Pokémon hunters (JN053)

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The Pokémon hunters

The Pokémon hunters (Japanese: ポケモンハンター Pokémon hunters) are characters of the day who appeared in Healing the Healer!. They capture Pokémon for their boss.

In the anime


They first had their Pokémon poison a lake in order to lure out a Suicune. Ash and Goh encountered the Pokémon hunters and tried to stop them when Suicune appeared. The hunters had their Pokémon attack Suicune, injuring and poisoning it. They tied it up, only for Goh to throw a Poké Ball at Suicune, allowing him to catch it. Goh proceeded to run away with Suicune as the hunters battled Ash.

After overcoming Ash, the hunters continued their search for Goh and Suicune and soon found them. They were able to catch Suicune, only for it to break free from their net and freeze them, allowing them to be arrested by Officer Jenny.


This article is missing information on this character's Japanese voice actor.
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Pokémon hunters's Houndoom

Houndoom is the boss's only known Pokémon. He sent it out to battle Goh, after his newly caught Drowzee was causing trouble and was able to defeat it. Houndoom battled Suicune, only to be defeated by the Legendary Pokémon.

Houndoom's only known moves are Crunch and Flamethrower.


Pokémon hunters's Garbodor
Debut Healing the Healer!
Voice actors
English Erica Schroeder

Garbodor was among the Pokémon used by the hunters to poison a lake in an attempt to draw the attention of Suicune. Once Goh caught Suicune, it was used to battle Ash and Goh before eventually being defeated.

Garbodor's only known move is Sludge Bomb.

Pokémon hunters's Muk

Muk was among the Pokémon used by the hunters to poison a lake in an attempt to draw the attention of Suicune. Once Goh caught Suicune, it was used to battle Ash and Goh before eventually being defeated.

Muk's only known move is Sludge Bomb.

Pokémon hunters's Weezing
Debut Healing the Healer!
Voice actors
English Bill Rogers

Weezing was among the Pokémon used by the hunters to poison a lake in an attempt to draw the attention of Suicune. Once Goh caught Suicune, it was used to battle Ash and Goh before eventually being defeated.

Weezing's only known move is Sludge Bomb.

Pokémon hunters's Trubbish
Debut Healing the Healer!
Voice actors
English Erica Schroeder

Trubbish was among the Pokémon used by the hunters to poison a lake in an attempt to draw the attention of Suicune. Once Goh caught Suicune, it was used to battle Ash and Goh before eventually being defeated.

Trubbish's known moves are Sludge Bomb and Pound.

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 最上嗣生 Tsuguo Mogami (Boss)
三宅健太 Kenta Miyake
光部樹 Tatsuki Kobe
Arabic حسن حسين حمدان Hasan Houssein Hamdan (Boss)
European French Benoit Van Dorslaer (Boss)
Frédéric Clou
Grégory Praet
Jean-Marc Delhausse
Michel Hinderyckx
Italian Matteo Brusamonti (Boss)
Polish Grzegorz Pawlak (Boss)

In the manga

The Pokémon hunters in Pokémon Journeys: The Series

Pokémon Journeys: The Series

The hunters appeared in Healing the Healer!, playing the same role as they did in the anime.







This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.