Mind Machine (TCG)

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Mind Machine Box

The Mind Machine Theme Deck from the Skyridge Expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game focuses on all of the basic elemental Pokémon types and contains the following cards: -

Quantity Card Name Type Rarity
4x Natu Psychic Common
3x Xatu Psychic Rare
4x Ditto Colorless Common
4x Rattata Colorless Common
2x Raticate Colorless Common
2x Snorlax Colorless Common
2x Miracle Sphere α T Uncommon
2x Miracle Sphere β T Uncommon
2x Miracle Sphere γ T Uncommon
2x Oracle T Uncommon
4x Moo-Moo Milk (Expedition) T Common
2x Professor Oak's Research (Expedition) T Uncommon
1x Town Volunteers (Aquapolis) T Common
11x Psychic Energy (Expedition) E --
3x Fighting Energy (Expedition) E --
3x Fire Energy (Expedition) E --
3x Grass Energy (Expedition) E --
3x Lightning Energy (Expedition) E --
3x Water Energy (Expedition) E --

  • This is the first Theme Deck to have six elemental types as a focus.
  • Mind Machine includes a random reverse-holographic card from the main set.

Like other Theme Decks, Mind Machine also includes a rulebook, damage counters, status counters, a custom coin (Lugia) and card list. Template:ThemeDeck3