the Poké Diploma after completing the Hoenn Pokédex.

Pokéblock Master's House

The Pokéblock Master's house stands to the north of the harbor. Talk to her and her family to learn tips on crafting potent Pokéblocks.

Rival Battle 4

When you approach the Department Store, you find May/Brendan waiting outside. She/He offers to battle you to determine which Trainer has been doing a better job of raising their Pokémon.

Treecko Player chose Treecko

Torchic Player chose Torchic

Mudkip Player chose Mudkip

Once the battle ends, your friend heads back to Littleroot Town to continue working on her/his Pokédex.

Lilycove Department Store

Welcome to the Lilycove Department Store! This massive shopping center offers a wide array of merchandise, so Trainers can find almost any item for sale here.

1F: Service Counter, Lottery Corner

The first floor is a welcome center. The receptionist on the left greets visitors, while the one on the right runs the Pokémon Lottery Corner. Talk to her to draw a random Pokémon Loto Ticket. If the ticket's number matches up with any of your Pokémon's ID numbers, you win a prize! You can draw one Loto Ticket per day.

Matching Digits Prize
2 digits PP Up PP Up
3 digits Exp. Share Exp. Share
4 digits Max Revive Max Revive
5 digits Master Ball Master Ball

2F: Trainers' Zone

The second floor offers items that are useful during battle. The left clerk sells Poké Balls and items to cure status ailments, while the right clerk sells Potions, Repels, and other items.

3F: Battle Collection

The third floor sells stat-enhancing items. The left clerk offers Vitamins that permanently boost their respective stat, like Protein. The right clerk offers Battle item that give a temporary boost in battle, like X Attack.

4F: TM Corner

The fourth floor offers eight different TMs for sale. Speak to the left clerk to buy TMs containing offensive moves, and the right clerk for TMs containing defensive moves.

5F: Decoration Floor

The fifth floor is dedicated to Secret Base fanatics. Here you'll find a wide selection of Decorations to deck out your Base, including dolls, mats, posters, and cushions.

Rooftop Plaza

After entering the Hall of Fame, the store occasionally holds a major clearance sale. A special selection of Secret Base Decorations are offered, with items listed anywhere from $200 to $10,000. Though this sale rarely occurs, many of the items available for purchase cannot be obtained anywhere else.

Lilycove Museum

The Lilycove Museum stands in the northwest part of town. The museum's curator initially blocks the stairs to the second floor because the upper level is empty. He is still searching for modern and vibrant artwork to display there, and asks you to search for such artwork. If you happen to win a Master Rank Pokémon Contest with at least 800 points, an artist will approach you saying that he's done a painting that might even look good in a museum, at which point you direct him to the Lilycove Museum. If you collect one painting for each of the five Contest categories, the curator will reward you with a Glass Ornament for your Secret Base.

Move Deleter's House

The first house to the east of the Department Store is home to the Move Deleter, an absent-minded man with the power to make a Pokémon forget any move. This is the only way for a Pokémon to forget an HM move. Unlike the Move Reminder in Fallarbor Town, the Move Deleter's services are free of charge.

A Berry A Day

Speak to the Gentleman to the east of the Move Deleter's house to get one random Berry. This kind old man will give you either a Cheri, Chesto, Pecha, Rawst, Aspear, Leppa, Oran, Persim, Lum, or Sitrus Berry every day.

← Part 10 Routes 120 and 121, Safari Zone, Route 122, Mt. Pyre, Route 123
Ruby and Sapphire
Team Magma/Aqua Hideout, Route 124 Part 12 →

This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.