
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Revision as of 04:28, 17 April 2008 by Shiningpikablu252 (talk | contribs) (Subst-ing signature template)

About Me

This user is smart.
This user is agnostic.
This user is an anarchist.
This user uses Google Talk.
This user is in a relationship.
This user is in love.

Template:User MST-Arizona

This user wears glasses.
This user comes from the United States of America.

Psychic Lan


  • Real Name: thomas read
  • ID No. 60907
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 02 November
  • Age: 19 years old
  • Friend Code: 3952 3567 4544
  • Contact:


Hey there. I've been playing Pokémon since way back in Red and Blue version. I've played in every generation since, going by trainer name TJ (Or Tj or T.J.) until Diamond version, when I went with Lan. (Lan se is Chinese for blue, my favourite colour.) I've made a party of only psychic, dark, and ghost types, which are my favourite. Feel free to add me in your pal pad.

My trainer page is where I have all of the info about my current trainer, Lan, so that might be useful to look at.

Searching for

Pokémon I'm currently looking for are Lugia and Celebi. I only deal in legit (not hacked, cloned, or in any way illegally obtained) Pokémon. I'm also always looking for shiny Pokémon, and most legendaries, actually. If you could help me out, please let me know.

File:065MS.gif--Lan 18:22, 7 January 2008 (UTC)File:DuskBallSprite.png