Like all other Gyms in Paldea, the Glaseado Gym building itself is simply used for registering Gym challengers. The Gym Test and Gym battle are both conducted outside the building, within Glaseado Mountain.
Gym Test
The Glaseado Gym Test is known as the Snow Slope Run. To pass it, the player must use KoraidonS/MiraidonV to slide down a designated snowboard course and make it to the goal within the target time of 90 seconds. Each missed gate adds five seconds to the timer.
After the player has defeated Grusha, they can attempt the Snow Slope Run again as many times as they want. There are three courses: the Powder Snow Course, the Blizzard Course, and the Sheer Cold Course, each of which gets unlocked after beating the previous one and is longer than the last. In the two last courses, Glalie are moving back and forth across the path to act as avoidable obstacles.
Glaseado Gym in the animeGlaseado Gym's battlefield in the anime
Glaseado Gym appeared in HZ063 as Liko, Roy, and Dot arrived there for Liko's second Terastal Training test. Before the test, the trio went to briefly enjoy bobsledding with some Cetoddle and met Grusha, who criticized Liko on having fun before the test and felt she wasn't taking it seriously. The test battle later commenced at the Gym's outdoor battlefield. Despite Liko's strategies and use of Terastallization, she still lost, with Grusha informing her afterwards that she had failed her test and refused to accept a do-over before leaving.
Cetitan is Grusha's third known Pokémon. It was used during Liko's Terastal Training test battle against him, taking on her Floragato, who was swapped out for Hattrem. Hattrem put up a decent fight and dealt some damage to it, but Cetitian ultimately overpowered and defeated her. It then went up against Floragato once again, but this time, it was incapacitated when it choked on her Magical Leaf. Cetitan was then swapped out in favor of Altaria.
Altaria is Grusha's second known Pokémon and his ace in battle. During Liko's Terastal Training test, it went up against Floragato after Cetitan was swapped out. It mostly had the advantage of flight until Floragato grabbed its legs with her vine and brought it crashing down with Acrobatics. Both Altaria and Floragato were soon Terastallized by their respective Trainers. A clash between Terastallization-boosted attacks followed, which eventually resulted in Floragato's defeat, causing Liko to lose the battle.
Glaseado Gym is the first Gym to not be located in a town or city since Cinnabar Gym in GenerationsII and IV.
It is the only Gym that is never located in a town or city, as the Cinnabar Gym was originally located on Cinnabar Island (Japanese: グレンタウンGuren Town).