Spacial Rift

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Revision as of 21:59, 26 November 2008 by Shiningpikablu252 (talk | contribs) (Switching out outdated GIFs)
← The Nightmare
Spacial Rift
Dark Crater →
Spacial Rift
Please upload an image of this dungeon. [[Image:{{{image}}}|140px]]
Pokémon recruitable Yes
Floors 25
Item allowance
Money allowance Allowed
Team members 4
Starting level Current
Predominant type
Boss Until recruited:
After first visit

Spacial Rift (Japanese: そらのさけめ Sky Fissure) is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2. It has 15 basement floors, a nine-floor deep portion, and a one-floor lower portion. It can be accessed by talking to a Lapras on a shoreline after clearing The Nightmare. On their first visit, players cannot bring in any Pokémon other than their hero and partner. They are also prohibited from recruiting Pokémon in the dungeon.

There is a Locked Room on the 9th floor of Deep Spacial Rift, containing a Treasure Box.


Pokémon Floors Level Recruit Rate
436 Bronzor 7-12 ? ?
006 Charizard 1-15; Deepest Part 1-9 ? ?
441 Chatot 1-6 ? ?
358 Chimecho 5-15; Deepest Part 1-9 ? ?
452 Drapion 1-6 ? ?
096 Drowzee 15; Deepest Part 1-4 ? ?
477 Dusknoir 14-15; Deepest Part 1-4 ? ?
466 Electivire 1-15; Deepest Part 1-9 ? ?
475 Gallade 1-9 ? ?
207 Gligar 6-15; Deepest Part 1-9 ? ?
430 Honchkrow 1-15; Deepest Part 1-4, 6-9 ? ?
097 Hypno Deepest Part 6-9 ? ?
135 Jolteon 1-15; Deepest Part 1-4, 6-9 ? ?
064 Kadabra 1-9, 11-15; Deepest Part 1-4, 6-9 ? ?
337 Lunatone Deepest Part 6-9 ? ?
462 Magnezone 1-15; Deepest Part 1-9 ? ?
484 Palkia Bottom; after first visit ? ?
137 Porygon Deepest Part 3-9 ? ?
302 Sableye 1-15; Deepest Part 1-9 ? ?
338 Solrock 4-10 ? ?
442 Spiritomb 15; Deepest Part 1-5 ? ?
454 Toxicroak 7-15; Deepest Part 1-9 ? ?
357 Tropius 12-15; Deepest Part 1-2 ? ?
178 Xatu 1-7 ? ?

Mystery Part or Secret Slab Required

Pokémon Floors Level Recruit Rate
491 Darkrai 14 53 ?
380 Latias 10 44 ?
381 Latios Deepest Part 5 44 ?
