Stench (Ability)

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Stench {{{jpname}}}
Flavor text
Generation III
Helps repel wild Pokémon.
Generation IV
Helps repel wild Pokémon.
Generation V
Currently unknown
Generation VI
Currently unknown
Generation VII
Currently unknown
Generation VIII
Currently unknown
Generation IX
Currently unknown

Stench (Japanese: あくしゅう Stench) is an ability introduced in Generation III that helps repel wild Pokémon. Only four Pokémon have this ability, all of them Template:Type2.

This ability has no effect in battle. However, outside of battle, Stench will help to repel wild Pokémon. It does not prevent wild Pokémon from appearing, it only reduces the chances of encountering them.

Pokémon with Stench

Single ability

No Pokémon have Stench as their only ability.

Dual ability

# Pokémon Type Other ability

Template:Abilityentry2 Template:Abilityentry2 Template:Abilityentry2 Template:Abilityentry2
